Consents questions with explanatory comments

Project Summary tab

Current consents system / Explanatory comments – replacement text
Project Details
Box Title: Project Information
  • Project Title?
/ Concise description/title only, eg 'New Central Heating System', 'Refurbishment of Hall' or 'Sale of Land'
  • Project Description?
/ Short description of property changes, list property changes only
Project activities
Box Title: [none]
  • Type? Description? Cost?
/ Specific building activities broken down, with costs. Only significant alterations/refurbishments will be funded.
Box Title: Replacement Project?
Connexional Property Grants
Project Funding
  • Circuit comments?(max 150 words)
/ If a Fund for Property grant application has been made, please indicate whether you are supportive, including any Circuit funding and date of meeting when decision was made.
  • District comments?(max 150 words)
/ If a Fund for Property grant application has been made, please indicate whether you are supportive, including any District funding and date of meeting when decision was made.

Project Purpose tab

Current consents system / Explanatory comments – replacement text
Church Vision
Box Title: Church details
  • Church vision, mission, background?(max 500 words)
/ Describe vision and mission of your church and relevance of project, also church background (congregation, growth, users, aspirations). A mission statement should show the purpose and aims of your church so that activities can be measured against it. Please upload your vision/mission statement(s).
  • Mission review?(max 250 words)
/ Timing of last review and concise summary, how does this relate to existingmissionor inform changes to mission?
  • Mission, vision, outcomes?
(max 500 words) / Link between mission/vision and Our Calling
/Methodist Priorities. How will changes to building bring about change in these areas? What are the expected changes (outcomes) and their impact, are they missional? What other factors may affect impact, how are existing users integrated? Is there still space for congregation?
Project Priorities
Box Title: Priorities
  • Circuit priorities?(max 200 words)
/ How does the project fulfil circuit mission and priorities? Please upload any mission and priorities documents.
  • Youth Work?(max 200 words)
/ How does the project improve or innovate youth work?
  • Local community?(max 200 words)
/ What is the benefit to local community/mission?
  • Ecumenism?(max 200 words)
/ Is there ecumenical involvement in outreach/worship?
  • New models of church?(max 200 words)
/ How will the project develop new or improve existing model of church?
Section Title: Project Outcomes
Box Title: Outcomes
  • Reasons for undertaking project? (max 250 words)
/ What is the need, ie what are the limitations of current building? What do all users want?

Additional tab – no changes needed

Grant tab

Grant Info
Box Title: The Project
  • Environmental impact? (max 250 words)
/ Please email you require further information
  • Management plan? (max 250 words)
/ Please email if you require further information
  • Start/finish date?
/ [please add to existing text - ]Please note property grants expire within three years of the date when they are given.
Box Title: Finance
  • Balance in hand? Church/Circuit

  • Unallocated funds? Church/Circuit

Box Title: Anticipated draw down
  • Years 1 to 5
/ [please add to existing text - ]Please note property grants expire within three years of the date when they are given. You should therefore draw down property funds at the beginning not the end of the project.
  • Non-essential costs (max 250 words)
/ Which costs are not essential if total amount of funding is not received?
  • Contingency funding plans (max 250 words)

Box Title: Grant conditions
  • Abiding by relevant legislation? (max 250 words)
/ Please confirm that you agree to implement and abide by all current relevant property legislation.
  • Conditions imposed by other funders? (max 250 words)
/ If you have any other areas of compliance (eg from other funders) please identify the funders, and outline the conditions. Please confirm that they do not conflict with connexional grant or Standing Order requirements.
  • District support(max 150 words)
/ How does the project fit to the District mission plan & priorities and how does District support fit with current policies? Please note - this is different from District Consent. For your application for a Connexional Grant to be considered,District ‘in principle’ support must be indicated. Please upload District mission plans, priorities and policies.

Documents tab – no change

Authorisations tab

Authorisations section
Box Title: Managing trustee authorisation
Box Title: Connexional authorisation / Completing the box below indicates that this project has been reviewed and checked by the Connexional Team and forwarded to the Strategy and Resources Committee.
Box Title: Conservation authorisation
Box Title: Final consent / Completing the box below indicates that this project has been given final consent