Table of Contents Page

4-H Fair Program Schedule 9

General Rules 27

Division A Beef 31

Division B Cats 33

Division C Dairy 34

Division D Dogs 35

Division E Dairy Goats 38

Division E-1 Pygmy Goats 39

Division E-2 Boer (Meat) Goats 40

Division F Horse & Pony 41

Division G Poultry 47

Division H Rabbits 49

Division I Sheep 51

Division J Small Pets 53

Division K Swine 54

Division L Animal & Veterinary Sciences 57

Division M Communications, Journalism, Photography, Theater Arts 58

Division M-1 Public Presentations/Demonstrations 61

Division N Citizenship, Intercultural, &Leadership 62

Division N-1 Consumer Education 65

Division O Health 66

Division P Child Development 67

Division Q Intergenerational 68

Division R Clothing & Fashion Revue 69

Division S Foods 71

Division T Interior Design 74

Division U Visual Arts, Models, Reading, Creative Writing, Scrapbooking & Collections 75

Division V Engineering & Technology: Aerospace, Bicycle, Computers, Electricity,

Sm. Engines, Tractor, Woodworking, Geospatial, Robotics, Welding 78

Division W Natural Resources, Conservation, Sportsfishing, Entomology, Forestry, Geology 85

Division X Corn, Small Grains, & Soybeans 89

Division Y Floriculture, Flower Arranging 91

Division Z Vegetable Gardening, Horticulture, Plant & Soil Sciences 92


Division Do Your Own Thing, Cloverbuds 94










PRESIDENT Steve Jorstad



TREASURER Doreen Harlow


Skeeter Ehrman

Tammy Halterman

Andrew Krull

Ron Frye

Russell Rogers


July 27, 28 & 29

University of Illinois Extension at Urbana-Champaign provides equal opportunities in employment and programs and prohibits discrimination regardless of race, religion, sex, or national origin.


"The Department of Agriculture shall use its best efforts to secure sufficient appropriations to fund premiums. In any year for which the General Assembly of the State of Illinois fails to make an appropriation sufficient to pay such premiums, premium amounts may not be accurately reflected in this Premium Book."


Extension Program Council 2012-2013

Serving Grundy, Kankakee & Will Counties


Steve Jorstad

Natalie Mahler

Betty Pierce

Kristie Polk

Ed Wiesbrook

Karen Zelko


Janice Blanchette

Lucy James

Aggie Karns

Ron Strawson

Marc Wakat

Tim Yohnka


Tycee Bell

Steve Francis

Bill Johnson

Karen Keller

Everett Moeller

Dianne Ross

4-H Livestock Committee:

Pam Brockman

Pat Carey

Bill Chapin

Andrew Krull

Sarah Peterson

David Siedentop

Eric Smith

Mark Wills

Ron Wills

Janet Wills

4-H Horse Committee:

Brooke & Bryanne Baker

Darcie Ehrman

Skeeter Ehrman

Nicole Hawkins

Al & Bobbi Kingman

Lisa Leach – Horse Bowl Coach

Lee Miller

Meagan Monbarren

Expansion & Review/Policies Committee:

Harry Benner

Gabi & Sam Born

Julie Buck

Donna Cockream

John Davis

Noreen Dollinger

Donna Jeschke

Tasha Bunting

Jim Lutz

Kristie Polk

Caroline Portlock

Randy Seggebruch

Jean Tyrell

Debbie & Heidi Warning

Grundy County Extension Personnel

County Director, Serving Grundy, Kankakee & Will Counties Beth LaPlante

Youth Development Educator, Serving Grundy, Kankakee & Will Counties John Davis

Office Support Associate Chris Delach

4-H Program Coordinator Brooke Baker

Extra Help Kaitlyn Harlow

Extra Help Abby Lamping

Extra Help Katie Mullaney

Extra Help Amanda Zelko



4-H Rocking Rebels

Lisa Leach

Coal City Community

Darcie Ehrman

Kristin Connelly

Amy Gernenz

Nicole Hawkins

Jennifer Goebel

Meagan Monbarren

Highland Ag.

Amanda Anderson

Doreen Harlow

Kaitlyn Harlow

Rita Mills

Homes Cool Kids

Donna Cockream

Theodora Warmack

Lucky Green

Joan Soltwisch

Kim Nave

MVK Community Club

Margo Lewandowski

Beth Muller

Danah Kenney

Saratoga Ag.

Patti Tesdal

Karen Zelko

Silver Spurs

Mindy Collins

Cindy Putty

Annette Harris

Nicole Lindemann

Wauponsee Ag.

Eric Frobish

Kim Wolfer

Theresa Hudson

Special Interest Group Leaders


Klover K-9

Diane McLuckie


2011-2012 University of Illinois Extension/Grundy County

Extension is the largest and most successful informal education system in the world. University of Illinois, Grundy County Unit’s needs and priorities are determined by the Unit Extension Council, which is comprised entirely of local volunteers.

