[Lastname] / [section identifier] / p. 2
[INFO 5200: IOP Template (doc. 42): When using this template for YOUR IOP document, delete this note and replace all text in brackets (and the brackets)(see assignment). REMINDER: Omit headings and pages for sections and appendixes not yet developed. Include only what is prescribed for each IOP draft.]
Full Name
Semester Year
INFO 5200 [section identifier]
Draft [#]
[Name of Your Collection or Organization]:
Information Organization System
1. Project description
[Type narrative here]
1.1. Collection and information objects
[Type narrative here]
1.2. Users' demographics and knowledge
[Type narrative here]
1.3. Users' problems and questions
[Type narrative here]
User question 1:
Object attributes:
Desired precision:
Desired recall:
[Type narrative here]
2. Representation of information objects
2.1. Entity level
[Type narrative here]
2.2. Metadata elements and semantics
[Type narrative here]
2.3. Record structure and specifications
[Type narrative here]
2.4. Record content and input rules
[Type narrative here]
3. Access and authority control
[Type narrative here]
4. Representation of information content
4.1. Subject access
[Type narrative here]
4.2. Thesaurus structure
[Type narrative here]
4.3. Classification scheme
[Type narrative here]
5. Name authority control
[Type narrative here]
6. System evaluation and development
6.1. SWOT
SWOT Analysis Chart:
Example: Catalogers are well-educated who understand the value of information organization. / Weaknesses
Example: System does not have all the bells and whistles of flexibly needed for special collection of art books.
Example: Untapped market (Large shift in recent population demographics of Generation X that will appreciate online technology) / Threats
Example: Larger libraries have more buying power.
PEST Analysis Chart:
PoliticalExample: Government funding issues to keep public libraries open. / Economic
Example: Unemployment increase which will impact (increase) library usage.
Example: Social mobility on the rise / Technological
Example: Competing technology development
6.2. Change and development
[Type narrative here]
7. Project summary
[Type narrative here]
[REMINDER: Position all appendixes together following the last narrative section for the current draft.
Start each appendix on a new page
(insert a page break – not carriage returns)
Appendix A begins on a new page after the last narrative section of the current draft.]
Appendix A. Metadata elements and semantics
No. / Element name / Semantics1
n / Subject
n / Classification
Appendix B. Record structure and specifications
1. Record structure specifications [add rows as needed]
No. / Field name / Field type / Searchable / Required / Number of allowed entries / ControlledVocabulary? / Drop Down
1 / — / —
2 / — / —
n / Subject
n / Classification
2. Field comparison [add rows as needed]
No. / Desired Field / Libib Field / Notes1
In this chart, you list your desired fields in the first column. Then in the third column list the corresponding Libib field. For example, if you are using Libib’s tag field as your subject field, then “subject” goes in Desired Field and “Tags” goes in Libib Field. The fourth column is for you to make any notes you feel you need to explain the transition from Desired to Libib. For example, if you have a field in the second column that has no corresponding field in Libib, you might enter “This field cannot be executed in Libib”. This then becomes fuel for your SWOT in draft 4.
Appendix C. Record content and input rules
Field #:
Field Name:
Chief Source of Information:
Input Rules:
(repeat above for each field)
Appendix D. Sample thesaurus
Appendix E. Classification scheme
1. Scheme
[table goes here]
2. Notation rules
Facet name:
Chief source of information:
Notation rules:
3. Rule for unique number
4. Example
Appendix F. Name authority file
1. Record content and input rules
Field #:
Field name:
Input rules:
(repeat above for each field)
4. Sample records
Use the following mask to create your records:
Repeat for each record
Appendix G. Sample records
[insert 10 main database records here]