Healthy New Hampshire Foundation
Grant Period: January 1, 2002- December 31, 2002
01C04104 / New Hampshire Department of Health and Human ServicesLocation: Concord
Request: $224,000
Funded Level: $224,000
Contact: Kathryn (Kate) Frey
Telephone: 271-5249
Area: Statewide / The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 established the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) under Title XXI of the Social Security Act. The purpose of the Program is to provide funds to states to initiate and expand children’s health insurance coverage to targeted uninsured children. Foundation funding supports 35% non-federal share required for the Healthy Kids Silver component of the CHIP plan. This is the Department’s fourth-year request for funds.
01R01403 / Community Health Access Network
Location: Raymond
Request: Year 1 $68,865
Year 2 $61,615
Year 3 $31,374
Funded Level: $31,117
Contact: Roxanne Kate
Telephone: 895-3351
Area: Central and So. NH / The Network’s primary goal is to preserve the mission of community health centers that serve as safety net providers for vulnerable populations and maintain a comprehensive range of health care services needed to assure quality and effective delivery and utilization of health care. This project develops infrastructure and content for organized disease management program services for clients with asthma and diabetes who traditionally do not have access to such services. The program is comprehensive, encompassing patient screening, education, information, and care tools and active follow-up with an emphasis on self-management and proactive intervention. This is the CHAN’s third-year request for funds. Funds will be used to pay for personnel, benefits, education materials, and patient care tools such as diabetes test strips.
02C00201 / New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Location: Concord
Request: $50,000
Funded Level: $50,000
Contact: Kathryn (Kate) Frey
Telephone: 271-5249
Area: Statewide / In 2000, the NH Healthy Kids (NHHK) contracted with the Institute of Child Health Policy to begin evaluating the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by creating a claims database. The database was created and a family survey was conducted to determine the level of satisfaction with CHIP services. The project funds will be used to continue the work of evaluating the program by analyzing data, developing trend information, linking enrollment to encounter data and beginning the work of setting quality improvement goals. This is NHHK first-year request for funds for this purpose. Funds will be used to continue contracting with the Institute to perform the evaluation.
02C00301 / The HUB
Location: Dover
Request: $20,000
Funded Level: $20,000
Contact: Mary Ellen Scheffield
Telephone: 749-9754
Area: Strafford County / On September 6, 2002, New Hampshire Healthy Kids submitted a proposal to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJ) to increase the number of eligible children who are benefiting from the NH Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by increasing outreach efforts. Each RWJ funded project is expected to financially support two local coalitions with an emphasis of reaching out to minorities and rural residents. The project funds will be used to supplement RWJ funds for a rural outreach initiative in Strafford Country. This is the HUB’s first-year request for funds for this purpose. Funds will be used to hire and train outreach workers to identify and enroll children through (1.) the Free and Reduced School Lunch Program; (2.) a partnership with the local housing authorities; and (3.) integration of this effort with their home visiting program.
02C00401 / Child Health Services
Location: Manchester
Request: $20,000
Funded Level: $20,000
Contact: Rob Nordgren
Telephone: 668-6629
Area: Manchester / This is the second of the two local coalitions mentioned above. The project funds will be used to supplement RWJ funds for a minority outreach initiative in Manchester. This is Child Health Services’ first-year request for funds for this purpose. Funds will be used to hire and train outreach workers to identify and enroll children through (1.) small businesses with high numbers of minority employees; (2.) ESL classes in three schools; (3.) safety-net providers; and (4.) the Minority Health Coalition’s Women-to Women Program.
Total Grant Funds for 2002: $345,117