The Ultimate Experience Story
The idea of an experience story is nothing new in the field of Deaf Education. However, that does not make it any less important. Technology can allow us to make it even more motivating. I have taken the idea of “type on slides” and made a template in a PowerPoint presentation format and made the “ultimate in experience stories.”
Intended Audience:
This project is easily modified for any age group. The degree of group or independent work depends on the age and abilities of the students.
To motivate students write about his/her own experiences.
To increase a students knowledge and use of technology by using PowerPoint, digital cameras and or video cameras, and a Smart board.
The idea itself is very simple. While doing a project or taking a field trip, you need to take digital pictures of the sequence of events. When you return to the classroom you can easily insert them into the template and have your students either tell you the story or type it in themselves. Each time you want to complete another story just “erase” the information and pictures and save them as another name. Have Fun!
If you have a Smart board available this activity is even more enjoyable. You can upload the template and insert your pictures before your class arrives or you can select them together. Each student can write a sentence directly onto the slide. This would also aid if any of your students have and physical or visual impairments.
Ideas for further enjoyment!
1. Download the template onto to several computers and have each student write his/her own stories.
2. These stories are easily sent via email to parents and friends so they can be aware of what is happening in school. They could even write back to create a dialogue email journal.
3. The students are empowered to put in their own pictures and sentences so they are in control.
4. Using the slide sorter you could easily “mess up” the sequence and have the students tell you the correct sequence.
5. Teach your students how to use spell check and grammar check to better their own writing skills.
Assessment Ideas:
1. Sequence of events:
a. use the hand our format to get small slides and have them glue them in the correct order.
b. using the slide sorter “mess up” the order and have the students fix it
2. Language:
using a writing rubric appropriate for you level you can check the grammar etc.. in each type on box.
3. Cooperative Learning:
you can use a rubric to see how well they work as a group to complete each story.