PO Box 419 Atherton Q 4883 / Telephone: 0436 477 967
ABN: 84 753 612 846
Minutes of the Atherton Tablelands Hockey Association Inc. meeting
19.04.2017 held at Loder Park clubhouse.
Meeting opened 7pm
PRESENT: Carrie de Brueys, Pamela Clearwater, Sharon Voyce, Gary Toshach, Wendy Martin, Hayley Fullgrabe, Phil Emmerson
Apologies: Nikki May, Alayne Stein, Angela Pollen, Jody Barletta, Lyn Guilfoyle, Cathy Duck, Dorcas Heap.
Moved: Wendy Martin
Seconded: Pam Clearwater
That the minutes of the previous meeting held 18.03.17 be accepted as a true and accurate record. CARRIED.
Our secretary as nominated is unable to continue in the position so I am calling for nominations for the position. I would like to put forward a nomination for Sharon Voyce as her experience not only in the position but also with the club for many years would be invaluable to the current inexperienced executive. Position accepted by Sharon voyce.
Nominated by: Carrie de Brueys
Seconded by: Pam Clearwater
All other business arising moved to general business.
Good Sports accreditation has almost been completed to the next level.
Moved: Carrie de Brueys
Seconded: Sharon Voyce
That the inwards correspondence is received and the outwards correspondence be endorsed.
All matters arising from correspondence to be moved to general business
Finances to the end of March, to be included as attachment 1.
Moved: Karen Mitchell
Seconded by: Pam Clearwater
That the report as presented is accepted as a true and accurate record of the finances of the Atherton Tableland Hockey Association and that accounts are approved for payment. CARRIED.
Deposits being paid for U18 Men rep team. Alayne Stein is manager.
Moved: Executive Committee
Wendy reported that the canteen sales had been going very well, especially when the Cairns Men’s team visited. The takings would be down in future weeks when there will only be adult games.
Moved: Wendy Martin
Seconded: Karen Mitchell
Phil reported that there was lots of stock which was not moving, especially the UDL’s. Drinks to be priced lower to move the stock.
Moved: Phil Emmerson
Seconded: Wendy Martin
That the report as presented is accepted as a true and accurate record and that accounts are approved for payment. CARRIED
There have been a few changes to the draw in the men’s ATHA regional comp. Once these are finalised the readjusted draw will go up on the website. Carrie will put the current date on the website when updated.
We are still having a few issues with the competition portal going live. Noelene is entering the info, so when it’s ready it will all be in there. At this stage we are still doing week by week.
The umpire mentor program will recommence after the May Day long weekend in the 11.30 timeslot. Great initiative, thanks Pam. Jo Kempster, Gary Toshach, Richard Boyd, Karen Dunstan, Ciffy and Rick May (when avail) have volunteered to help mentor the student umpires. Thanks to Jo who has been giving up her time each week to provide feedback to our umpires.
We still do not have a replacement Grounds and Facilities Officer. Anyone like to nominate??
Ants were treated last weekend – thanks to Ciffy and Gary. Thanks also for whipper snipping the grass behind the boxes!!
The key for the Pump shed could not be located and we had to get the locksmith to come and replace the lock.
New combination locks were put on the toilet blocks so all coaches can access them without need for keys. Seems to be working great. TRC were advised to let cleaners know the combination.
The boom spray was repaired by Gary Toshach. Gary was also chasing up the electrician to complete quote on the lights cost and installation for the grant application.
· Hookin2hockey: Participation Certificates were presented to participants by coach Fiona Masasso. A huge thanks to Fi once again for running the program…hopefully she’ll recover in time to take it on again next year??
· PA System: The sound system and speakers have been installed however there is an issue with the buzzer. Pam to follow up with Up Town Music.
· Coaches Training Packs have arrived and are ready to be distributed and signed out to all junior coaches as soon as possible. These also will incorporate Coach & Manager Forms: which need to be complete and returned asap please. Lyn, Karen and Noelene have worked hard to get these organised. Thanks ladies.
· Blue Cards: Link was sent out to coaches via email. If you haven’t already please get these completed and to Noelene ASAP.
· Portal System: All in all registration was very successful. The main issue is that we cannot see payments to other clubs, so the onus is on players who have registered with other clubs to provide this information to us.(eg Men/Cairns competition) The few issues identified (eg Dual Registrations)can be ironed out before next year.
· Freezer: On-going issues with the icy cup freezer, defrosting. Mike refrigeration made several visits but was reluctant to carry out repairs as he could not identify the issue. Wendy noticed one on buy swap sell for $100 so we purchased it. Thanks to Wendy, Ciffy & Tosh for organising this. To date it is running like a dream…
· Coaching & Goalie Clinic: Run by Matt Cook on Monday 13/3 at Loder Park and then well attended in the following 2 run by Paul Hubner. Hopefully we will get Matt Cook back again in the future.
