Ms. Molla

English 12- ERWC

Unit 3: Winter Assignment 2016-17

Due: Wednesday, January 11, 2017

In order to stress the importance of consistent reading and writing, the following Winter Assignment has been prepared to assist you. The focus of this class is to build on rhetorical analysis and expository text and will be the basis of this assignment.

Below will be organizational steps and assignment directions to help ensure that you receive full credit.

Part 1- Current Events (5 required):

1.  You will need to find and print a current event article. This event can be a local, national, or global event. You will paste this article starting on the LEFT side of your notebook. If it is more than one page, just paste the first page of the article.

2.  On the RIGHT side, you will write the title of the article, as well as the corresponding page number and date of the article. You will also add this on your cover page.

For example:

Current Event #1: Democrats Urge President Obama to Protect DACA Recipients

3.  Half of the page: Summary of what the article is about. Focus on key details (must write margin to margin).

Second Half of page: Provide your reaction and analysis of the article topic (opinion, thoughts, response, etc.- must write margin to margin).

Part 2- Ted Talks (2 required):

1.  From the list below, select two Ted Talks that you will watch and provide rhetorical analysis for. Go to to find the videos.

2.  You will add the following to your cover page and next available page:

For example:

Ted Talk-#1- TITLE OF TED TALK. Include page number and the date that you are completing the assignment.

3.  Complete the TED TALK GRAPHIC ORGANIZER for each Ted Talk that you selected.


·  The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure

·  The beauty of human skin in every color

·  An invitation to men who want a better world for women

·  4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence