Dynamic Warm-up
The use of dynamic motion such as running and skipping when done correctly is by far more advantageous than running laps as a form of “warm up.” Dynamic movements allow you to warm the bodies core temperature and maintain that throughout the whole series of runs and skips. This warm up will do three things: first, it will warm the core temperature of the muscles; second, it will gently stretch the muscles; third, it will teach simple but vital movement skills related to competition and practice.
HEEL-TOE WALK / Walking toe raises, roll from heel to toes working full extension.ANKLE FLIPS / Running slowly with knees locked using only ankles.
TOE TAPS / Standing, work from dorsiflexion to planter flexion tapping the ground.
ANKLE CIRCLES / Standing, do clockwise and counter-clockwise circles with foot.
HEEL WALKS / Keep toes pointed up to the sky. Reach with heals as you walk on heels.
KNEE HUGS / Stand tall pulling the knee to the chest while either standing, walking or skipping.
KNEE TO CHEST SKIP / Elbow back, good posture. Skip brining the knee to chest.
HIGH KNEE SKIP / Focus on knee up to hip height and bringing the heel to the butt.
BUTT KICKS / Running or skipping bring the heel all the way to the butt.
CROSSOVER RUN / Running or skipping cycle the leg by stepping over the other knee.
CHICKEN RUN / Good posture, standing, walking or skipping. Bring the knee up, reach out the heel (toes pointed at the sky), then sweep foot back to the ground.
BACK REACH / Running or skipping backward, bring the heel to the buttock then reach with the heel. Get full extension back with the leg.
DOG AND BUSH / Standing, walking, skipping, running. Bring heel to buttock and knee out to side, rotation around to the front of the body. The action is similar to walking over a bush or hurdle.
CARRIOCA / Running or skipping. Work to rotate the hips as you step behind and in front. On the front step bring the knee high and the hip across the body.
TAPPIOCA / Same as Carrioca, just use two inch steps.
CROSSOVER SKIP / Skipping in a linear direction, crossover with the feet and knees, like stepping across a line.
SIDE CROSSOVER / Skipping laterally, cross the knee high and rotate the hip.
WIDE SKIP / Keeping the knees out, skip by rotating the knee to the shoulders. Work on good posture and arm action.
SIDE SKIP / Skipping laterally, Bring the knee high and heel to the butt. Do not crossover.
HIP ROTATION SKIP / Exaggerate hip action by skipping with the shoulders and head forward and the hips and feet going side to side.
SIDE SLIDES / Laterally slide. Do not cross over.
Quick Foot Exercises
*Done with or without ladder.
ANKLE BOUNCES / Keeping the legs straight, bounce off the ankles.HIGH KNEES / Linear and lateral.
HIGH KNEE SKIP / Make sure to get a full range of motion.
WIDE SKIP / Keep your feet outside the ladder.
CROSSOVER SKIP / Crossover the ladder with your feet.
CROSSOVER RUN / Run laterally down one side of the ladder, crossing over with our feet. One foot will step into the ladder and the other will step out.
CARRIOCA / Make sure to get full range of motion.
QUICK SKIP / Straight-ahead as fast as you can skip.
TAPIOCA / Focus on fast feet.
LATERAL CROSSOVER SKIP / Skip laterally as fast as possible. Emphasize extremely fast hips.
ICKY SHUFFLE / Lateral. 2 feet in, 1 foot out as you go in the ladder. No crossover.
2 IN, 2 OUT / Moving laterally, take two steps in each square and two out as you move down the ladder.
IN-OUT, OUT-IN / Moving laterally, take one step in and two out as you move down the ladder. Your feet will alternate at each square.
TWO-IN SPRINT / Linear and lateral. Both feet strike each square.
BUNNY JUMPS / Two-foot jumps in each square.
HOP SCOTCH / Two-foot jump, feet split out, then back together in the next box.
SKI JUMPS / 1 foot in, 1 foot out, alternating at each square.
ONE FOOT HOPS / One foot hops in every square.
ZIG-ZAGS / Jump or hop. Go in-out-in-out as you zigzag through the ladder.
ONE-IN SPRINT / One foot in each square.
SPRINT OUT / Fast through the ladder with a 5-10 yard sprint at the end.
Ballistic Response Movements: These movements are done at the end of the warm-up and are done at absolute maximum speed. All exercises are to be executed with very quick short steps. Each step is to be maximum of two to three inches.
Plyometrics (Jump Training)
- Explosive jumping teaches the body to generate more force against the ground in less time.
- No thuds! Land lightly on feet and control the ground impact.
- Use arms with rhythm and force.
- These are very exhausting. Take your time. When at home, do only 2 days per week for about 25-30 minutes.
- As conditioning and technique improve, use of resistance, barriers and boxes may be added.
In Place Jumps
Jump and Reach: Quick and explosive vertical jumps. Use arms to get optimal height on each jump. Concentrate on getting off the ground quickly and hitting a spot at your maximum vertical jump.
Tuck Jumps: Quick and explosive vertical jumps bringing knees high into the chest. Have as little contact with the ground as possible.
Side Cone Hops: Quick hops from side to side over one cone. Feet should land together. Remember to get off the ground as quickly as possible.
Squat Jumps: From an upright position, with hands behind your head, sink into a clean position (sitting). Jump vertically. Use hips to help explosion and to reach optimal height. Upon landing, sink back into the clean position (sitting) and immediately initiate next explosive jump.
Standing Broad Jump: Done singularly. Descend into the clean position (sitting). Jump forward using arms and hips to reach maximum distance.
Linear Jumps
Multiple Jumps for Distance: Start in clean position (sitting). Use arms and extend hips to jump forward as far as possible. Immediately and quickly go into the next jump. Speed off the ground is important.
Power Bounds: Exaggerated running motion. Push off the ground with the back leg and drive the front knee out in front of you. Use arms like you would in normal running motion. Work on elongating hang time.
Power Skips: Exaggerated powerful skips. Push off the ground with the back leg and drive the front knee up towards your chest, changing legs on each skip. Use are to aid in a powerful explosion off the ground. Elongate hang time and have maximum height on each skip.
Multiple Broad Jumps: Start in a clean position (sitting). Use arms and extend hips to jump forward as far as possible. Land in the clean position (sitting) and start the next jump. Get maximum distance on each jump.
Multiple Cone Hops: Cones are placed in a straight line approximately 3 feet apart. Jump over the cones. Knees should be brought up in front of you while hopping. Get you feet off the ground as quickly as possible.
Single Leg Hops (Bounds): Keep one leg stationary and bent. Hop forward using the other leg. Use your arms for balance and speed. Have as little contact with the ground as possible.
Side-to-Side Bounding: This is a side to side run like an ice skater (Bonnie Blair, Eric Hyden). Place two stride checkers as lines to measure the width of the stride.
Skier Hops: Explosive side to side hops down a line. Use arms to help move quickly. Knees should come up in front of you. Feet should land simultaneously and leave the ground as fast as possible.