The Board of Park Commissioners conducted their Board meeting on December 12, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Orchid Room at Foellinger Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Rick Samek, President, Dr. Pamela Kelly, Vice-President, Bill Zielke, Commissioner, Cheri Becker, Commissioner.
PARKS STAFF PRESENT: Al Moll, Perry Ehresman, Garry Morr, Steve McDaniel, Steve Schuhmacher, Sarah Nichter, Kathy Pargmann, Mitch Sheppard, Natalie Eggeman, Sharon Dosen, Ken Lozo, Carman Young, Rebecca Canales, Andy Force and Harlean Falls
Others in attendance were; Greg Leatherman, City of Fort Wayne Redevelopment, David Wheaton, WPTA-TV, Tara Petitt, WFFT Local News, LaMar Holliday, WANE-TV, Jeff Wiehe, Journal Gazette, Pat Stelte of the Allen County Public Library.
1. CALL TO ORDER: 4:00 p.m., President Samek called the meeting to order, congratulating Mitch Sheppard and Staff, on the holiday exhibit and décor of the Botanical Conservatory.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the Thursday, November 21, 2013 meeting had been previously sent to the Board members for review. Commissioner Zielke moved and Vice-President Kelly seconded the motion of accepting the minutes for approval as submitted. The motion was duly carried. The approved minutes are on file.
3. PAYROLL AND COMMERCIAL VOUCHERS: Deputy Director Morr requested the Board’s approval of payroll and commercial vouchers. Included in the report is the number of full-time and part-time employees, for pay period ending 11/8/13 through to 11/22/13, account payables payment vouchers #2870 to #3066 and the totals in the Park General Fund, Park Trust Fund, Park Non-Reverting Operating Fund, Park Non-Reverting Capital Fund, Park Cumulative Building Fund and Other City Funds. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Becker seconded the motion to approve the payroll and commercial vouchers ending November 30, 2013, with a Payroll Sub-Total of $540,162.94, an Account Payables Sub-Total of $484,948.12 and a Grand Total of $1,025,121.06. The motion was duly carried. The signed document for the approved pay period is on file.
4. TRUST FUND DONATIONS: Deputy Director Morr directed the Board’s attention to a listing of the donors, amounts and purposes, along with donations, endowments and grants received. Significantly noted were several tree related donations, received from the Friends of the Parks of Allen County (Tree Canopy), the Roland Foundation and Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR final payment of grant) and Phyllis Phund Inc. a theme piece (dinosaur egg) for the Boundless Playground. Commissioner Becker moved and Vice-President Kelly second the motion, President Samek called for a vote by acclamation to approve the report of all donations and grants received, totaling $33,931.00 for the month of November 2013 (YTD, $743,905.57). The motion was duly carried. A record of all grants, donations and financial contributions are on file. Director Moll acknowledged a donation received by Davis Huber, a young man who initiated a fundraiser to assist with scholarships (lessons) for the Tennis program.
5. LEASE PROPOSAL: Mayor Thomas C. Henry came before the Board to request members to either expedite the decision making process or to make a preliminary decision to move forward, for the proposed Downtown redevelopment and the relocation of Cindy’s Diner. Greg Leatherman echoed the Mayor’s comments and further illustrated the proposed project and relocation of Cindy’s Diner, with emphasis on preferences and meeting the criteria to relocate from the Owner. After an extensive discussion on minimizing the impact on parking, accessibility to Cindy’s Diner and the Community Center and commercial leasing issues, the Board President Samek moved, Commissioner Zielke second a motion to go forward with the concept of the project, challenging the City Planners to further present documents for final approval. The motion was duly carried. The proposed design and details are on file.
6. FEE / POLICY APPROVALS: Deputy Director Ehresman gave the background, purpose, process and procedures for the Accreditation requirements. The Mission Statement was read to the Board, reaffirming for Accreditation purposes. Commissioner Becker moved and Vice-President Kelly seconded the motion to reaffirm the department’s Mission Statement. The motion was duly carried. The Mission Statement is on file. Deputy Director Ehresman narrated for the Board the department’s Risk Management Plan, as an introduction for the purpose of Accreditation (Chapter 9). The Risk Management will be further discussed during the next Board of Park Commissioners meeting.
- Travel Service Agreement – Deputy Ehresman requested the Board’s approval for an MOU with SDRE. LLC; commencing January 1, 2014 and expiring on December 31, 2016. After a brief explanation of the Travel Service program, Sharon Dosen thanked the Board. Vice-President Kelly moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement with Sharon Dosen. The motion was duly carried. The signed MOU is on file.
- Botanical Conservatory Flooring Improvement – Steve Schuhmacher came before the Board to request the scope of work for Project Number 213032. Commissioner Becker moved and Commissioner Zielke seconded the motion to approve the replacement of carpeting and wallpaper, entering into a contract with Jack Laurie Flooring. The motion was duly carried. The bid tabulation is on file.
8. CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE: Deputy Director McDaniel narrated through a PowerPoint Presentation a Capital Project 2013 Project update. Highlighted were replacement projects, paving and resurfacing projects, major drainage work, conversations, indoor playground (in the formerly McMillen Ice Arena) removals, monuments/statues/plaques restorations and new constructions.
DIRECTOR’S COMMENTS: Executive Directors Moll and the Deputy Directors reported the following:
- List of accomplishments initiated by Tony Acosta, for the Outdoor Recreation Program. Tony retired after 25 years of service on 12/31/2013
- Department will develop and execute a “Thank You Fort Wayne”, initiative, highlighting on-going Park Capital improvements, made possible by citizens. Visible yellow signage
- Future plans and recommendations for Swinney pool, Hamilton Park, and the Franklin school property to come before the Board. Options for the use of a re-circulating water system for Splashpads will be reviewed
- Development for the entrances, new pathways and surrounding roadways near Broadway/Rudisill, Foster Park, Goshen Road and Franke Park, will be discussed with representatives from the Friends of the Parks of Allen County and Public Works
- “Standing room only” during the annual Wassail event at the Jennings Center
- “Christmas on the Farm” at Salomon was successful
- Trips coordinated by the Travel Service Program to Chicago, Purdue Christmas show, and the Honeywell Center have all gone extremely well
- The gardens of the Botanical Conservatory have been transformed to a holiday theme, with live Reindeer
- A special thank you to all Staff for a great year
COMMISISONER’S COMMENTS: Commissioner Zielke expressed his appreciation of seeing the finished project of various bids, renovations, etc., through the Capital projects update presentation. President Samek mentioned the Parks Department is the “jewel of the City”, with gratitude for the time and creativity extended for projects, programs and services. Vice-President Kelly expressed the concern of possible extensive traffic and the noise element that may be associated with the redevelopment of the entrance into Foster Park. President Samek thanked the Staff at the Botanical Conservatory for hosting the meeting and extended holiday greeting to all.
There was no further business; the meeting of the Board of Park Commissioners on Thursday, December 12, 2013 in the Orchid Room of the Foellinger-Friemann Botanical Conservatory was adjourned at 5:08 p.m.
Richard Samek, President Pamela Kelly, M.D., Vice-President
William Zielke, Commissioner Cheri Becker, Commissioner
Al Moll, Secretary
All documentation, correspondence and prints/site plans presented at this meeting are on file in the office of the Parks and Recreation Department. This meeting was recorded by the Park staff and videotaped by Pat Stelte, Government Access Coordinator, in Television Services of the Allen County Public Library.
December 12, 2013 Park Board meeting online: