2014 NZRDA Marketing, Fundraising & Communications Survey
The purpose of this survey is to let NZRDA National Office know what Groups think about activities such as the Gingerbread Horse campaign, ‘Who can help Theo’ storybook, Horse of the Year and other initiatives, so we can develop the NZRDA Funding & Marketing plan for 2015 and beyond.
It also gives the National Office an insight as to what Funding, Marketing & Communications activities Groups either have in place, or plan to have in place from 2015, and what help they may need.
The survey shouldbe completed bythe RDA Group President or a Committee member, with the completed form returned to National Office by the end of term (26th September 2014) please.
Section 1: NZRDA Marketing, Fundraising & Communications
1.1NZRDA’sgeneral profile
AHow do you rate NZRDA’s overall general profile in New Zealand?
☐ 1(Poor) / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6 (Excellent)BDo you think NZRDA’s overall profile has improved in the past 12 months?
CWhat are the most effective ways that NZRDA currently publicises RDA in the community?
DWhat would you like to see NZRDA doing in the future to increase its community profile?
1.2NZRDA’s online presence
AHow do you rate NZRDA’s overall online presence (via the NZRDA website, Facebook page and online news or media presence)?
☐ 1(Poor) / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6 (Excellent)BDo you think NZRDA’s overall online presence has improved in the past 12 months?
CPlease rate the specific parts of NZRDA’s online presence, where 1 = poor and 6 = excellent:
NZRDA Website / ☐ 1 / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6NZRDA Facebook Page / ☐ 1 / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6
Online news/media presence / ☐ 1 / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6
DWhat would you like to see NZRDA doing in the future to improve its online presence?
1.3NZRDA E-newsletter
AHow do you rate the NZRDA public E-newsletter?
☐ 1(Poor) / ☐ 2 / ☐3 / ☐4 / ☐5 / ☐6 (Excellent)BWhat do you like about this newsletter?
CWhat would you like NZRDA to improve about this E-newsletter?
1.4Horse of the Year Campaign
ADid your Group put forward a Horse for NZRDA Horse of the Year in 2014?
BIf No, why not?
CIf Yes, please tell us how you promoted your Horse for this campaign:
☐ Internally to RDA Volunteers, Riders and their families
☐ Media release(s) sent to your community newspaper
☐ Facebook and/or website posts
☐ Emails and/or newsletter article
☐ Other (please state):______
DWill your Group be putting forward a Horse for NZRDA Horse of the Year in 2015?
EIf No, why not?
Section 2: NZRDA Fundraising Initiatives
2.1NZRDA 2014 Gingerbread Horse Campaign
ADid your Group actively participate in the NZRDA Gingerbread Horse Campaign this year?
BIf Yes, tell us how you promoted the Gingerbread Horse campaignin your community:
☐ Internally to RDA Volunteers, Riders and their families
☐ Media release(s)sent to your community newspaper
☐ Facebook and/or website posts
☐ Emails and/or newsletter article
☐ Other (please state):______
CIf No, why not?
DWill your Group be actively promoting the Gingerbread Horse Campaign in 2015?
EIf Yes, how many Bakers are you planning to enlist in support of your Group?
☐10 Bakers☐10 – 20 Bakers☐20 – 40 Bakers☐40 Bakers
FIf No, why not?
GWhat changes would you like to see NZRDA include in future Gingerbread Horse campaigns?
HAny other comments/suggestions aboutthis campaign?
2.2‘Who can help Theo?’ Children’s Storybook
ADid your Group choose to sell the ‘Who can help Theo?’ storybook this year?
BIf Yes, please tell us how you promoted the children’s storybook within your community:
☐ Internally to RDA Volunteers, Riders and their families
☐ Media release(s) to your community newspaper
☐ Facebook and/or website posts
☐ Emails and/or newsletter article
☐ Other (please state):______
CIf No, why not?
DNZRDA may produce a new children’s storybook in 2015, based on a different Horse character.
Would your Group sell this new storybook in 2015?
EIf Yes, how many would you order?
☐< 20 books☐20 – 50 books☐50 – 80 books☐80 books
FIf No, why not?
GWhat changes would you like to see NZRDA make for this next storybook?
2.3NZRDA Awareness Week Campaign
ADid your Group actively participate in NZRDA Awareness Week this year?
BIf No, why not?
CIf Yes, please tell us what activities you organised in your community for Awareness Week:
☐ Street Appeal CollectionDate run: ______
☐ Group Open Day or other EventDate run: ______
☐ Media release to your community newspaper
☐ Facebook and/or website posts
☐ Other (please state):______
DNZRDA mayprovide additional resources and support to Groups for NZRDA Awareness Week in 2015. What additional resources do you think would be useful to Groups?
EAny other comments/suggestions in relation to NZRDA Awareness Week?
2.4Other Fundraising Campaigns and Initiatives
ANZRDA are developing additional fundraising initiatives for 2015 and beyond. Please tick any of the boxes below if your Group would be interested in being part of these initiatives:
☐ Melbourne CupSweepstakes – an event held eachMelbourne Cup day that encourages businesses to run sweepstakes in support of their local RDA Group
☐ Regular Giving – a campaign encouraging donors to make regular donations to their local Group
☐ Bequest campaign – a campaign encouraging donors to leave bequests to RDA
☐ Donation Tins – NZRDA to provide branded donation tins to Groups, todistribute to local businesses
BAre there any other national campaigns or initiatives that you would like NZRDA to consider in the future?
