The Weekly Flaming Chalice

Unitarian Universalist Community Church

Sunday Services

June 15, 2014

Worship Service ~ 10AM ~ Rev. Sharon Piantedosi

A disappearing act is defined as an instance of someone being impossible to find, especially when they are required to face something unpleasant. But what of the magician's disappearing acts? Are all disappearing acts then illusions? With my last sermon I will explore disappearing acts that just may stretch any illusions you hold.


Worship Service ~ 10AM ~ Rev. Sharon Piantedosi

Where we Live--A Year Later ~ 11:30 – 1:00 PM (FH)


Monday: SGM (M. Nabar) ~ 6:00 PM~ (FH)

SGM Ellis-McKeen (D. Maddi) ~ 6:30 PM ~ (CR)

Sangha ~ 6:30 PM ~ (S)

Tuesday: Open Alanon Meeting ~ 12:00 PM ~ (R)

Immigration Working Group (S. Ralph) ~ 4:30PM (R)

SGM (T. Cairn) ~ 6:00 PM ~ (CR)

Wednesday: SGM (D. Sorenson) ~ 1:30 PM ~ (Off)

SGM (P. Lamb) ~ 6:30 ~ (DH)

Just Guys ~ 6:30 PM ~ Fellowship Hall

Thursday: SGM (Helen Z.) ~10:00 AM ~ (CR)

Saturday: Meditation ~ 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM ~ (DH)

UUCCOO (D. McCormick) ~ 9:30 AM ~ (S)


Worship ~ 10:00 AM ~ Summer Solstice


Where we Live--A Year Later

Today! 11:30 – 1:00 pm, Fellowship Hall. Light snacks and conversation, a year after the Small Group Ministry series about where we will live as we grow older. Share what has happened -- or not -- in the last year, and share resources discovered along the way. Contact Helen Zidowecki for more information (582-5308, ).

Yard Sale and Hannah’s Boutique

You’ve heard the good news—the church brought in over $1,300 from the yard sale, with additional amounts coming in during the last two coffee hours. Sunday, June 15 is truly the last day for Hannah’s Boutique. On display now are a few desirable summer items—including a pretty framed painting (or print?) of a bridge, eight crystal dessert dishes, a doll dressed in pink, summer travel bags, and colorful earrings to match your every summer outfit. Often using semi-precious stones, Michele Dooling created this jewelry especially for the church sale. Take a fresh look at the new and final display.

Hannaford Cash Card Table

Our next reloads are planned for Monday, June 23 and Tuesday, June 24. If your card balance is now low, please consider an immediate purchase of a handy bonus card during the coffee hour to use in the interim. Once the church sells all the bonus cards, we will have raised over $3,500 in 2013-2014 by this program--$1,000 over budget.These cards are now available in the following denominations: $50, $65, $70 and $74. You’ll be glad to have one with you the next time you shop at Hannaford.


Libby Weeks, 629-8160, seeks a ride to New Jersey soon to visit her mother in hospice care. Libby will pay gas and tolls. An alternative is to transport her to the Amtrak station in Boston where she can get onto the train with her wheelchair. Friends will meet her in New Jersey. Phone 629-8160 any time.

Wonderful Newfoundland, Seeking Loving Home

The Chapin family is looking to find a new home for our 8 year old, 142lb, Newfoundland, Sebastian. He has lived with us his entire life, and is the sweetest dog anyone could ask for. He is incredibly calm and good around children of all ages. He shows very little aggression towards male dogs, and none at all towards females. He is allergic to wheat and a number of dog foods.

It is very important to us that he go to a church family. We feel a lot of support coming from our church community, and would like to be able to maintain a relationship with Sebastian. If anyone is willing and able to give our dog a good home, please contact Emma Chapin at (207) 458-3098, or Gary Chapin at (207) 458-1726.

Building and Grounds Notice

We are looking for Augusta members who would be responsible for putting out the trash barrels on Tuesday and retrieving them on Wednesday. It would be nice if more than one person offered so the duty could rotate. This has worked out well with the lawn crew volunteers.

Next Building and Grounds workday is Saturday July 12th from 9-12. There will not be a workday in June.

Soup Kitchen Donations Needed!

Bread of Life Ministries are in need of donated items to help serve lunch six days per week. Below is a “wish list” of items that would be most helpful. Items can be dropped off at the Soup Kitchen at 157 Water Street in Augusta during the morning on weekdays, or at the main office (upstairs from the Soup Kitchen) until 3:00 pm on weekdays.

Soup Kitchen Wish List

instant rice (not boil-in-bag)

instant mashed potatoes

salad dressing

drink mixes (lemonade, Kool-aid, iced tea)

canned vegetables

canned fruit

baked beans

tub margarine

gravy mixes

spaghetti sauce

squeeze bottles of ketchup and mustard

single-ply bath tissue, paper towels, liquid dish detergent, powdered detergent for dishwasher, laundry detergent

large Sam’s Club items are especially convenient

Please: no corn, peanut butter, pasta, dessert mixes, out-dated or opened packages

Lost and Found Items: If anyone has found the following items please contact the church office!

A lost pocketbook, about 2-3 weeks ago. It is medium small with a plethora of key chains hanging from it.

News From the UUCC Office

Please Note: Next week the Office will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Steve will not be in the Office on Thursday and we will return to the regular schedule the following week.

Plan ahead for IN-GATHERING service on September 7th.

UUCC has a long- standing tradition in which members and friends return from their summer sojourns with a vessel of water from their travels. The water communion ritual is a annual event in which our individual water is collected in one large vessel to symbolize our unity amid our diversity.

This year we are asking members and friends of the congregation to bring in water from local sources. Waters gathered while partaking in the age old ritual of community building with nature, friends, family, committees, small groups. In addition to bringing the water,

We are also asking members and friends to bring in a photo from one summer adventure. The picture may or may not be the adventure wherein you gathered your water. The only requirement is it is taken in community that inspires or transforms, celebrates or memorializes, brings a sense of peace or stirs up anticipation and excitement.

Adult Enrichment Classes

This past year there have been a number of requests for more opportunities for adult classes at UUCC. As we begin to think forward to the 2014/15 church year, I have created a survey to better understand the interests of the community. You will find a copy of the survey and some potential books to use with these options in the display case at the church. All options bellow are dependent upon interest level and available facilitators. Please indicate which ones you think you would be interested in participating in and/or facilitating. You may leave the completed survey in the basket in the display case.

Neighbor to Neighbor

Throughout the summer UUCC takes up the work of leading the planning, preparing and serving a monthly free public supper at St. Marks. The dates and lead organizers are as follows:

June 7th – Rev Carie Johnsen & James McAuliffe

395-8051 or

July 5th – Nancee Campbell

621-7727 or nancee1944

August 2nd – Liz Johnsen and Family


Your help is needed to prepare, set-up, serve and clean-up. Please join us as we share in the work of caring for our community. You can sign up in the fellowship hall at church or contact the lead organizer for the month you are available to assist.v

Monthly Themes for 2014/15

Thank you to all who participated in bringing forward the themes. It is helpful to know what is on the hearts and minds of the people in the pews. The themes chosen were part of the top 12 selected.

September Inclusive Community

October Aging

November Classism

December Mystery

January Transformation

February Loss-grief-acceptance

March Play & Laughter

April Sustaining Earth

May Arts and Spirituality

Summer Personal Spirituality