Lakeshore Youth Soccer League Board Meeting - Thursday, June 18, 2014
In Attendance: Erin Beran, Anna Brooks, Lori Deja, Deb Pickens
May 8 Meeting / Important: table all discussion related to roles & responsibilities until June 25 meeting on that topic (Gray Shaded Items).
Continue Concussion Form Discussion / All / See notes from 5/8 meeting.
Auditing process manual, but seemed to work.
What changes to process for Fall '14?
Way to ID who already submitted, or just have ALL submit again for Fall? / Erin incorporated a button into Fall '14 registration process for parents to indicate whether the player played Spring '14 (thereby implying that they have already turned in a form).
Agreed that board members will audit at the concession stand at the beginning of season.
Still needs to be determined how we will handle in subsequent seasons.
Board Position Transition & Timing / Lori / Stress benefits of “co” position holders
When to start filling positions (HC, Fields Mgr, Sponsor Coordinator, Publicity, Concessions (?), Web Admin. (TABLE UNTIL JUNE 25 ROLE MEETING!) / Discuss at 6/25 role meeting if time allows.
One open item is how much of a discount will "coordinator" positions receive. 6/18 discussion reached agreement that we will make it $25 discount across the board for all coordinator roles, because evaluating specific individuals who go "above and beyond" is too subjective and could be unfair.
Web Administrator / Lori / Needed to maintain LYSL site, updates to Facebook
Also online ordering for Spirit Wear
Erin suggested that Joseph Walker has indicated potential interest. He is coaching 3 teams Spring 2014, but his oldest may age out by next. Need to pursue!
(TABLE UNTIL JUNE 25 ROLE MEETING!) / Discuss at 6/25 role meeting.
Volunteer Management / Lori / Megan: process for vetting & selecting those who indicated interest in helping when they completed registration
Are there opportunities to use the “Volunteer Site” used by many local PTO’s and other organizations. (Lori)
What are the expectations for Volunteer Coordinator (TABLE UNTIL JUNE 25 ROLE MEETING!) / All still confused what, if anything, Meghan has done to date for this position and/or what the role is designated to do.
Discuss at 6/25 role meeting.
Define/Agree to Ongoing Meeting Process / Lori
Deb / Project/Task Management
Meeting Facilitation
Documentation & Communication of meetings
Training for new board members (documents) / Meetings will continue the 2nd Thurs each month 6:30 at Stevensville Martin's.
There be one-off separate meetings to resolve issues that require more than a quick board meting discussion. Those in attendance at these meetings MUST communicate decisions and/or status to the rest of the board.
Maintenance & Repairs / Lori
Deb / NOTE: door on the women’s bathroom is not closing!
After the May 8 meeting, Nate Adams agreed to take on the responsibilities of the role not related to Township interface and improvement projects,
Will Shawn continue as Township interface on improvement projects?
Need update on parking lot project
Never received final/official response from Terrie Smith on township rules on parking off lot.
Getting 2 quotes for "keypad lock" / Discuss at 6/25 role meeting.
The board needs to clearly define responsibility break-down so Nate can run with his part of the role (E.g., line painting coordination, what else?)
Lori will email the board with the 2 estimates for "Keypad Lock" to secure the concession stand. She will indicate her preferred selection and we will vote via email so she can complete the purchase & set up installation.
NEW TOPICS / Important: table all discussion related to roles & responsibilities until June 25 meeting on that topic (Gray Shaded Items).
Recap Spring '14
Table for July / Lori / Per Erin, there seems to have been a fair amount of feedback gathered after Spring '14. / No discussion occurred on how to compile or respond to this feedback.
Table for July meeting.
Is the July meeting still on for Thursday, July 10 ????
Priorities for buildup Fall '14
Table for July / Lori / No discussion occurred. / Table for July Meeting
Registration Update / Erin / Update on how registration is progressing for Fall
Erin created special check boxes for registrants to indicate understanding of insurance & concussion form sign-of or print (if have not yet turned in)
Discovered evening of 6/18 that the pages containing the boxes had not uploaded for registration, and 80 players who registered already need to be gone back to and "fixed" / § Erin will either try to address via add-on screen for only those who have already registered.
§ Erin will let the board know if more hands are needed for the clean-up (E.g., if she needs assistance sending emails, modifying records, etc.
§ Those who register from this point forward will see the necessary check boxes and screens.
Head of Coaches / Heather
(via Deb) / After May 8 meeting, Heather Adams agreed to take on the Head of Coaches role.
