

Department for Exceptional Children

IMPORTANT Budget Deadlines

(Things EC Teachers & Staff Need to Know)

(2013-2014 School Year)

ALL Department for Exceptional Children paperwork requiring the use of EC funds and/or Director’s signature including reimbursements, professional leave forms, purchase orders, VCS Warehouse/Distribution Center requisitions, etc. MUST BE SUBMITTED to the Administrative Assistant of the Department for Exceptional Childrenfor Director’s approval and processingas according to the following deadlines:

EC Travel and Other Reimbursements

  • Submitted monthly, no later than the 5th of each month, in order for payments to go out on schedule(see attached copy of Reimbursement Request Form)
  • Must be submitted within a 30-day period of activity, per Finance, or checks may not be forthcoming until the next pay cycle (if at all).

Professional Leave Forms

  • Professional Leave Forms must be completed for any job-related staff development requiring a staff member to leave his/her assigned school/location. This must be completed PRIOR TO/BEFORE the activity. If money and/or CEUs are involved or are not involved, it is important to complete a PLF if you ARE leaving your assigned school/location due to liability purposes, per Finance.
  • Completed Professional Leave forms must be submitted and processed in advance of workshops(should be in motion at least 15 days prior to the date of the staff development/workshop). This isto allow time to obtain your principal’s signature, get it to the EC Office for Director’s signature and coding, and submitted to Finance for processing (see attached copy of Professional Leave form).
  • On your Professional Leave Form, if there is no registration fee charged, please write “N/A” in that section. If there is no hotel accommodations needed, please write in “N/A” in that section. If there is no personal reimbursement expenses requested, please write in “N/A” in that section. If these sections are left blank and we are aware there is a registration fee, hotel needed, and/or reimbursement(s) needed, your form will be sent back to you for completion.

By the same token if these sections are left blank and should not have been and we do not know any difference and your paperwork is processed as is, things that should have been paid will not be paid and you will have a problem when you get to your workshop and/or hotel, etc..

  • The Administrative Assistant of the Department for Exceptional Children will make any needed hotel reservations but will need the hotel information to do so, i.e., name, location and phone number. Please write in the name of the hotel in that particular section and note this needed information.
  • Attached to the Professional Leave Form must be all workshop information pertaining to registration and hotel. Also, registration formsmust be completed by you and attached - to accompany checks.
  • Make sure upon your hotel check-out you obtain a copy of your hotel check-out invoice because upon your return, you must complete a Reimbursement Request form to actually receive your reimbursement and you must have a copy of the check-out invoiceattached before your reimbursement request(s) may be approved.

Reimbursement Request Forms

  • In order to receive your reimbursement, following your return from your workshop, a Reimbursement Request form must be completed and attached to it must be documentation/proof that you did attend; for example, hotel receipt, registration receipt, staff development documentation, etc. – not all but at least one of these. (If it involved an overnight accommodation, the hotel check-out invoice would be preferred.) Along with the documentation of attendance,theCertificate of Completion for staff development is also required. The processed Professional Leave form Finance sends back to you after processed (which will have reimbursement #’s stamped on it) must be attached to this request also. Again, this must be submitted within 30 days of the activity. If not submitted within 30 days, the reimbursement will eventually be automatically cancelled, per Finance.
  • Meal receipts are not needed. All meal reimbursements will be approved only at allowed State rates. Hotel receipts are needed. Registration receipts are needed and/or copies of cancelled checks are needed (for personal reimbursement requests). ALL receipts must be submitted within a 30-day period following the activity in order to be approved for reimbursement.
  • For all reimbursement forms, purchase order forms, professional leave forms and other financial paperwork, PLEASESIGNall pages, DATE all pages, NUMBERall pages (i.e., for 3 pages, “1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3”), STAPLElast page on top(i.e. 3 of 3 on top)with OVERALL total included on this last page, make line-for-line entries(no dittos allowed per Finance).
  • If paperwork is not accurate and in order, we will send it back to you just as Finance will send it back to us. This paperwork will not be processed until corrections are made. This may delay your reimbursement for an additional week or more. And again, the 30-day rule does still apply.

