
Minutes of Meeting held in Appin Village Hall

Thursday 12th January 2012 at 7.30 p.m.

Present: Alison MacCorquodale, Issy Silkowski, Peter Baker, David Craig, Paul Zvegintzov; Linda MacLeod, Cllrs Elaine Robertson, Neil MacKay, Duncan MacIntyre & Louise Glen-Lee; PC Stuart Johnson + 5 members of the public.

Apologies: Ethel Johnston; Tina Scorgie

Minutes of the last meeting (10/11/11) were approved and signed.

The meeting welcomed Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Amenities with Argyll & Bute Council. He stated that they work closely with Tranport Scotland and Transerv and regularly hold joint meetings. Firstly he gave us an update from Cathel MacAskill, Communications Officer for Transerv. Temporary repairs are being carried out on potholes where required. Flooding at Creagan Inn has found a problem with a pipe and excavator to be used next week to try and resolve problem. A road accident reduction plan study has been completed for the road between Creagan Inn and Appin Holiday Homes and this has gone back to Transport Scotland to decide whether work is required to be carried out. Jim then informed us that the fencing post at Inverfolla junction has been moved. Alison reported that an e-mail to local resident from Transerv has reported that the kerbing which has narrowed the junction is being looked at, and that it was installed in order to comply with current design standards. Jim will take this problem back to Transport Scotland and Transerv.

Jim then went on to talk about the recovery following storm damage with timber at the sides of roads and also repairing road damage, including ditching and pothole repairs. They prefer not to temporary patch potholes but to give them a “one time” permanent repair and to look at underlying problems where potholes persist (eg: ditching problems). They have new machine which is used for road repairs and has proved to have successful results. Member of public stated that sometimes repair is better than the existing road surface – Jim replied that they have to repair in line with road condition but stated that failure to have good drainage can make road surfaces very poor, which is why they carry out a lot of ditching work. Tree clearing from roadside verges is responsibility of landowner and they are working closely with such people and also Forestry Commission to try and clear up areas. Any reports of dangerous trees should be reported to Roads Dept so they can deal with them. The Community Council wished to thank the Roads Dept and any local residents who helping clear trees from roads during and after the storms.

a).Traffic Calming – A828: PC Johnston asked why the village had a gap between the 40mph limits. At the time of getting 40mph limit, the Community Council did fight to have it all the way through, but because there were no lights and pavements, it was not allowed. Complaint that there is no countdown warning signs at start of 40mph to north side of Police Station. PC Johnston stated at present only Traffic Police can carry out speed checks on 40mph roads through villages but legislation is going through which will give him authority to carry them out as well. Cllr MacIntyre stated that a National Speed Limit Survey had been carried out throughout the country and recommendations were due. To ask Jim Smith to help campaign for 40mph limit to go through whole village.

b). School Transport/Public Transport: Cllr Robertson reported that Douglas Blades is in process of getting estimates for the Kirkton bus shelter work.

c). Port Appin and other Council Roads: Nothing further to that discussed above with Jim Smith.

d). Recycling/GRAB: Tina has reported that application is in for the litter picks.

e). Cycle Track: Report of some storm damage on cycle track at Dalnatrat (south of Duror). Cllr MacIntyre reports there is a meeting with Sustrans on 26th January and any issues should be passed to him and Jim Smith prior to that date. The entrance to Appin Holiday Homes caravan park was reported as not being to design standards but reply has

indicated the width and layout was agreed between the landowner the District Valuer. The junction radii at the belmouth was increased and the junction widened. It was also relocated to provide a shallow gradient to prevent vehicle roll-back whilst waiting to join the trunk road. It was also moved away from the hidden dip to improve visibility to the right. The issue is the width of the entrance which is reported to be well below regulations.

Report of safety issue with new bridge below Appin Terrace which has an open railing fence and is dangerous as children could fall through it. Suggested that wire on this would help. Also there are no gates at Portnacroish station where the path goes onto the station platform. Cars are using this, rather than the potholed roadway. The white stones have been moved which is allowing vehicular access.

f). Jubilee Bridge: Mike Rayworth updated meeting on progress. Two tenders have been obtained and grants have been applied for from Crown Estate and Scottish Sea Farms, stressing the environmental and biodiversity issues which can help applications. Glensanda will not help as they only contribute to educational matters. It was thought that biodiversity may be educational so he may go back to them on that. School groups have been seen using the bridge as a viewing area to look at the birds etc. Suggested that viewing platform built on bridge may help funding, but Mike thought it would not be feasible to put this on bridge but perhaps it would be possible on the approach to it. He stressed that the Community will have to help raise money for this project and perhaps the Community Trust may be able to assist. Other possibilities for funding were the Core Path Network and/or Sustrans who both have the bridge shown as paths. Mike to try this – Cllr MacIntyre to get contact details. It was suggested that Strathclyde Fire & Rescue also have money available this financial year but Mike believes that all monies for this year have been spent. There appears to be a health and safety issue regarding the planking and a previous assessment said it should be wider and fenced but this would only be washed away in a storm. Mike to liaise with Argyll & Bute Safety Officer regarding any problems.


