Packet by Steve Watchorn


1. It is by virtue of this that "man is distinguished from animals," according to Ludwig von Mises [MEE-say] in Liberalism. He goes on to say that this has "made feeble man. . .the lord of the earth." Along with extensive use of machinery, it was blamed for the proletarians losing all individual character in their work in The Communist Manifesto, though Karl Marx differentiates between the natural "social" type and the deleterious "manufacture" type. In Book Three of a namesake 1893 work, its abnormal forms -- including forced and anomic -- are outlined; and, in the first chapter of The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith uses a pin factory to describe it. For 10 points, name this separation of work into tasks performed by specialized units, whose manifestation "in society" was examined by Emile Durkheim [AY-meel DUR-kime].

Answer: division of labor (accept in society as an add-on)

2. His reputation for bravery was based on killing a Cadusian warrior-champion in single combat, for which he was awarded the satrapy [SAA-truh-pee] of Armenia. His depiction on a mosaic in the House of the Faun in Pompeii shows a different aspect to his character. He ascended to the throne after his two predecessors were poisoned by Bagoas. Bagoas was, in turn, poisoned by this man, whose own death came at the hands of the satrap Bessus. The death of Memnon, his general, left this man limited militarily; but he also showed poor judgment in not preparing for Granicus, and in bringing his relatives to another doomed battle. In that battle, famously painted by Albrecht Altdorfer, this man abandoned his family in retreat. For 10 points, name this last Achamaenid [AH-kuh-MAY-nid] ruler of Persia, who decisively lost to Alexander at Gaugamela and Issus.

Answer: Darius III (accept Codommanus; prompt on partial answer)

3. "You are an Alexander-Nebuchadnezzar [NEH-buh-kahd-NEH-zer]/ breaking horses and murdering tigers/ (You are a Professor of Energy/ as today's madmen say)," he wrote in a poem to a U. S. president. Born in Metapa, a city now renamed in his honor, he read his poem "The Book" to his country's president, Joaquin [wah-KEEN] Zavala, at age 15 to get a scholarship to Europe. That failed, but he became his country's ambassador to Paris in 1903 and was also an ambassador to Argentina. In the latter position, he wrote the collection Profane Hymns, while in the former, under the influence of French Symbolist poets, he wrote Songs of Life and Hope. For 10 points, name this Nicaraguan poet of "To Roosevelt" and "In Autumn," whose collection Azul [ah-ZOOL] helped usher in the literary movement he originated, Modernismo [moh-dare-NEEZ-moh].

Answer: Ruben Dario [roo-BEN dar-EE-yoh] or Felix Ruben Garcia Sarmiento (accept To Roosevelt before "born in")

4. The first known reference to it is in De Medicina Praecepta [pry-KEP-tuh], by Serenus Sammonicus, physician to Caracalla [CAR-uh-CAHL-uh]. He had patients wear an amulet on which it was written in the form of an inverted cone. Possible sources for it include corruptions of the Aramaic phrase meaning "I create as I speak," or a combination of the Hebrew words for "Father," "Son," and "Holy Spirit:" ab, ben, and ruakh ha-kodesh [ROO-ahkh hah-koh-DESH]. This word was the leading original candidate for the title of the Beatles' Revolver album, and was the title of an album by the Steve Miller Band, as well as the song in which they wanted to "reach out and grab ya." For 10 points, give this 11-letter nonsense word, which names a 2004 card game by Mayfair, and is often associated with magicians.

Answer: abracadabra

5. Via the proteins TIR-1 and ARF-1, many of the effects of this class of substances are mediated by gene transcription. The first of these was isolated by Fritz Went [vent] in Avena seedlings, where he cut the coleoptile [coh-lee-OP-tul] from oat plants, placed it in agar, then replaced it on the plants. Synthetic types like 2,4-D acetic acid are used in weed killers, though the most common natural form, indole-3-acetic-acid, or IAA, can have a different effect. Produced in the apical [AY-pih-kul] meristem, these substances are the prime factor in apical dominance, as they build up in the shoot apex at the leading tips of stalks. For 10 points, name these plant hormones that cause the curvature in phototropism, and whose most important function is in plant growth.

Answer: auxins

6. With a comparison to girls entertaining at a party only when the partygoers cannot entertain themselves, the title character is admonished for avoiding the main question and, instead, examining a poem by Simonides [sye-MAHN-ih-deez] -- an examination that hinges on the difference between "being" and "becoming" good. Pursuing the main question, the title character compares the parts of excellence to features on a face, while his principal antagonist argues they are not distinct, but, instead, all follow from knowledge, since no one deliberately does evil. The antagonist had sought Alcibiades [al-sih-BYE-uh-deez] at the gathering, to find out if he was spending his money wisely to learn excellence from, for 10 points, the title character of which Platonic dialogue that is largely a conversation between Socrates and a prominent sophist?

