Video Project Rubric – German III Due Monday, May 16
Name Each person in the group must have at least 14 lines!!
Mündlich / Speaking
20-18 / 17-15 / 13-11 / 10-8 / 7-0Strong control of German, lines were memorized and the pronunciation was clear and loud. There was no English used and little hesitation. / Good control of German with memorized lines and some gaps in pronunciation clarity. There was no English used and little hesitation. / Fair control of German with no memorization of lines. The pronunciation is not clear or hard to hear with hesitations and use of English. / Some control of German with obvious use of cue cards and poor pronunciation. There were long pauses and use of English. / Unacceptable and falls below the previous descriptions of is inappropriate.
Schriftlich / Writing
20-18 / 17-15 / 13-11 / 10-8 / 7-0Well-organized story line with beginning, middle and end. There was a clear effort to include more sophisticated vocabulary and structures. Grammar and spelling were used with only minor errors. / Organized story line with beginning, middle and end. Some effort to include more sophisticated vocabulary and structures. Reads smoothly despite some grammar and spelling errors. / Story line not organized or incomplete. There was little effort to include a variety of vocabulary and structures. Sometimes the mistakes interfere with the meaning in the writing. / Story line not organized and is incomplete. Reliance on simple structures and vocabulary with no risks taken. Story is not easily comprehended. / Unacceptable and falls below previous descriptions. Inappropriate.
Kreativität / Creativity
10-8 / 7-6 / 5-4 / 3-2 / 1-0Exceptional use of props, costumes and sets. Very entertaining and the scenes flow. The camera was used creatively. / Good use of props, costumes and sets. Entertaining and the scenes seemed to flow. The camera was used creatively. / Use of props and costumes. Entertaining with gaps in scenes. There was only one setting. / Props and costumes not used. Scenes do not flow well and there was only one setting. / Unacceptable and falls below previous descriptions. Inappropriate.
Grammar you must use at least once: two-way prepositions (s. 272-273), da/wo compounds (s. 286), past perfect tense (s. 308), verbs with prepositions (s. 339), coordinating conjunctions (s. 353), and subordinating conjunctions (s. 356).