Release Notes – smartOCI™

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Release Notes – smartOCI

Version1.4.7 releasedMay 2011

A.)Major Items

<Write a brief description of any new implementation or any modification>.

B.)General Release Changes (Version 1.4.7)

Description / Module
Currently Advanced Search button is yellow in color. It should be like the GO button in search header bar. / Advanced Search
Turn off message centre and Trending Now on Advanced Search page for now. / Advanced Search
Change sort red arrow to white arrow to match the header in the application / smartOCI
On Create profile, create user and throughout the application create pages the breadcrumb should show a third level so that if user wants to go back on previous page he should be able to. Eg. smartOCI > Users > Create User, smartOCI > Profiles > Create Profile etc. / smartOCI
The spaces in the start and end of the text should be cleaned before saving or any action like login, search etc. / smartOCI
No row selected message should appear before the confirmation delete message box and move catalog message box. Any error/alert message which appears after confirmation message box should appear first. / smartOCI
Breadcrumbs move to left on mouse over. / smartOCI
American English should be used for internal coding, db and page names etc. like correct custome to custom / smartOCI
Select column header should be replaced with a checkbox. On clicking the checkbox, action should be performed on the items appearing on the respective page only. / smartOCI
There should be one page for product detail page in the application (search result, catalog manager, quote manager, shopping cart, favorite, compare), however the contents should remain same which we have for each product detail page. / Search Result, Compare, Internal Catalog, Quote Manager, Shopping Cart, Favorites, SAP SRM shopping cart
Header Update. / smartOCI Header
Header - Logo should keep aspect ratio on resize. Any logo uploaded in preferences should keep aspect ratio when it is resized to our default image size. / smartOCI Header
Header - The space in breadcrumb and start of page should be reduced: / smartOCI Header
smartOCI should be Apple Safari 5.0.2+ compliant. / smartOCI
Change the label of Import button to Create New Quote, Create New Catalog on Catalog Manager/Quote Screen. / Catalog Manager, Quote Manager
Edit Item Inventory should open up when an item name hyperlink is clicked. There should be a button on Edit Item Inventory to open/view the product detail page of items. When user clicks back button, he should be taken to Item Inventory screen. Any changes made on item inventory screen should appear on product detail page whether save button is clicked or not. / Catalog Manager, Quote Manager
Assign Profile, Assign Approver buttons should also be on Catalog Manager/Quote Manager screen. User will select the catalogs/quotes and click assign profile or assign approver button and the profile/approvers will be assigned to the selected catalogs/quotes. Only one catalog or quote can be selected prior to clicking assign profile or assign approver button. Error message will appear if there are more than one catalogs/quotes selected and user clicks assign profile or assign approver button. / Catalog Manager, Quote Manager
Item URL field needs some rework. Currently, URL needs to be entered in configuration.xml file. / Product Detail page, Compare Product Detail Page
Hyperlink of the items appearing in the footer should be same as we have for the items in footer of Main tab. / Login
Activate & Deactivate button should appear on Profile screen as well. / Profile
Server calls should not be made when a catalog/quote is selected on Create/Edit Profile. / Profile
If user tries to search when no keyword is entered, nothing should happen, i.e. no server calls, no message should appear etc. / Search Header, Advanced Search
Need rework on Bundle Search Result. In the ‘Bundle’ filter section, change to ‘ID : Catalog Name’, where ID is Item Bundle No. / Bundle Search Result
Add to Cart, Add to Favorite button should be consistent for product detail page, list view and grid view. Currently from List view user is taken to shopping cart when add to cart button is clicked. Message should appear on List View / List View Search Result
Add to Cart button next to each item (List View) should add all items to cart which have quantity entered for them. It should work the same way as Add to Cart button at the bottom of the page does. / List View Search Result
Dollar sign should not appear in the Price Range filter on search result. Only amounts should appear there. / List View & Grid View Search Result
Only the catalogs/quotes containing search results should appear on search result page. Any search done through the search header bar should search through all of the catalogs that are available to the user. / List View & Grid View Search Result
Security - Change the label of Close button to Back. / Security Privileges
Breadcrumb on user security screen should be like catalog manager / Security Privileges
Layout of the Product Detail Page opened from SRM shopping cart should be same as of our current product detail page. / SAP SRM Integration
Change ckeditor with TinyMCE. / Mailbox
External catalog items should scrape and store the item imagery locally as opposed to linking out to the catalog. / Indexing
Master Data - Send Supplier Invitation Process which was deferred from 1.4.6 / Master Data – Supplier Companies
Master Data - For Master/Catalog Administrator, values appearing in Supplier Company Name column on Quote/Catalog Manager & External Catalog screens will be clickable. On clicking the name, user will be taken to View/Edit Supplier Company screen. / Catalog Manager, Quote Manager, External Catalog
Master Data - User can upload Supplier Company logo on Create/Edit Supplier Company screen. This logo will appear on search result page where Supplier name appears above Quantity field. If no logo is uploaded than the Supplier Name will appear. / Master Data – Supplier Companies
Master Data - Changes in the deactivate process of Supplier Company and deactivate/delete process of the Supplier Company:
a. If Supplier Company is deactivated, catalogs should not be available to Shopping population to search until company is activated again.
b. If Supplier or Supplier Admin is deactivated, catalogs should not be available to shopping population to search until the respective user is activated again.
c. If Supplier or Supplier Admin is deleted, the value in Active column of Catalogs & Quotes will change from Yes to No. / Master Data – Supplier Companies
Custom attributes can be defined for every supplier companies and can be associated on Create/Edit Supplier Company screen. These custom attributes will appear on search result page as post filters when an item appears in search result from the catalogs of the respective supplier company. / Master Data – Supplier Companies, List View & Grid View Search Result, Catalog Manager, Quote Manager, External Catalogs
Updating of JSF version / smartOCI
Custom Mapping of Material Groups. First part of the custom assignment of UNSPSC by uploading an excel file. At the time of check out UNSPSC is replaced by the custom code assigned. / Master Data, check out
Currently Advanced Search button is yellow in color. It should be like the GO button in search header bar. / Advanced Search
Turn off message centre and Trending Now on Advanced Search page for now. / Advanced Search
Change sort red arrow to white arrow to match the header in the application / smartOCI
On Create profile, create user and throughout the application create pages the breadcrumb should show a third level so that if user wants to go back on previous page he should be able to. E.g. smartOCI > Users > Create User, smartOCI > Profiles > Create Profile etc. / smartOCI
The spaces in the start and end of the text should be cleaned before saving or any action like login, search etc. / smartOCI
No row selected message should appear before the confirmation delete message box and move catalog message box. Any error/alert message which appears after confirmation message box should appear first. / smartOCI

C.)Hotfixes (Version 1.4.7)

Description / Module

D.)Known Issues (Version 1.4.7)

Description / Module


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