Answer: Protagoras

7. His last completed work, a violin concerto commissioned by Louis Krasner, became a requiem for the daughter of the sister-in-law of his mistress, Hanna Fuchs-Robettin. Hanna, the sister of Franz Werfel [VER-ful], also inspired the section names -- including "Andante [ahn-DAHN-tay] amoroso," and "Adagio [uh-DAH-gee-oh] appasionato" -- in his Lyric Suite. He interpolated his and Hanna's initials into the pitch sequences of that piece, and made playful references to 23 and ten, their respective "fateful numbers." Similar references appear in his unfinished final opera, whose completion was prevented by his jealous wife until 1976. That opera, based on two Frank Wedekind [VAY-duh-kihnd] works, is -- unlike his earlier opera based on a Georg Buechner [GAY-org BYOOK-ner] play -- composed entirely in the style of his mentor, whom he met in Vienna in 1904. For 10 points, name this student of Arnold Schoenberg [SHERN-berg], a twelve-tone adherent who composed Wozzeck [VOY-chek] and Lulu.

Answer: Alban Berg

8. Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee in the 36th Congress, he was elected senator in 1861 to replace Salmon Chase when Chase was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. In 1881, he was elected again, to replace James Garfield, when Garfield was elected President. His second cabinet appointment was as William McKinley's Secretary of State, a post he held from 1897 to 98. His first cabinet position, immediately preceding his 1881 Senate election, was as Rutherford Hayes's Secretary of the Treasury. In that position, he implemented the Resumption Act, redeeming greenbacks for hard money and effectively returning the U. S. to the gold standard. His tenure also saw passage of the Bland-Allison Act, which would later be modified by his own act that was repealed after the Panic of 1893. For 10 points, name this politician, best known for two 1890 acts: a silver purchase act and the first congressional anti-trust act.

Answer: John Sherman

9. Tom Cassidy's $40,000 -- meant to "buy off unhappiness" by purchasing his daughter a house as a wedding present -- sets the plot in motion, as it travels toward Fairvale from Phoenix, stopping briefly at California Charlie's. It is carried by a woman seeking her lover, the hardware store owner Sam Loomis. The woman is later sought by her sister, Lila [LYE-luh], and the detective Arbogast. Scored only with strings, to match its black-and-white photography, this film supposedly features the first flushing toilet in American cinema, used by Marion Crane to get rid of some paper shortly before a fateful encounter, in the same room, with the mother of a young man she just met. Man and "mother" are the same person in, for 10 points, which Alfred Hitchcock film, where Marion would have been better off not meeting Norman or taking a shower at the Bates Motel?

Answer: Psycho

10. The procedures of Pratt and Atkin-Goldwater-Kilian-Morain certify them. AKS and Lucas-Lehmer are deterministic tests for them, while Miller's test is probabilistic, meaning it can also detect their pseudo-counterparts. Shanks and Cunningham are chains of them, and ones in a Cunningham chain of the first kind are the Sophie Germain type. Ones that divide the class number of a cyclotomic field generated by e to the 2-pi-i over themselves are irregular, and odd irregular ones also divide the numerator of certain Bernoulli numbers. They can be found using the sieve of Erathostenes [er-ruh-TAH-stuh-neez], and Ferrier's was the largest one known before the advent of electronic computers. For 10 points, name this class of numbers, all of which greater than four are the sum of two others, by the strong Goldbach conjecture; and which may only be factored by one and themselves.

Answer: primes or prime numbers

11. In the poem with this name, the questions "How should a mere worldling regale you, chorus divine?" and "Gods! what can mortals give to you, truly?" are asked by Friedrich Schiller [SHIL-er]. In general, this term names a class a poems, of which John Dryden's "Alexander's Feast" is often cited as a later example. Traditionally developed by Arion, two of the ones by Bacchylides [baa-KIL-uh-deez] survive, including "Ode 18," which separates a soloist from the chorus. Composed for groups of 50 men and boys, and sung in competition, these are, for 10 points, which song-chants, which stand in contrast to the more somber Apollonian paeans [PAY-ahnz] and are tributes to Dionysus [DYE-oh-NYE-sis]?

