
Campus Neighborhoods Revitalization Corporation

Regular Meeting, November 9, 2016

7:30 AM, 709 Beechurst Ave., Suite 30

Morgantown WV

Present were Board President Reed Tanner, City Manager Glenn Kelly, Bill Kawecki, Ron Justice, Ryan Hess, and Mayor Marti Shamberger. Absent were Board Vice President David Satterfield and Secretary-Treasurer Narvel Weese. Also present was Chet Parsons representing TIF Engineering Firm AECOM.

President Tanner called the meeting to order at 7:45 AM.

Minutes for the October 12, 2016 meeting were approved as printed by unanimous vote. Motion by Ryan Hess, second by Bill Kawecki.




Chet Parsons highlighted the main features of the streetscape for Third Street as represented on a graphic image illustrating design progress to this point in the preliminary design phase. (See hard copy attachment to Minutes as printed).

Mr. Parsons emphasized several elements of the current design:

1.  Turn lane at Beechurst removed from streetscape by vote of Board at October 2016 meeting. AECOM aware of concern for bollard and other matters re: the right turn on to Beechurst; will address in future iterations.

2.  Features of the corridor that identify improvements to corridor agreed upon by Board in previous meetings:

·  40 ft. ROW from Beechurst to Grant Ave.

·  street trees (6 new) identified for east side of corridor

·  pedestrian lights between sidewalks and residential areas

·  existing utility poles & their location

·  six ft. sidewalks with utility poles remaining in place

·  curb cuts for ADA compliance crosshatched

·  Mr. Craig's driveway, missing in earlier graphic, now in place and identified for curb cut

·  pedestrian steps from Beverly for steepest descent, 22% slope, from Beverly to alleyway, but uncertain whether or not steps need to go down as far as alley itself

·  recommend adjusting stop bars on U. Ave. by ten feet southward to facilitate turning movement of vehicles coming up Third St. & right onto U. Ave. plus fence structure on right at U. Place as visual cue to curb in turn

  • Summation: current graphic constitutes the base map that AECOM will work from in future iterations of the streetscape.


Motion by Bill Kawecki, second by Ryan Hess to go into executive session.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 AM


Narvel G. Weese, Jr. Secretary-Treasurer