Simply stated, Extension's mission is to provide practical education you can trust to help people, businesses, and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future. It's like having your own door to the University of Illinois. You can open that door by contacting the Unit at 4004 N. Division Street; Morris, IL. or by calling (815) 942-2725, faxing (815) 942-9519 or e-mailing Visit our website at

Educational programs and responses to residents' requests for information are provided by the Unit Office staff and Extension Educators. Local staff includes Beth LaPlante, County Director; John Davis, Extension Youth Educator; Brooke Baker, 4-H Program Coordinator, Chris Delach, Office Support Associate; and Extra Help staff: Kaitlyn Harlow, Abby Lamping, Amanda Zelko and Katie Mullaney. Other Extension Educators are available to Grundy County to meet educational needs.

In addition, program outreach is multiplied by the contributions of 300+ local volunteers that donate their time and expertise to implement educational opportunities. In this program year alone, an additional 3,100 youth were served. Grundy County residents are fortunate to have access to Master Gardeners (locally trained volunteers) to assist them on an individual basis.

The Grundy County Extension Office had many successful endeavors this past year. The following is a list of accomplishments during the 11-12 year.

·  1400 entries were exhibited at 4-H Fair

·  9 4-H clubs which support 212 youth. Held Fall Recognition Banquet with over 130 in attendance.

·  Workshops in horticulture, horse clinics, animal ethics, PQA, cake decorating, GPS, Robotics, livestock judging, and horse bowl

·  Local youth/families attended 4-H Camp Shaw-waw-nas-see.

·  300 families learn life skills and 4-H events through the 4-H Newsletter.

·  50 members in Grundy County Association for Home & Community Education. Smorgasbord Bi-monthly newsletters were distributed which contained information regarding HCE activities and educational updates. Lessons are typically taught by U of I Extension Educators. Host monthly HCE Book Club.

·  8 Junior high schools participated in Government Day submitting over 500 essays.

·  70 students experienced county government first hand by holding official positions for a day.

·  Over 2000 people learned about environmental issues at the 21st Annual Earth Expo (formerly Environmental Fair).

·  25 adults and children participated in 4-H dog obedience classes.

·  30 youth attended a four-day Camp Clover.

·  30 participated in a Project Day held at the extension office. 50 youth & adults attended Murder Mystery.

·  12 adults participated in Poultry Workshop with U of I Poultry Specialist

·  37 adults received information on Land Leasing through a workshop with U of I Specialist

·  13 adults participated in the Creekside Natural Farms Sustainable Ag. Tour

·  13 adults participated in Estate Planning Workshop

·  18 youth and adults attended table center piece making workshop.

·  Assisted Farm Bureau with Ag-in-The Classroom – 900 students.

·  200 youth reach through short-term project in Embryology via school classrooms. Program included teacher training.

·  900 youth learned about forestry at natural resources day activity.

·  121 youth at No Tolerance Task Force event on Healthy Living.

·  1 youth on State Leadership Team

·  55 youth showed exhibits at State Fair.

·  Friends of Extension held third Draw Down with Grundy County Farm Bureau Foundation in March.

·  Officer Training was held with 18 4-H members and 6 adults participating.

·  2011 Walk to School – 311 Youth at Gardner.

·  Local office does monthly WCSJ Radio Show.

·  105 people attended Raging Waves Outing.

·  3376 total youth contacts through 4-H, Workshops, and School Programs.

5 Beth LaPlante, County Director



ALL 4-H CLUBS ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE MEMBERS & PARENTS AVAILABLE FOR BOTH DAYS OF CLEAN-UP FOR FAIR. The clean-up dates will be Thursday, July 25 2013 at 4:00 p.m. and Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.

ART HALL AND DINING HALL - Bring the following when you come: Brooms, Dust pans, and Pails with rags and sponges if you can.

BARNS - Bring the following when you come: Pitchforks, Rakes, Shovels, and Pick-up Trucks.

GROUNDS & PAVILION - Bring trash bags, brooms, and dustpans.





Sunday, July 28 - 7:00 p.m.

Sheep Show Arena

Grand Champion Steer

Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Grand Champion Market Heifer

Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer

Top 2 Gaining Show Steers

Top 4 Steer Carcass Halves

Top 1/2 Rate-of-Gain Steers (Minimum of 2)

Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Fryer

Reserve Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Fryer

Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Roaster

Reserve Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Roaster

Grand Champion Pen of Ducks

Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Ducks

Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen

Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Meat

Grand Champion Single Fryer Rabbit Priced Per

Reserve Grand Champion Single Fryer Rabbit Head

One 5-pound wheel of cheese representing Dairy Industry

One Gallon of Milk representing Dairy Industry

Grand Champion Dairy Wether Goat

Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Wether Goat

Grand Champion Boer Wether Goat

Reserve Grand Champion Boer Wether Goat

Grand Champion Market Ewe Lamb

Reserve Grand Champion Market Ewe Lamb

Grand Champion Wether

Reserve Grand Champion Wether

Top 1/2 Sheep Carcasses (Minimum of 2)

Top 1/2 Rate-of-Gain Sheep (Minimum of 2)

Grand Champion Barrow

Reserve Grand Champion Barrow

Grand Champion Market Gilt

Reserve Grand Champion Market Gilt

Top 1/2 Swine Carcasses (Minimum of 2)


Monday, July 29 -- 3:30 p.m.

