S.A.Y. Yes! Bible Study

December 6th, 2004

Be Discipled Like Samuel

More than one thousand years before Christ was born, God chose and trained a young boy named Samuel to become His main man. At the time, Samuel was being taught or “discipled” by an older priest named Eli. The Bible describes Samuel as ministering before the Lord under Eli. This discipleship prepared Samuel to hear, understand, and obey God—all at a young age.

In order to do good things for God, you will need to follow Samuel’s example and find a committed believer to help you learn about God through a discipleship or mentor relationship. This week you will be challenged to be discipled like Samuel.

Read 1 Samuel 3

Discuss what happens in this passage

What are some ways that Eli helped Samuel? What might have happened if Eli hadn’t been available to help Samuel?

What do you think Eli’s job was as the mentor for Samuel?

What was Samuel’s part in the process of being discipled?

From Miles McPherson (professional football player): Having played football all my life, I can’t wait until my son is old enough to hit the gridiron. Until then, soccer is his game. He’s a pretty good player, if I do say so myself. In fact, after his first year he tried out for the all-star team. I really wanted him to make it, and sure enough, he was picked for the team and had a great time.

How would you like to be picked for God’s all-star team? No, He’s not looking for good soccer players. God is assembling the ultimate dream team.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” –2 Chronicles 16:9

And here are the qualifications God desires:

“Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind.” –1 Samuel 2:35

Samuel was this sort of person. God prepared Samuel for His all-star team by placing him under the discipleship of Eli, an older, committed believer. Eli’s discipleship of Samuel served the same function as having a coach in soccer.

Today, God is looking for someone to represent Him in your community—to be on His all-star team. Are you that person?

Having someone to disciple you will help you learn God’s perspective in all areas of your life. From Eli, Samuel learned to honor God with his heart, mind, and actions. Samuel honored God with his worship. The best way to learn these things is to be taught by someone who already knows them.

Do you want to be discipled to learn more about God?

If so, who would you consider asking to disciple you?

Spend time in prayer asking God to help you find someone who will teach you about the Lord so that you may know His heart and mind.