“Draft for Discussion”


Prof. Ben Kiregyera (Uganda Bureau of Statistics)

Prof. John A Kahimbara (Statistics South Africa)

Mr. O.O. Ajaayi (Independent ConsultantNigeria)

“Draft for Discussion”


  1. Introduction
It was agreed at the 2nd meeting of the Committee on Development Information (CODI) held in April 2001 in the Ethiopian Capital, Addis Ababa that a PARIS21 Africa Chapter be established. However, the TOR for the Chapter and its modus operandi were not given. We cannot wait indefinitely for Addis Ababa to advance the cause of establishing the Chapter. There is a need to move fast to establish the Chapter to work closely with regional and sub-regional groupings in Africa as well as the PARIS21 Secretariat to provide direction and guidance in the development of national statistical systems. The Chapter might take the form of a forum, such as the Asia Statistical Forum, but with the addition of policy makers and others with a key interest in statistics, indicators and other information vital for effective policy-making.

2.Specific Terms of Reference

The specific terms of reference for the Chapter will be to:

work closely with PARIS21 headquarters, regional and sub-regional groupings in Africa to roll out the PARIS21 principles to sub-regions and countries;
provide policy guidelines and best practice examples to ensure that the national statistical systems developed in countries follow “best practices”;
work towards ensuring that partnerships are created and fostered among stakeholders including data producers, data users, the civil society, the academia, the private sector and the press in the countries;
assist in creating greater awareness about the importance of statistics and mobilize resources (national and international) to produce national statistics;
  • sensitise decision makers to the importance of developing statistical capacity to develop effective policies and to monitor their effectiveness, for example by developing links with NEPAD;
organize meetings for heads of national statistical offices and other key stakeholders in the National Statistical Systems in advance of PARIS21 Consortium Meeting;
coordinate statistical activities in different sub-regional groupings;
  • recruit new members;
maintain communication among countries of the region and promote “south-south “ cooperation in statistical development;
  • extend the work of Afristat throughout Africa; and
assist in reviewing progress in implementation of the work programmes on national statistics.


Like the parent body, Membership of the Chapter will include:
major national data user and producer institutions in countries,
  • researchers and academicians
civil society (e.g. NGOs)
relevant donors and international organizations.

It is proposed as follows:

(a)a Regional Steering Committee for the PARIS21 Chapter be established.

(b)one of the regional statistical centres provides the Secretariat for the Chapter.

(c)the Regional Chapter be facilitated with a budget by Headquarters for running a number of activities.

Prepared by:

1.Prof. Ben Kiregyera (Uganda Bureau of Statistics)

2.Prof. John A Kahimbara (Statistics South Africa)

3.Mr. O.O. Ajaayi (Independent ConsultantNigeria)

Dated: 10 June 2002