Anatomy and Physiology Semester 1 Exam Study Guide

Use this guide to direct your attention toward the information to be covered by the test.

Semester 1 (Chapters 1 – 7)

  1. What is the study of the body’s structure?
  1. What is the hierarchical order or the body from smallest to largest?
  1. What is considered the smallest living unit?
  1. Which part of a control system detects a change?
  1. Describe anatomical position.
  1. Which orientation/directional terms describe the front of the human body?
  1. Which orientation terms describe the relationship between the skin and the bones?
  1. Which plane divides the body into right and left halves?
  1. Which ventral cavity lacks bony protection?
  1. Which four elements compose 96% of the body?
  1. Give an example of a compound.
  1. Which type of reaction is the result of the joining of two or more reactants?
  1. Why is water important in body processes?
  1. How is an acid indicated on the pH scale?
  1. Which type of molecule is starch?
  1. How do the nitrogenous bases of DNA pair?
  1. Which type of molecule is an enzyme?
  1. How is RNA structurally different from DNA?
  1. Where are ribosomes assembled in the cell?
  1. What allows substances to pass directly between cells?
  1. Which organelle has attached ribosomes?
  1. What are the two types of endocytosis?
  1. During which phase of mitosis are sister chromatids separated?
  1. Simple columnar epithelium usually contains which type of cells that produce mucous?
  1. What are three examples of connective tissue?
  1. Which type of epithelial tissue has an unusually good ability to stretch?
  1. Which type of epithelial tissue is found in areas with large amounts of friction?
  1. Which type of tissue are tendons?
  1. Which type of muscle contains intercalated disks?
  1. Which type of muscle is found in the walls of hollow organs?
  1. Where are serous membranes found?
  1. Which connective tissue membrane is found around joints?
  1. Which type of membrane is the skin?
  1. Which type of sweat gland is found under the arms?
  1. Which vitamin is produced in the skin when it is exposed to UV radiation?
  1. Which protein is responsible for making the skin and finger nails tough?
  1. Which type of epithelial tissue composes the outermost part of the skin?
  1. What composes the hypodermis?
  1. Which homeostatic imbalance of the skin results from coming in contact with chemicals?
  1. Which protein is responsible for the tanning effect and the different colors of human skin?
  1. Which layer of the epidermis contains the melanocytes?
  2. Which finger-like projections from the dermis are responsible for fingerprints?
  1. What is the first threat after a severe third degree burn?
  1. What are indications of melanoma?
  1. Which type of bone is usually cube shaped?
  1. What are the functions of the two types of bone marrow?
  1. What is the difference between compact and spongy bone?
  1. What is the name of the small cavities that contain the osteocytes in bone tissue?
  1. Which type of tissue precedes bone tissue in an embryo?
  1. Describe a compound fracture.
  1. What is included in the axial skeleton?
  1. Through which skull bone does the foramen magnum pass?
  1. How many of each type of vertebra exists?
  1. What is the correct order of the ribs from superior to inferior?
  1. Which types of muscle have involuntary control?
  1. Which type of muscle is multinucleate and is striated?
  1. Name three functions of the muscular system.
  1. What is the contractile unit of a muscle fiber that is found between two Z lines?
  1. Which myofilament is considered to be thick?
  1. What is a motor unit?
  1. What is the function of calcium during skeletal muscle contraction?
  1. Which neurotransmitter is responsible for starting muscle contractions?
  1. To which filament do myosin crossbridges attach?
  2. How is a twitch different from a tetanic contraction?
  1. What is the difference between an isotonic and an isometric contraction?
  1. Which muscle allows the raising of the eyebrows?
  1. Which muscle connects to the heel by way of the calcaneal tendon?
  1. Which two large muscles are on the dorsal side of the torso?
  1. Which type of muscle assists a prime mover?
  1. Which muscle allows you to move your lips?
  1. Which type of contraction sees a limb moved away from the body?
  1. What does the CNS contain?
  1. Which type of neuroglia is ciliated and moves the CSF?
  1. Which type of neuron process usually receives incoming stimuli?
  1. What is the difference between white and gray matter?
  1. Describe ion concentrations for a polarized neuron.
  1. How are muscles and glands described?
  1. On the surface of the cerebral cortex, how is a shallow groove described?
  1. What separates the frontal and parietal lobes?
  1. Which lobe contains the primary motor cortex?
  1. Which two diseases see a degeneration of the basal ganglia?
  1. What is the order of the meninges from outermost to innermost?
  1. Where is the CSF formed?
  1. Which type of chemical transmits a signal between neurons at the synapse?