Grade 8 Science Review – Midterm

January 2009

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 10 & 11

Chapter 1 – Key Terms

Section 1.1 Distribution of Water

  • Atmosphere
  • Hydrosphere
  • Lithosphere
  • Water cycle
  • Supraorbital gland

Section 1.2 Comparing Ocean Water and Fresh Water

  • Density
  • Freezing point
  • Salinity

Section 1.3Sources of Fresh Water

  • Crevasse
  • Drainage basin
  • Glacier
  • Global warming
  • Gravity
  • Ground water
  • Iceberg
  • Run-off

Chapter 2 – Key Terms

Section 2.1Ocean Basins

  • Abyssal plain
  • Continental drift
  • Continental shelf
  • Continental slope
  • Ocean ridges
  • Trench

Section 2.2Ocean Currents

  • Coriolis effect
  • Density current
  • Ocean current
  • Thermocline
  • Upwelling

Section 2.3Waves and Tides

  • Bays
  • Breaker
  • Crest
  • Headlands
  • Neap tide
  • Spring tide
  • Swell
  • Tidal range
  • Tide
  • Trough
  • Tsunami
  • Wave length
  • Wave height

Chapter 3 – Key Terms

Section 3.1Oceans and Climate

  • Climate
  • Convecion
  • Specific heat capacity
  • Weather

Section 3.2Living in Water

  • Bioluminescence
  • Estuary
  • Phytoplankton
  • Zooplankton

Section 3.3Human Impact on Water Systems

  • Acid precipitation
  • Aquaculture
  • Invasive species
  • Overfishing

Chapter 10 – Key Terms

Section 10.1Characteristics of Life

  • Armbase
  • Cellcoarse adjustment knob
  • Compound light microscopeeyepiece
  • Fine adjustment knobiris diaphragm
  • Light sourcemagnification power
  • Objective lensesobjective lenses
  • Resolving powerrevolving nosepiece
  • Stagetotal magnification
  • Tube

Section 10.2Focussing on Cells

  • Cell membranecell theory
  • Cell wallchloroplast
  • Cytoplasmmitochondria
  • Mitosisnucleus
  • Organellevacuole

Chapter 11 – Key Terms

Section 11.1Cell Organization

  • Organ
  • Organ system
  • System
  • Tissue

Section 11.2Introducing Human Body Systems

  • Circulatory SystemDigestive System
  • Endocrine SystemExcretory System
  • Immune SystemIntegumentary System
  • Muscular SystemNervous System
  • Reproductive SystemRespiratory System
  • Skeletal System


  • 97% of water on Earth is salt
  • 3% of water on Earth is fresh
  • 2/3 of world’s fresh water is in the form of glaciers
  • Sun’s energy drives the water cycle
  • Average salinity – 35 parts per thousand
  • Sodium Chloride accounts for 85% of all the dissolved solids in the ocean
  • Dead Sea is nearly 9 times saltier than any other ocean
  • Two of the largest ice sheets can be found in Antartica and Greenland
  • Most recent Ice Age – began 120 000 years ago - ended 11 000 years

Ago. 28% of land was covered by glaciers

  • Last 100 years the average surface temperature has increased by 0.5oC
  • Athabasca Glacier has receded 1.5 km since 1843
  • Five major oceans (Pacific – largest, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Artic – smallest)
  • 2/3 Earth’s surface is covered by oceans
  • Pacific Ocean is getting smaller because of Plate Tectonics
  • Atlantic Ocean is getting bigger because of Plate Tectonics
  • The widest continental shelf in the world is located in the Grand Banks, NL
  • Largest ocean current – Antartic Circumpolar Current
  • Invertebrates – animals without backbones
  • Point Sources
  • Non-Point Sources
  • Normal rainwater has a pH of 5.6
  • Green Crab was an invasive species introduced in Placentia Bay, NL

Possible Short Answer Questions

  1. With the use of a diagram, describe the Water Cycle
  2. What are the three characteristics between salt water and fresh water?
  3. Why is the salinity higher near the equator and at the poles??
  4. Why is gold not mined from the ocean?
  5. What are the consequences that scientists are trying to predict regarding the shrinking of glaciers?
  6. What are the factors which affect Run-Off?
  7. Describe the process of plate tectonics.
  8. How were ocean’s formed?
  9. Label the ocean basin and describe.
  10. The three factors which influence ocean surface currents.
  11. The most important influences on movement for deep ocean currents (2).
  12. With the aid of a diagram, explain how headlands and bays were formed.
  13. With the use of a diagram (using the earth, sun and moon) describe the difference between Spring Tides and Neap Tides.
  14. Explain the difference between weather and climate.
  15. With the aid of a diagram, explain the process of convection.
  16. Explain why El Nino occurs and give the affects of it.
  17. How do wetlands contribute to the environment
  18. Explain the difference between Point and Non-PointSources.
  19. Where is most of the world’s pollution found and why?
  20. With the aid of a diagram, explain Acid Precipitation.
  21. Explain the reasons why Overfishing occurs.
  22. Why is seismic testing for oil a concern?
  23. What are the four characteristics of Living Things?
  24. Label and explain the parts of the Compound Light Microscope.
  25. What is the Cell Theory?
  26. Explain the Human Body Systems.