Section 3: Your RDA Group’s Marketing & Communications
3.1Support and Strategy
ADoes your Group have a dedicated person to look after your marketing and communications?
BIf No, are you considering getting a dedicated marketing / comms person on board in 2015?
CIf Yes, please provide more information on this person(s).
Volunteer or paid staff? / ☐ Volunteer / ☐Paid Staff / ☐Contractor/OutsourcedDDoes your Group have a Marketing Plan for 2014 / 2015?
EIf No, why not?
GAnything else you would like to add?
3.2Your Group’s online presence
ADoes your Group have a website?
BIf No, do you plan on getting a website in the near future?
CIf Yes, are you happy with your current website?
DIf No(for Question C),what are you not happy about?
EDoes your Group have a Facebook page?
FIf No, do you plan on getting a Facebook page in the near future?
GIf No, why not?
HAnything else you would like to add about your Group’s overall online presence?
3.3Group Newsletter / E-newsletter
ADoes your Group have an Electronic newsletter or printed newsletter?
☐E-newsletterAudience is: ☐Internal OR☐External (public)
☐ Printed newsletterAudience is: ☐Internal OR☐External (public)
☐ BothAudience is: ☐Internal OR☐External (public)
☐ Neither
BIf Neither, why not?
CIf you have an E-newsletter, how often do you send it out and how?
Frequency / ☐ Monthly / ☐ Bi-Monthly / ☐Quarterly / ☐IrregularMethod of Delivery / ☐ Email / ☐ MailChimp / ☐Other program
DIf you have a printed newsletter, how often do you send it out and how?
Frequency / ☐ Monthly / ☐ Bi-Monthly / ☐Quarterly / ☐Irregular3.4Media Engagement
AHas your Group sent a media release to your local newspaper this year?
BIf No, why not?
CIf Yes, please provide details
DAnything else you would like to add about your Group’s media engagement?
3.5Regional Games Events
ADoes your Group participate in Regional Games with other Groups?
BIf Yes, please provide details on when you hold these Games, and the other RDA Groups you participate with.
CIf No, why not?
DWould your Group be willing to be part of a Regional games programme in 2015 and beyond?
EAnything else you would like to add about Regional Games?
Section 4: Your Group’s Fundraising
4.1Support and Strategy
ADoes your Group have a dedicated person to look after your fundraising?
BIf No, are you considering getting a dedicated fundraising person on board in 2015?
CIf Yes, please provide more information on this person(s).
Volunteer or paid staff? / ☐ Volunteer / ☐Paid Staff / ☐Contractor / OutsourcedDDoes your Group have a Fundraising Plan for 2014 / 2015?
EIf No, why not?
FDoes your Group have a policy on handling and processing donations?
GPlease choose the sentence that best fits your Group:
☐Our Group is comfortable with the level of funding and support it receives from the community
☐Our Groupis receives enough community funding & support to operate, but would like more
☐Our Group is struggling to operate because it receives very little communityfunding & support
☐Other (please state): ______
HAnything else you would like to add?
4.2Core Fundraising Activities
APlease state what core fundraising activities your Group undertakes:
☐ Grant funding☐ Lottery / COGs Funding
☐ General Donations
☐ Regular Giving
☐ Bequest Programme
☐ Open Day Events
☐ Other (please state): ______
☐ Horse Sponsorship Programme
☐ Other Sponsorship (please state): ______
☐ Other (please state): ______
BOf these fundraising activities, which are the top three most vital to your Group income-wise?
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
CWhich of these activities (if any) would you like additional support from NZRDA for?
DAnything else you’d like to add?
4.3Other Income Generation
AOutside of your core fundraising activities, what other ways of generating income does your Group undertake (if any)?
☐ Riding Lessons☐ After School Programme
☐ SchoolHoliday Programme
☐ Arena / Room Hire
☐ Other (please state): ______
BOf these other activities, which are the top three most vital to your Group income-wise?
1) ______
2) ______
3) ______
CWhich of these activities (if any) would you like additional support from NZRDA for?
DAnything else you’d like to add?
Section 5: Your Group’s Branding
AFor each of the branded items below, please state whether you believe your Group complies with the NZRDA Brand standards:
Uniform / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Not applicableArena Signage / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Not applicable
Website / Facebook / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Not applicable
Branded materials (brochures, stationery, banners etc) / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Not applicable
BIf you’ve answered No to any of the above, why not?
CWhich of these activities (if any) would you like additional support from NZRDA for?
DAnything else you’d like to add?
I, <name> ______
have completed this survey and declare that it represents the view of my RDA Group.
Name of Group______
Position at Group______
Thank you
Thank you for competing this survey, which will help NZRDA to be able to provide a higher level of support to your Group. Once completed, you can either email this survey to NZRDA National Office at , or post the survey to us at:
PO Box 58110
Whitby, Porirua 5245
If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact NZRDA National Office on 0800 4NZRDA