Civic League Meeting Notes

September 1, 2011

Doti Parker, league president, recognized the 2 new families present at the meeting.

Healthy Portsmouth:

H.P. is gathering interesting facts about the neighborhood for placards that will be placed around the one mile walking trail.

Treasurer Report: $2305.42 ($623.37 parks, $1682.05 League)

Membership: 92 Members


November 5th will be the Chili Cookoff and Bike Rodeo and Portsmouth Walks opening ceremony. For that day, we are looking for things to make the bike path interesting. Fire Departments and neighbors will participate in a chili cookoff. We are looking for sponsors for prizes for the bike rodeo. We will also have bike decorating for the little kids that may not ride in the rodeo. We have a possible zumba instructor for that day.

Halloween ideas – apple hanging, pumpkin carving contest

Ideas from the group – bonfires for Halloween, tree lighting at Christmas. The Portsmouth Humane Society is interested in doing portraits as a fundraiser. Possibly to combine with the homes tour.


Randy will add a comment box to the website for people to add interesting facts about the neighborhood or its past residents.


Nicole is the new parks person. October 15th – Riverfront cleanup from 10:00 – 12:00. This will ensure that the riverfront is clean for Halloween and the bike rodeo. We will also spread mulch at that time.


The 6 lots on Douglas are up for a planning review on Sept 6th. HPC does not have anything to do with the size of the lots or driveway, only the look of the house. Contact HPC if you are planning on any exterior change to you home. Anything that is visible from the street must be approved.

Porch Talk

Will be late because of the hurricane.

Homes Tour

Dec 4th. At the first committee meeting, it was discussed that we need volunteers for hosting, selling tickets. Tickets will be available beginning at the November Civic League Meeting. Tickets are $12 in advance, $14 on the day of the tour, $8 for military. The homes do not have to be historical, just a part of the neighborhood. Refreshments will be served. There will be covered bonfires along the route.

Ways and Means

Sept 24th – mulch delivery- bagged mulch. 10% of the proceeds will be given to the Elizabeth River project. Mulch will be delivered for tips.

Speaker: Ted Lamm, Cradock Neighborhood Watch

Ted described the gang and crime issues that were prevalent in Cradock. The neighbors got together and decided to fight back by forming a neighborhood watch. The started evening patrols of 2 people each, they identified themselves with T-shirts, hats and magnets for the car doors. The patrols lasted 2 hours. The NW put out “No Drug Trafficking” signs in the neighborhood. They copied license plates of suspicious vehicles. They also issued a monthly newsletter which was distributed to the entire neighborhood. The received donated outdoor lights and had volunteers install them at dark homes. Ted is the NW coordinator, they also had block captains. They received training by Joyce Sargeant from the Portsmouth Police Dept. They were funded entirely by donations, most of them collected at the monthly neighborhood meetings.

PMT Warehouse Update: The warehouse plan was cancelled. The building and paper storage was too heavy for the ground that they wanted to install it on. There is no other plan at this time.

Tire Update: Tires are finally being picked up again. The sheriff’s inmate work crew is back to work.