Child Nutrition Section
2020 West Third, Suite 404
Little Rock, AR 72205
DATE:November 8, 1999
TO:Food Service Directors
FROM:Jerry Swope, NET Coordinator
Child Nutrition Unit, ADE
SUBJECT:2000 Nutrition Education Poster Contest
“Take a Fresh Look at Nutrition"
The poster contest is sponsored by the Nutrition Committee of Arkansas School Food Service Association (ASFSA) in collaboration with the Arkansas Department of Education Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program. This years theme is “Food & Fitness: Health for a Lifetime”, the American Dietetic Associations’ March 2000 National Nutrition Month slogan.
There will be a $50.00 award for each state level winner, along with a trophy. There will be an additional $75.00 award for the instructor/art teacher whose student wins the state competition. This will be to buy art supplies for the classroom.
In order for district winners to be considered for state competition the attached district entry form must be completed, and mailed or faxed (Fax: 324-9505) to me by no later than March 24, 2000. This district entry form is required to ensure that we receive all the posters prior to judging entries at the state level.
Winning school district posters for state competition should be mailed to this office or brought to the Education Service Cooperative in your area. The Child Nutrition Staff will pick these up at the Cooperatives starting April 3, 2000. All posters will be brought back to the Child Nutrition Office where they will be judged.
Prizes and awards will be presented during the month of May.
“Food & Fitness: Health for a Lifetime”
1.Posters should be 22" X 28" white or colored poster board.
- Media may be cut paper, poster paints, India ink, string, spatter work, charcoal drawings or any suitable art materials.
- Annual theme must be on the poster.
4.Name of student, name of school, mailing address of school, division which poster is to be entered, grade level of student, parent’s name and address should be typed or printed on a 3 X 5 card. This card should be attached on the back of the poster in lower right-hand corner.
5.Each school district may submit one poster in each division. No more than five (5) posters from a school district may be submitted for state judging. State winners will be selected during judging in early May 2000.
6.Posters which do not meet all contest requirements should be eliminated at the local level and not submitted to the state for judging.
7.All posters should be ready for local school judging no later than March 1, 2000 with district judging scheduled prior to March 15, 2000.
8.Food Service Directors submit the District Entry Form by March 24, 2000 and deliver posters of districtwinners to the State Child Nutrition Office or to their area Education Service Cooperative, Teacher Center Coordinator by April 3, 2000.
K Division - Kindergarten
Division I - Grades 1 through 3
Division II - Grades 4 through 6
Division III - Junior - Grades 7-9
Division IV - Senior - Grades 10-12
1. Clarity of Message
The message should be simple and direct.
Points...... 0 to 5
Theme – “Food & Fitness: Health for a Lifetime”
Points...... 0 to 5
2. Conveys Informative Child Nutrition and/or Nutrition Advice - The posters must express an idea to suggest action the viewer can take to exercise and preserve good nutrition and therefore good health.
Points...... 0 to 10
3. Effectiveness in Attracting Attention
Points...... 0 to 6
4. Artistic Merit - The art work should stimulate and spark reaction.
Points...... 0 to 4
5. Neatness
Points...... 0 to 4
All child nutrition and nutrition information must be accurate. Advertising commercial brands is not acceptable.
Submission of an entry to this contest signifies the student’s agreement to reproduce original art work.
The Arkansas Department of Education will exercise care in handling the entries, but cannot assume liability for loss or damage.
Child Nutrition Section
2020 West Third, Suite 404
Little Rock, AR 72205
DATE:November 8, 1999
TO:Director, Education Service Cooperative
FROM:Jerry Swope, NET Coordinator
Child Nutrition Unit, ADE
SUBJECT:2000 Nutrition Education Poster Contest
"Food & Fitness: Health for a Lifetime"
The annual poster contest sponsored by the Nutrition Committee of the Arkansas School Food Service Association in collaboration with the Arkansas Department of Education NET Program is scheduled for state judging to be done in April 2000.
Thank you for allowing the school food service directors in your area to send their district poster winners to the Education Service Cooperative to be picked up by one of our Area Specialists beginning April 3, 2000.
We will be contacting your teacher center coordinator before and after the April 3rd deadline to remind them to expect the posters and to see if any posters have been received. We will then contact our area specialists to pick them up.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (501) 324-9502.
cc:Teacher Center Coordinator
2000 Nutrition Education
Poster Contest
Entry Form
"Food & Fitness:
Health for a Lifetime"
School District______
Food Service Director______
Art Teacher______
No. Of Posters to be Submitted______
Check method of delivery for entries to CN, ADE:
______Personal Delivery to State Office
______US Mail or UPS
______Ed. Service Coop Pick-up
Coop Name:______
Please fill out information below: (Only one district entry per division)
K Division
Name of School______
Address______Name of Student ______
Grade Level______
Parents Name and Address______
Division I
Name of School______
Address______Name of Student ______
Grade Level______
Parents Name and Address______
Division II
Name of School______
Address______Name of Student ______
Grade Level______
Parents Name and Address______
Division III
Name of School______
Address______Name of Student ______
Grade Level______
Parents Name and Address______
Division IV
Name of School______
Address______Name of Student ______
Grade Level______
Parents Name and Address______