· A Level 1 Coaching Clinic is to be held in Cairns with everyone encouraged to attend. We hope to organise a bus for transport. Still have not heard a date for this. Carrie will follow up with Matt.
· Tolga Pub Fundraising: We highly encourage managers and parents of rep teams to volunteer to take on the coordination of the fundraising.
· Men’s Competition: The ATHA regional Men’s competition is up and running this year. The finalised draw will be put up on the website and sent via email. Reminder to captains to follow up on payment of fees. ATHA men can we please take a pile of game cards down to Cairns. I will need captain to bring back the completed cards each week so results can put into the competition portal. The week both have home games I have asked Ross Barber to organise to scan and send Noelene the results. Tosh to check with Ciffy regarding this weeks scheduled game.
· Tomahawk Sponsorship: I have forwarded the correspondence to Nikki May to follow up regarding the TRC signage. Tomahawk banking account has been opened, with Nikki May and Annette Schep being signatories for this. Uniform and sock order was approved and made during the month.
· Vets Ladies Competition: An email was send out to Vets ladies team Captains on the 22/3/17 to be dispersed to their players regarding players aged 30-35 playing up to the Vets competition. Carrie and Pam compiledthe responses and discussions andthe majority decisionwas aNO toallowing playersbetween30-35to fill in forvets games.Each team has the core amount of registeredplayers or moreand there are several Open Ladiesplayers who are ofeligible age that vets ladiesteams can and areusing if they are available. Thank you allfor your feedback. I move that this is as the decision made.
Moved: Carrie de Brueys
Seconded by: Sharon Voyce
· Div 1 & Div 2: Coaches in both Div 1 & Div 2 discussed the option to forgo points until after Easter. However it was decided they were all happy for point to stand as played in the first few weeks.
· Open Ladies: Game 18/03/17 was called off at half time due to heavy rain causing flooding on the fields. All captains verbally agreed to call off the game due to the impending danger to players. It was agreed that all ladies open teams would score 2 points – Roga Wildcats, Misfits, Shooters and Outlaws. Noelene was advised and asked to record this on game cards and the competition ladder.
· BV Misfits: Requested their name change to Misfits (as BV no longer sponsor them) They also have a new uniform (Maroon).
· Green machine uniforms: The green colour clashes with the umpire’s shirt so it’s been decided that temporarily umpires wear the Orange vest from Summer 6’s while umpiring these games. I move that next time we are ordering gear we order 2 pink umpire shirts that could be used for these games or purchase an alternate shirt if one is found.
Moved: Carrie de Brueys
Seconded: Pam Clearwater
· HQ news: HQ has developed a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and KPI’s in a 2017-2019 Development Plan for clubs. This needs to be looked at discussed, signed and sent back. There is a financial incentive for clubs if targets are met. There was a scheduled teleconference with HQ on the 12/4/17 but unfortunately was changed. Pam and I hope to arrange one when we return from NZ.
· Hire of venue: We had a request from Youth Justice to hire the clubhouse for a First aid course tomorrow Thursday 20th April. Carrie agreed to this for the agreed fee for hire of venue of $100 which was decided at the July 2016 committee meeting. Lyn has pointed out we need to develop some guidelines in regard to future request. Lease Agreement to be perused for association’s obligations.
· Fixtures 22nd April – Normal games recommence but there will be no ladies vet’s games this Saturday as we will be in NZ. Vets ladies who play in Open ladies are encourage to still attend so it does not affect those games. Captains please remind your players. Some help with canteen and umpiring might be good too as the onus will be on the Open ladies to fill these roles. Next Saturday 29th there is no hockey as its May Day weekend.
· TRC – Outdoor Recreation and Wellbeing Expo Merrilands - Hockey stall Saturday 6 May
Fiona was approached by Wes Ferns from Cairns hockey about running the stall. Carrie contacted Wes from Cairns to confirm, however was in doubt as had not heard back from him and Cairns office said he may have other commitments. .
Div 1 Competition
Jodie Barletta, coach of Bionic Blues requested at least one boy be assigned to her team. Hayden Chamberlain who was considering returning is a possible candidate, however Green Machine is short on numbers also.
Lighting Grant Application
Tosh requested associations continued support for this grant application. He will bring the application to a meeting for approval before submission.
Good Sports Signs
Association to look into a selection of signs to be erected/displayed, in line with Good Sports accreditation and overall to promote good behaviour for kid and spectators.
Radio spot – we received an email from Megan Hughes from Hit FM Mareeba about doing a radio blurb each week about hockey results. Pam will follow up.
Copy of the logo – Phil wants to make signage for the bar. Carrie will email to him.
NEXT MEETING: General Meeting scheduled for 10am Saturday 20th May at the clubhouse.
Meeting closed at 20.15pm
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President Secretary Date