Term 4 2017

Notes for Reception Bumblebee Parents

Wow! We’re now half way through your child’s first year in school and it seems to have flown by. Thank you for all your support with your child’s education. The ILD system continues to flourish and we hope you are enjoying reading about what they are achieving during the day – we are certainly appreciative of all the comments and observations from home on there too.

We are very excited about our new topic when we will be learning all about ‘Animals’. We will be starting our topic with the trip to Hamerton on Tuesday 21st February We will be learning how to categorise animals into groups e.g. mammals or birds.

Please can we remind you that your child will need to bring a warm coat, hat and gloves as we will be outside for much of the day. It would also be useful for them to bring a backpack that their school packed lunch will fit into.

We will use our topic of animals to lead into our English lessons this term – looking at stories with animals in, and also looking at non-fiction books. We will have a try at writing lists, factual work as well as descriptive writing of the animals.

Reading - We would ask that you continue to read regularly with your child and write in their reading diary. Any phonic activities including the word tubs and sound bags that have been sent home are also useful. The children are now working in phonic groups that match the level they are working within. Please encourage your child to try sounding out words when they are writing at home, listening hard for all the sounds they can hear in each word.

We would appreciate any opportunities you get to play counting games with your child eg ludo, snakes and ladders etc. We will also be building on the addition and subtraction skills, developing recording their work. Also we will be looking at word problems so the children can identify the relevant calculation to use. We will cover doubling and also begin to think about using their number skills within problem solving. Our other maths activities will mean we look at weight, length and capacity and we will further develop our understanding of 2d and 3d shapes.

Please continue to support your child in using RMeasimaths. They should have received their individual log in details in their reading record books. Please let us know if you have any problems with logging on. We would like to see the children logging on for a 15 minute session at least twice a week.

This term we will continue with our must do jobs, where the children are set jobs to complete to earn a different coloured lolly stick to go into their envelope to make a rainbow when completed. The aim is they should be able to complete these without adult support, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own learning which demonstrates a high level of motivation. These challenges are across all areas of learning.

Talk Table – we will continue to develop our listening and talking skills through our small show and tell group themed activities. Please keep watching out in the reading diaries for when it is your child’s turn to take part – they get very disappointed if they miss out.

Class show and tell themes for this term are:

February 27th - Something inspired by our animal theme.

March 13th - A picture or information about pets.

March 27th – Something the children have made related to Spring or Easter.

As always if you wish to discuss anything concerning your child’s time at school please have a chat with us – after school is usually easier once the other children are dismissed.

Thank you for your continued support.

Sara Coaten Alison Reeve Gill Turney

Bumblebee Class team