Yandina Chamber of Commerce inc.

P O Box 308 YANDINA QLD 4561

Minutes of the General Meeting held at the Yandina Bowls Club

Tuesday 13 September at 6.35 pm.

Present: Trevor Thompson, David Tidey, Pat Cordwell, Narelle Lemon, Tracey Grisanti, Liz Gaskin, Dennis Sutton, Jo Law, Jill Pawson

Guest: Tim McMenamin – Division 10 council candidate

Meeting’s Opening: at 6.35 pm by President David

Apologies:Cr Vivien Griffin, Don Turpie, Bob Robertson

Previous Minutes:The Minutes of forum meeting 9 August 2011 were circulated to the meeting. Moved by Dennis and seconded by David that the Minutes as circulated be accepted. Carried.

Correspondence:Inward: Letter from All Coast Tyre Solution- formally Beaurepaires Yandina have joined the Dunlop Super Dealer program and trade as All Coast Tyre Solution. No change in Ownership or Management.

Outward: Minutes and AGM forms.

Treasurer’s Report:Conciliated to bank statement report was presented by Pat. Balance now being $6698.52. Membership fees and sign rental is coming in. Moved by Pat that the Treasurer’s Report as distributed be accepted as a true record,seconded by Dennis -Carried.

Business Arising:Mattie from Riding for the Disabled has spoken to Peter Wellington and Council and an article has been printed in the Daily to try and help this organization find land suitable for their needs. They would appreciate any donations to help with their loan.

Nothing more has been heard about the public toilets needed at the Sports Precinct.

General Business:Pat had spoken to Cr Paul Tatton at the Street Fair about there not being a public disabled toilet anywhere in Yandina. Trevor thought this would have been a regulation that Council provide a toilet for the disabled in all towns. David said when he came back from overseas he would go and see the CEO to see if some direction can be given and what the town planning rules are. Jo said she would ask Ian to ask plumbing inspector about this.

Jo asked about the promise the Northern Connector Pipeline people made when they attended a meeting when she was secretary. It seems they said they would put money into a community project if there were any funds left over. Jo and Tracey to look in their files for minutes from the pipeline meeting.

New Membership:Three new memberships were approved and accepted.

Jeff & Dee Van Doore from Upton Motor Village

Peter O’Leary from All Coast Tyre Solutions

Jill Pawson – Yandina Hardware landlord

Suggested application for membership be sent to Riding for the Disabled and Darryl Gill

As per report at AGM meeting, Trevormoved that a certificate of appreciation be forwarded to John & Tracey from the Timber Hut for their supply and donation of timber seating in the Street Scape area. Seconded by Dennis. Carried

Dennis said the council have put forward new by-laws regarding signs or items blocking footpaths. This and others are on the council web site.

Tim McMenamin – Division 10 council candidate took an interest in the discussions of the meeting. He was interested to hear some of the concerns of Yandina. He said his first goal was to be elected. He sees the council and other governing bodies as dysfunctional and his aim would be to have united group working together. He wants to be an advocate for the people. He can see the benefit of attending community meetings and know what the people want.

David will be away for the next three weeks. He called a management meeting to be held at Cordwell’s on Thursday 15 September at 4.30pm as the next meeting falls on the day he arrives back.

NEXT MEETING will be held at the Bowls Club on Tuesday 11 October at 6.00pm

Meeting Closed at 7.30pm

Pat Cordwell (Treasurer & acting temp Secretary)

Signed by Chairperson as a correct record.

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