·  Spokesperson’s Report – Transportation and Infrastructure – Cllr Duncan MacIntyre – October 2011

·  E-mail Strathclyde Fire Service 10/11/11 – Home Fire Safety Visits (free of charge assessments available)

·  NHS Highland – Letters 15/11/11 & 14/12/11– Argyll & Bute Public Partnership Forum (PPF) Meeting – 29/11/11

·  NHS Highland Newsletter Issue 11 – November 2011

·  E-mail ALIenergy - 16/11/11 – Free white goods scheme (available to those on Pension Credit; Income Support; Jobseekers; Disability, etc) – Contact Tara Livornese, ALIenergy 07867 681990.

·  Copy of Alcohol Etc (Scotland) Act 2010 and Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010.

·  Letter Cllr Duncan MacIntyre – 16/12/11 – Info on various issues raised at meeting of 10/11/11

·  Argyll & Bute Council – Assistance to Third Sector Organisations – Children and Families Social Work Grants – Support Local Communities 2012-2013.

Treasurer’s Report: Report from Tina that money from LEADER for the website and noticeboards has now been paid to us.

Any Other Competent Business

1. Notice boards & Website: Waiting to find out if new owners of Creagan Inn are happy for remaining noticeboard to be installed within their car parking area. If not, this noticeboard will be used at Port Appin pier. Otherwise Allan Colthart to make another noticeboard for Port Appin.

2. Broadband & Mobile Phone Coverage – Cllr MacKay did not make last Tourism Meeting on 22/11/11 to raise issue of poor reception in Argyll. Argyll & Bute Council are pursuing problem in view of recent problems with no mobile signals during storm. They had problems whereby residents having no heating were unable to report problems as they had no phone signal and Argyll & Bute Council have made an official complaint about this. The Vodaphone mast was down in Oban area and there was access problems, hence the delay. Vodaphone users can complain to Vodaphone regarding lost signal and may get a “sure signal box” free for their home. Cllr Glen-Lee stated that Government are trying to progress 4G but SNP have requested this be put on hold until the whole country have access to 3G first.

3. Wee Green Grant – Planters and path beside bird hide – Alison asked whether anyone would be willing to help with this project, but no-one at meeting came forward. Grant assistance may be available via the Lorn & Isles Area Committee.

4. Car Parking – Lonruadh – Cllr Robertson has established that the land in question at Lonruadh is owned by the Council, but no work will be carried out there due to lack of money.

5. Queen Diamond Jubilee – Beacon – Appin Youth Club have agreed to take this project on with proposed site to be at Tynribbie Hill (behind Kirkton). Location will be passed back to Argyll & Bute Council to get it assessed.

6. Clach Thoul old map – Still going through old correspondence to try and trace what may have happened to the sign. Update at next meeting. Paul has had meeting with Bidwells to look at improving the path from Airds Hotel end to which the estate have agreed to, although it will be Community funded. The first 50 yards is worst part and a ditch needs digging further on. Gravel could be obtained from the shore where needed. Volunteers will be needed to help repair this path. The estate stressed that they do not want a “state of the art” path, just small improvements made where needed. Some wood washed up on shore in Appin area may be used if not claimed.

7. Mink Farm – Mink Farm has been tidied up considerably during the summer and photos were circulated to the meeting. The recent storms caused damage to one of the buildings which resulted in polystyrene flying around and covers the shoreline. SEPA and Planning Dept were informed of this and liaising with Mr Wallace on this.

8. Car Parking – Opposite Church/Hall – Dr McNicol and David Colthart are progressing this. Money from LEADER has been awarded but has to be match funded.

9. Primary School – All Weather Pitch – This is ongoing, applications coming in for recent advert for person to help with progressing the project further.

10. Electrical Power problems – Tina is in touch with Hydro Electric in view of recent problems and they are happy to come to one of our meetings. Tina to progress.

11. Lismore/Port Appin Ferry – Cllr MacIntyre reported that the Ferry Review document was issued on 23/12/11 and recommendations are that the Lismore Ferry will become the car/passenger ferry for the island. Obviously lots of new infrastructure will be needed, including bus service connections, etc. A public meeting will be arranged in Appin in February for the community to have their chance to put their views forward on the changes needed. All this will then be pulled together for the Community Council meeting in March as we have to reply to consultation by 30th March. ***** PUBLIC MEETING – APPIN VILLAGE HALL - 11TH FEBRUARY at 2PM ***************

Ferry review document available at :

12. Dangerous Tree – Portnacroish – Resident at Portnacroish has reported her concerns for large tree opposite her house which is in dangerous state. This was one of the trees left uncut as you go down towards the Argyll & Bute Council Yard. This particular tree was partially cut round its circumference but was never finished and now the tree has died. To follow this up.

Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting: 8th March 2012 at 7.30pm

Appin Village Hall
