

Breaking down the First 5 Presidents:

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

/ When was Washington the President? / How did Washington view the office of the President?
How was Washington’s power and the government “tested” during his presidency? / How did Washington solve the complex problem of running the executive branch? / What presidential traditions were begun by Washington? / What key issue caused the creation of America’s first political party system?

Complete this table on the first political parties: (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

Federalist Party / Democratic-Republican Party
Key Beliefs:

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

When was John Adams the President? / What was the XYZ Affair? / What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? /
How did these express the anti-French feelings of the Federalists?

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

What was so significant about the election of 1800? / From whom did Jefferson buy the Louisiana Purchase? / / When was Jefferson the President? / What foreign affairs problems did Jefferson face in office?
What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the U.S.? / Why would the Louisiana Purchase have been illegal? / Who was authorized to explore the Louisiana Purchase? / What Native American woman gave assistance during this expedition?

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

/ How do we already “know” of him? / What did the U.S. gain from this war?
When was James Madison the President? / What were the significant causes of the War of 1812? / Why would it be considered to be the “Second War for Independence”?
When was James Monroe the President? / Why do historians often refer to this as the “Era of Good Feelings”? / What were the key aspects of the Monroe Doctrine? /
/ Who was this Chief Justice for the Supreme Court through most of the Early National Period? / What did his decisions do for the power of the national Government? / What was the significance of Marbury v. Madison? / What was the significance of McCulloch v. Maryland?

In your opinion, which of the first 5 Presidents did the MOST to secure the safety of the United States and preserve the future? WHY?

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

What is Manifest Destiny? / / How and when did the U.S. acquire the FloridaTerritory?
What invention spurred expansion into the deep south and Texas? / Why did the settlers in Texas want independence?
Why was the Alamo so significant? / / What effect did the cotton gin have on slavery?
Which President is associated with the annexation of Texas? / When did Texas join the U.S.?
/ Which President was the expansionist who wanted war with Mexico?
Why did the U.S. go to war against Mexico? / What factors enabled the U.S. to win this war?
What did the U.S. gain from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? / What modern day states were acquired in the territory gained from Mexico?
How did the outcome of this war assist Manifest Destiny?

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

/ When did the U.S. gain some land claims in Oregon?
With whom did we have to share?
Who was the President that wanted to gain the OregonTerritory?
What was meant by the phrase, “54-40 or Fight”?
How was the issue resolved?
What was the Oregon Trail?
What were people looking for on the Oregon Trail?
What was the general effect of Manifest Destiny on the Native Americans? / / What was the Trail of Tears?
What caused the Trail of Tears? / What effect did expansion and the railroads have on the Sioux and other plains people?

Answer each question in the box (be sure to use BLUE for your response)

/ What was the largest single land acquisition?
When did the U.S. gain Louisiana?
When did the U.S. gain Florida?
When did the U.S. gain Texas?
When did the U.S. gain Oregon?
When did the U.S. gain the Mexican Cession?
When did the U.S. make the Gadsden Purchase?
Which President was responsible for gaining the most land for the U.S.?

VUS.6d – Andrew Jackson

1. What is the “Age of Jackson”?

2. What is the electoral college?

3. Why was there no electoral college winner in 1824?

4. What was the “Corrupt Bargain”?

5. What new party was founded by Jackson and his followers?

6. What were some of their key beliefs?

7. Define the following terms:


Spoils System:

Presidential Veto:


8. When did Jackson win the presidency?

9. How was there greater suffrage during this election?

10. Why would this election be considered a victory for “the common man”?

11. How did Jackson utilize the spoils system?

12. Why did he feel that it was a good idea?

13. What problems are associated with the spoils system?

14. How did Jackson deal with Indian Removal?

15. “John Marshall has made his decision, let him go to Georgia to enforce it.” What was Jackson referring to by this?

16. What was the Trail of Tears?

20. Why did Jackson hate the bank so much?

21. What steps did Jackson take to kill the national bank?

22. What was the economic result of his war on the bank?

23. Why is Jackson’s legacy considered to be mixed?

VUS.6e; Events leading to the Civil War

  1. Why was there such an issue over the number of slave states and free states?
  1. Describe the elements of the Northern Economy:
  1. Describe the elements of the Southern Economy:
  1. Why were tariffs such a problem?
  1. Identify the key provisions (elements) of the Missouri Compromise:
  1. What was the nullification theory?
  1. How was there nearly a crisis?
  1. How was the nullification crisis resolved?
  1. Identify the key provisions of the Compromise of 1850:
  1. What is “popular sovereignty”?
  1. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act hope to solve the issue of slavery in those territories?
  1. What was the result?
  1. Around what issues was the Republican Party born?
  1. Who became their early leader?
  1. For what office were Lincoln and Douglas competing in 1858?
  1. What were their key differences as they debated?
  1. Who won the election?
  1. What was the court’s decision in the Dred Scott Case?
  1. Which region was outraged by this decision?
  1. What did Lincoln mean by “A house divided against itself cannot stand”?
  1. Who were the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement before the Civil War?
  1. What was the Seneca Falls Declaration?
  1. So, what were the 4 key issues that divided the U.S. and led to the Civil War?