Answer: dithyrambs [DITH-ih-ramz]

12. Section 201 amended Title III to include new offenses, while Section 216 codified arguments used to support the implementation of the Carnivore system. Section 216 also allowed for expanded "pen registers," and Sections 206 and 218 added to the reach of 1978's FISA [FYE-suh]. The subject of House Resolution 3162, it was primarily drafted by Viet Dinh and introduced by James Sensenbrenner. Four years later in the senate, John Sununu [soo-NOO-noo] -- by introducing an adjunct bill of compromises -- broke a stalemate over its renewal. The opposition quadrupled, however, as Tom Harkin, Jim Jeffords, and Robert Byrd voted no on the adjunct bill, along with the only senator to originally oppose this act, Russ Feingold [FINE-gold]. For 10 points, name this 2001 act to "[Unite] and [Strengthen] America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism."

Answer: USA Patriot Act (accept early House Resolution 3162 or equivalents)

13. In Yrttiaho [IR-tee-AH-ho] v. Public Curator (Queensland), the Australian High Court determined that ones of these related to "merely procedural" matters, as opposed to those which divested rights, were not prohibited. A similar distinction by the U. S. Supreme Court limited their prohibition to criminal, rather than private, rights in Calder v. Bull. Forbidden by Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 of the U. S. Constitution, they were key to the Ex parte [PAR-tay] Garland case, where post-Civil War loyalty oaths were called these, as well as bills of attainder. With their forbiddance following from the legal phrase nulla poena sine lege [NUH-luh PAY-nuh SEE-nuh LAY-juh], or "no punishment without law," these are, for 10 points, which kind of laws, which retroactively change the legal consequences for an action, and have a Latin name meaning "from things done afterward?"

answer: ex post facto laws (or retrospective law) (do not accept early "bill (or act) of attainder")

14. According to its founder's grandson, its most important tablet, along with the Surih of the Temple, was ordered written in the shape of a pentacle, to signify the temple of man. Its holiest book -- written soon after its spiritual founder was transferred to the house of Udi Khammar -- sets its year to begin on March 21st, dividing it into 19 months of 19 days each. The book also prescribes the mandatory 19 days of fasting to those between 15 and 70, and establishes the Nineteen Days Feasts. It exhorts the Presidents of the Republics of the American continent to champion justice; reproofs Francis Joseph; and ordains the House of Justice, now located in Haifa [HYE-fuh]. This is how the Kitab-i-Aqdas [kih-TAB ee AHK-dahs] is described by Shoghi [SHO-ghee] Effendi. For 10 points, name this religion, where Effendi was the grandson and appointed successor of its Iranian founder, Baha 'Ullah.

Answer: Baha'i faith (prompt on early "Kitab-i-Aqdas")

15. Their interaction with the "d" orbitals of the atoms they bind to was developed by J. H. Van Vleck as their "field theory." Alfred Stock first used their name in 1916 in relation to silicon chemistry, and Swiatoslaw Trofimenko [SWAH-tih-slav troh-fee-MEN-koh] discovered the influential scorpionate ["scorpion"-ate] variety in 1966. Ethylenediammine [ETH-uh-leen-DYE-uh-meen], acetylacetonate [uh-SEE-tul-aa-suh-TOE-nate], phenanthroline [fen-AN-throw-leen] and oxalate ion are common bidentate [bi-DEN-tate] types, while tetradentate [TET-truh-den-tate] types include the porphyrins [POR-fur-inz] of chlorophyll and hemoglobin. For 10 points, name these chemical structures which bind to the central metal ion in a coordination compound, whose polydentate [PAH-lee-DEN-tate] types are stabilizing agents via the chelate [KEE-late] effect.

Answer: ligands

16. Its downfall saw Julius von Pflug restored to his Holy See. Henry of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel [VUL-fen-byoo-tul] was also reinstated, though Ulrich -- whom it had restored to power in Wurttemberg [VYOOR-tum-burg]-- remained in power after paying an indemnity. The way for its defeat was cleared by the Peace of Crepy [CRAY-pee], which prevented the French from assisting it. Its vanquishment was also expedited by a bigamy charge -- requiring an imperial pardon -- against one of its leaders, Phillip of Hesse. Its precursors included Speyer [SHPAY-yer], Dessau, and Regensburg. Formed in 1531, largely in response to the Confutation of Augsburg, it was the first of its kind to have a large military component, thanks to leaders like John Frederick the First of Saxony. For 10 points, name this Protestant league of Germany, defeated by Charles the Fifth at Mulhberg in 1547.