Greek Mythology Assignment

To complete this assignment you will need to go to Mrs. Murray’s website at:

Once there, click on “Resources” under the “History 10” section.

Activity One (15 points) – For each advertisement on the website, answer the following questions:

Advertisement #1 - ______(name of company/product)

1.  What is the product being sold or the service being offered?

2.  What Greek god/goddess does the advertisement/product refer to?

3.  Explain why the advertiser has chosen to use that particular reference to mythology to sell their product, services, or idea. What do they want the consumer to associate with their product?

Advertisement #2 - ______(name of company/product)

1.  What is the product being sold or the service being offered?

2.  What Greek god/goddess does the advertisement/product refer to?

3.  Explain why the advertiser has chosen to use that particular reference to mythology to sell their product, services, or idea. What do they want the consumer to associate with their product?

Advertisement #3 - ______(name of company/product)

1.  What is the product being sold or the service being offered?

2.  What Greek god/goddess does the advertisement/product refer to?

3.  Explain why the advertiser has chosen to use that particular reference to mythology to sell their product, services, or idea. What do they want the consumer to associate with their product?

Advertisement #4 - ______(name of company/product)

1.  What is the product being sold or the service being offered?

2.  What Greek god/goddess does the advertisement/product refer to?

3.  Explain why the advertiser has chosen to use that particular reference to mythology to sell their product, services, or idea. What do they want the consumer to associate with their product?

Advertisement #5 - ______(name of company/product)

1.  What is the product being sold or the service being offered?

2.  What Greek god/goddess does the advertisement/product refer to?

3.  Explain why the advertiser has chosen to use that particular reference to mythology to sell their product, services, or idea. What do they want the consumer to associate with their product?

Activity Two (15 points: Relevance, Presentation, Explanation)

Look at table two of the gods, goddesses and mythological figures on the website.

1. Design your own logo for a make-believe company based on one of them.

2. Your company's product must have some reference or association to the mythological figure you have selected.

3. Your logo needs a company name and a visual. You need to write an explanation for why you have selected that image and reference to represent your company.

4.  Complete your logo/advertisement on a plain piece of white paper. Make sure it is done in colour and neatly presented.


DEMETER is the goddess of grains, crops and agriculture. I have chosen her symbol, the sheaf of wheat, to promote my natural food company where all products are organically grown. I am trying to use Demeter's association with the earth to advertise the goodness of the foods I sell. /

Activity Three

1.  Choose one of the Popular Expressions handouts and complete the chart.

Popular Expression Chosen / Summary of Associated Myth / Expression in Your Own Words
Modern Situation