Summer Institutes and Workshops

  • For summer institutes and workshops, the same 30-day rule applies per Finance. Per EC Director, during these summer institutes and workshops, nothing will be paid up front, i.e., hotel, registration fee, etc., and reimbursements will not be approved until staff has completed the workshop and submitted appropriate documentation to verify they did attend. For your convenience, the documentation may be faxed in (to fax#252/431-3696). And again, this documentation must be received from you within 30 days of the activity in order to be approved for reimbursement.

VCS Distribution Center/Warehouse Orders

  • A Distribution Center/Warehouse Order Form(see attached form) must be completed and submitted and approved by Director prior to orders being funded by ECare entered and/or processed.
  • For any/all outside vendor orders, a Purchase Order Form(see attached form) must be completed and submitted and approved by Director prior to any and all orders being funded by EC to be entered and/or processed, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Purchases requested utilizing School/Departmental Budget Allotment funds, must receive written approval from school principals and do not need to be sent to the EC Director for signature of approval. Copies of the budget allotments are distributed to principals, IEP chairs and school bookkeepers. Purchase Orders for baby wipes, rubber gloves, disinfectant spray and hand sanitizerdo need to come to the EC Director,and will not be charged to the School Allotment.

Receipt of Equipment Form

  • This school year, the majority of your orders will be shipped directly to your school/location. You will be responsible for properly identifying your materials/equipment as “Property of the Department for Exceptional Children”. Please find attached to this correspondence one sheet of labels (30) for your convenience to use for this purpose. You may choose to use a permanent marker to write this identifying information on your materials/equipment. This is acceptable also. You will need to complete a Receipt of Equipment Form and mail or fax it in to the Administrative Assistant for the Department for Exceptional Children to verify receipt of the order/equipment. (Your bookkeeper may be able to assist you in completing the needed information and the necessary paperwork.) If your order consists of equipment, fixed asset documentation may need to completed for it. Please check with your bookkeeper in reference to proper completion of fixed asset paperwork. Also, please attach all packing slips/tickets and/or invoices that may come in with your order(s). Please communicate with your school bookkeeper to keep him/her informed of expected orders. If for any reason your order does come to the Administrative Services Center (ASC), when you receive a phone call or email that your order is in, please pick the order up as soon as possible – at least within the week. Also, your order will need to be signed out by the person who picks it up.
  • Answer to frequently asked question: NOTE: The Dell 1700/1700N LaserJetToner Cartridges are ordered through Dell Vendor #90031. The item # is 310-5400. You need to verify the current price with Dell (your school bookkeeper should be able to help you with obtaining that verification). There is no freight charge. The cost for these must also come out of your budget allotment funds unless your principal has funds in his school budget available to cover the cost.

FAIRBANKS LLC (MAC Time studies)

  • In reference to requested Time Studies, per Finance, those who receive an email or notice to complete a Time Study, must complete the Time Study within 7 calendar days. “There is a new rule that all surveys must be completed within 7 calendar days. Anyone whose moment is older than 7 calendar days will not be able to submit. This is extremely important because each district must reach an 85% completion rate in order to participate. If your district does not reach an 85% completion rate, your district’s reimbursement may be at risk.”


  • In reference to those teachers serving as homebound teachers, Homebound timesheets are due to payroll monthly as according to the Payroll Cut-Off Dates and therefore, I need to receive two business days prior to the cut-off date to obtain the Director’s signature and get them to Payroll within Payroll’s due date. Please remember to attach the Monthly Contact Log(s) with parents’ initials or signature included.
  • The only timesheets that should be sent to me should be for EC Homebound teachers. All others are to be submitted to your school bookkeepers as usual.

REMEMBER Timeliness and Accuracy is a must. Finance’s motto is “Poor Planning on Your Part, Does not Create an Emergency on Our Part”.
Attachments:Reimbursement Request FormPurchase Order Request Form

Professional Leave FormEmployee Time Report

Distribution Center / Warehouse Order FormSheet of Property Labels

Receipt of Equipment Form

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