Presentation of Flags

Presentation of State Fair Exhibit Winners and Trophy Winners




Saturday, July 27 – 9:00 a.m.

Ribbon Cutting

4-H Pork Chop Bar-B-Que

(Pork Chops prepared by Seneca FFA)

Sunday, July 28 - 4:00 to 6:30 p.m.

2 chops - $10.00

1 chop - $8.00

Hot Dog Dinner - $5.00

Pre-Order Ticket Deadline - June 24, 2013

Gleaner’s Ice Cream Social in East of Pavilion during the BBQ.





6:00 to 9:A.M. Gates open to accept livestock entries. (Stall and pen assignments will be made prior to this time.) NO NEED TO COME EARLY.

8:30 A.M. Exhibit Hall Superintendent & Secretary meeting at Food Stand

8:30 A.M. Livestock Superintendent & Secretary meeting at Food Stand

9:00 A.M. Opening Ceremonies & Ribbon Cutting

Livestock entry check-in closed

9:00 –10:00 A.M. Exhibit hall opens. . .

Check in exhibits in Divisions J, L, M, N, N-1, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, & Miscellaneous

9:30 A.M. Judging of Poultry

Judging of Rabbits

Judging of Horse & Pony Classes at Horse Arena, continues until 5:00pm

10:00 A.M. Conference judging of Reading/Creative Writing

10:15 A.M. Conference judging of Foods projects

Conference judging of Floriculture, Horticulture, &Vegetable Gardening

Plant & Soil Sciences, Corn, Small Grains, Soybeans

Conference judging of Interlocking Plastic (Lego’s, Knex, etc.)

10:30 A.M. Conference judging of Models & Collections

11:00 A.M. Conference judging of Aerospace projects

12:30 P.M. Conference judging of Foods projects closes

1:00 P.M. Judging of Sheep and Sheep Rate-of-Gain

Conference judging of Chalk, Carbon, Pigment, Fiber and Nature

1:30 P.M. Conference judging of Heritage Arts, Paper, and Wood

2:00 P.M. Conference judging of Clay, Leather, Glass/Plastic, Metal and Scrapbooking

2:00 P.M. Conference judging of Tractor – Tractor Operator’s contest to follow.

2:30 P.M. Conference judging of Computer Graphic Arts and 3-D Art

3:00 P.M. Conference judging of Natural Resources, Entomology, Forestry, Geology, Wildlife Conservation, Outdoor Adventures, Sportsfishing and Exploring Your Environment

4:00 P.M. Judging of Swine Barrows and Breeding

SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2013

9:00 A.M. Conference judging of Bicycles and Bike Rodeo – Pavilion

9:30 A.M. Judging of Goats

Judging of Performance Horses

10:00 A.M Conference judging of Child Care

Flower Arranging Contest

Conference judging of Geospatial & Robotics

10:30 A.M. Conference judging of Interior Design

11:00 A.M. Conference judging of Citizenship, Leadership, and Passport to the World

Conference judging of Health

Conference judging of Intergenerational

Dairy Judging

. Judging of Beef Steers, Rate-of-Gain and Breeding

Conference judging of Consumer Education

12:00 NOON Conference judging of Communications, Photography, Journalism and Theater Arts

4:00-6:30 P.M. 4-H Pork Chop Bar-B-Que

Ice Cream Social throughout BBQ– Gleaner’s Insurance – Pavilion

6:00 P.M. Horse Gaming classes being in Horse Arena

7:00 P.M. LIVESTOCK AUCTION - Sheep Show Arena

Grand Champion Steer

Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Grand Champion Market Heifer

Reserve Grand Champion Market Heifer

Top 2 Gaining Show Steers

Top 4 Steer Carcass Halves

Top 1/2 Rate-of-Gain Steers (Minimum of 2)

Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Fryer

Reserve Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Fryer

Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Roaster

Reserve Grand Champion Poultry Meat Pen Roaster Grand Champion Meat Pen Ducks

Reserve Grand Champion Meat Pen Ducks

Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen

Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen

Grand Champion Single Fryer Rabbit Priced Per Head

Reserve Grand Champion Single Fryer Rabbit

1 5-pound wheel of cheese representing Grand Champion Dairy Cow

1 gallon milk representing Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Cow

Grand Champion Dairy Wether Goat