Heather is available and eager to start, but has not yet been incorporated into any processes related to HOC (post season or season set up)
Mark meeting with Lakeshore Asst coach tonight to discuss assistance with coach training. / § Mark will provide the board with a recap of his meeting with the Lakeshore Ass't Soccer coach regarding potential for this person (name?) to take on the responsibility of Coach Training.
§ The Board will discuss at 6/25 meeting to clarify responsibility break down between this person (if he takes a role) and Heather Adams assuming of the Head of Coaches Role starting with all activities related to Fall 2014.
Update on Sponsorship / Rosanna
(via Lori) / Rosanna wants input, thoughts, ideas - and to know if any companies have sent in $$ to Anna.
The general summary is that Rosanna is confused as to specifically what her responsibilities are and what tools and processes she is to use.
Due to dual work responsibilities, Rosanna can meet only on Tuesdays.
Erin and Lori tried to piece together the process used in the past to the best of their ability hoping we could guide Rosanna ourselves, but we found too many "black holes" and unanswered questions and need input from Mark and/or Chad Clement. / § This topic needs to be addressed ASAP in a stand-alone meeting - it requires more discussion than can be accommodated at the 6/25 meeting
§ Deb will set up a meeting with (at minimum) Mark and Rosanna. Erin and Lori will attend if possible. Deb will facilitate and document.
§ Erin will reach out to Chad Clement in an attempt to pick his brain as to the and how processes and system interfaces related to Sponsorship have been managed in the past. She will share what she learns and/or try to get Chad at the meeting. (E.g., sign posting on the fence, web scroll, shirt printing, deposit of funds, management of the online form)
Referee Payment / Stacy
(via Anna) / Stacy would like to discuss a referee payment increase.
Increases recommended across the board, but hits us especially hard in U10, because we do not play intra league for that division. / § Those in attendance agreed to Stacy's proposal as follows in the best interest of keeping our league competitive with other leagues as relates to attracting referees to our games. The following motion was passed:
o U10 from $15 to $25
o U12 from $20 to $25 (ctr) & $15 to $20 (AR)
o U14 from $25 to $35 (ctr) & $20 to $25 (AR)
Approach for U4
Table for July / Deb
Heather / Multiple arbitrary complaints from U4 coaches and parents (Not enough players on field, Why aren't we playing games? Why are they always on the field with the same other teams?)
Much seems to be lack of setting of expectations on how the division is intended to work.
Also due to multiple U4 coaches with other division teams as well.
Should/can anything be changed? (mandated training for coaches, more players per team? Larger "groups" with 2+ coaches each? / § Heather, Deb & Trina will meet (?) to document a proposal of any changes and present to Board at July Meeting.
Equipment Coordinator / Lori / Sara Brant submitted her resignation as Equipment Coordinator via email to Lori & Mark / § Discuss at 6/25 Role meeting.
§ Must find replacement ASAP
Cost per Player Analysis
Ongoing / Anna / Anna is working on a cost-per-player analysis that we can use to better define amounts for discounts and define appropriate budget for items such as uniforms, trophies, etc.
/ § Anna will continue work on the analysis and report at July meeting.
§ Agreement that Late fee will be $30 for all divisions (up from $25)
§ Agreement that Non-volunteer fee will be $30 (up from $25)
§ Registration fees are as follows: U4 = $30, U5-U8 = $45, U10 = $50, U12 & U14 = $55.
Trophies vs. Medals
Table for July / All / § This was output from our discussion on cost-per-player above.
§ Only reason cited for trophies is comparison with AYSO process.
Those in attendance feel that most parents would much prefer medals rather than accumulating a bunch of plastic trophies / § Table for July Meeting
§ Vote needed on proposal to move to medals only, all divisions, all seasons.
Coach Discounts
Table for July / All / This was output from our discussion on cost-per-player above.
Discussion began surrounding the fact that no U4 coaches were given discounts for Fall '14.
Anna had planned to fix and had applied one coach credit thus far.
Debate surrounding whether making the coach discount 50% of registration fee for all divisions makes sense.
Anna concerned this will become an administrative nightmare for the treasurer. / § Table for July Meeting
§ Those in attendance propose 50% credit for U4 ($15), all others receive $25
§ Those in attendance agreed that Assistant Coach $0 discount will continue
§ Board needs to define whether/how discounts should be more clearly defined and communicated upon registration or elsewhere on the site.
§ Anna will complete retro-credit of $15 for Spring '14 U4 Coaches.