The Right Support Topic- Partnership Board 22nd January 2014

Introductions- Jess Hutchinson, Director of Hampshire County Council Learning Disability Services

The first three promises:

  1. Social care teams include people’s person- centred plans when they do an assessment
  2. Social care teams think about all the ways people with learning disabilities have support to meet their needs and include these in their assessment
  3. Social care teams help people with learning disabilities write clear support plans that tell providers how much support they need and how they would like it to be provided

Where we are now

I asked the team managers and service managers how we meet these 3 promises now.

These promises are not all met at the moment.

It is expected that these promises will be met in the future as they are all about care management actions.


We will include them in written standards and guidance for care managers

We will make sure that the promises are built into training for new care managers

We will talk to all the teams about the importance of these promises.

We will then check that this is happening and report this back to the partnership board as requested


We would expect that the promise about person- centred plans will be put in place by the beginning of May 2014. We would expect that the promise about writing clear support plans with people involved will start for some people in the next month. We will aim to put them in place for everyone by the end of March 2015. This is more difficult to introduce than the other 2 promises so it will take more time.

This will also fit in with the new “framework” that will be introduced by April 2015. The framework is useful as It will require support providers to take more notice of jointly written plans.

Other issues:

Person- Centred Plans

Person- centred plans are owned by the person and can be completed in many different ways. Advocacy can support people to write their with person- centred plans. They can be stored on memory sticks, or CDs and if advocacy have been involved they can help share the plan with the person’s permission. Adult Services will work closely with advocacy on this.


It is expected that we review everyone’s support annually. We know we are behind with 50% of our reviews and want to improve. We completed a review fortnight in December where care managers mainly just did reviews. This has helped us to improve. We have a similar review fortnight planned for later in March.

Complaints for people with complex needs

Adult Services have a complaints team who will support anyone whatever their needs to make a complaint (01962 834500)