

Church History- The Fullness of Time

“Just as God's will is creation and is called "the world," so his intention is the salvation of men, and it is called "the Church.” (CCC 760)

  1. ______
  2. The universe began ______years ago
  3. The Church has always been a part of God’s plan from the beginning.
  1. ______-God prepares His people
  2. God establishes His covenant with Abraham almost ______before Christ
  3. For 1000’s of years of God prepares us for the Messiah

“The remote preparation for this gathering together of the People of God begins when he calls Abraham and promises that he will become the father of a great people.” (CCC 762)

  1. In the ______God saves his people from slavery in Egypt in ______B.C.
  2. Israelites establish their own nation
  3. Israel becomes a Kingdom, its first King is ______in 1025 B.C.
  4. David becomes King of Israel in 1004 B.C.
  1. ______and God’s Wisdom, coming to know the “Word”
  2. Logos- Greek for “word” or “logic” – Jesus is the Logos or the Word (Jn 1:1)
  3. The universal language of the ancient world is Greek
  4. ______- Greek translation of the Old Testament
  5. Greek Philosophy prepares the pagan world for the possibility of a God without knowing Christianity was coming to Greece. Philosophy- “love of wisdom”
  6. ______– Founder of Western Philosophy. Executed in 399 B.C.
  7. ______– Student of Socrates, Teacher of Aristotle
  8. ______– Founds the ______in Athens.
  9. These philosophers and their teachings become the basis of Western notions of ethics, metaphysics (study of reality), and epistemology (study of knowledge).
  10. ______- God sets the Stage.
  11. ______or ______marked the 200 year period of peacetime within the Roman empire
  12. This peacetime is important because______.
  1. Roman Pagan Cults
  2. ______
  3. Romans borrowed and used ______gods and mythology
  4. Religion provided ______and ______for Roman citizenry.
  5. Roman placated their “gods” through ______.
  6. Romans held public ______of ______and ______.

How the stage was set





These pros allowed for the spread of Christianity. The cons existed in stark contrast to this New Christian religion, thus setting it apart.

  1. ______- Jesus’ Religion and Culture
  2. Jesus was Jewish
  3. Heavily influenced by Greek and Roman culture, they were ______or made Greek in character… “Greekified”
  4. Viewed as ______
  5. Sadducees were ______
  6. Pharisees were ______
  7. ______-Greek word for dispersion. Jews were spread all over the Roman Empire.
  1. Review
  2. The Roman Empire set the stage for a new uplifting, life filled, spiritually satisfying Religion: ______
  3. Greek and Jewish cultures exists and influence the world into which the Church was born.
  4. ______

