` 7
To recapitulate whatever we have discussed
A) That there is only one source of all i.e. TheAbsoluteUnmanifest, about which no one can say anything for it is beyond all conceptions. Besides no Creation or Existence of any sort is possible within this awful state of tremendously high vibrations.
B) So in a part of the Absolute Unmanifest is created a state of Absolute Manifest, about whom also no one can say anything for even this state is beyond conception. Besides, here again no Creation or Existence of any sort is possible of any sort can take place for yet is a state of extremely high vibrations.
C) So in a part of the Absolute Manifest is created a state of Nature about which also no one can say anything for even it is not Nature as we understand or creation or existence as we understand, know or can,visualize and no Existence of any sort can take place for even now the vibrations are extremely high. We call this state of Nature Divine Wholeness. But for Existence to be possible vibrations have to be reduced greatly over eternities and some lesser type suitable material is too be first developed. Infinite Mind or Energy of Pureawareness.
D) In this state of Nature (Divine Wholeness) of extremely high vibrations a little later appear fragmentations, billions and billions that arise from the surface of Divine Wholeness (Nature). But it is not state of multiplicity, because each fragment can merge in or with anyother fragment or merge or remerge in and from Divine Wholeness (Nature). Which is known as Jana?
So we call each such fragment, Divine Fragment. This Divine Wholeness is Truth, Reality Manifest and so each Divine Fragment is also Truth, Reality Manifest. Divine wholeness is the celestial Home of Divine Fragments. Earlier states of (A) and (B) are Truth, Reality Un-manifest.
But with material eyes we can neither see A.B.C. And neither D nor can we describeor understand with mortal brain, because they are beyond our senses.
Therefore the sages have called A.B.C.D. all put together, more especially.
(C) Nature, Divine Wholeness as Void, Emptiness, Nothingness, for we can neither see, feel nor understand this Divine Wholeness.
But you and I are in fact these Divine Fragments (D); but without the outer coverings of body, brain and senses, otherwise we are miserable individuals.
This is the broad understanding:-
Now in this world people seek by various roads and methods to go back Home. The trouble is that during these efforts they and also we do not realize that it is only the journey back Home. So this means that actually we have to achieve nothing. But people have this false notion that they (and also we) can reach up to higher levels to achieve something always.
We are all in Exile, far from our celestial Home and have been in exile for a sufficiently long period lasting over eternities and so now we have even forgotten that we have a Home from where a long time back in dim past we all had entered Exile.
So much so that we all are now even afraid to die in this Exile thereby we all can go back Home! This is the awfully, sad and degenerated state in which we all find ourselves today!
Lord Krishna says:-
“(A) In truth, therefore is the Eternal Un-manifest which is beyond and above (B) the Manifest Spirit of Creation which is never destroyed when all these beings perish.” (I.e. beings with outer coverings of body brain and senses.)
“The wise say that the Un-manifest is the highest goal of all. When once that is reached, there is no return. That is my celestial Home.”
Further He says, “When the help of Nature (Divine Wholeness (C) again and again I pour forth the multitude of beings (with outer coverings). Under my guidance, (C) Nature, Divine Wholeness produces all things, moveable and unmovable. Thus the universe revolves.”
But what do we find most people doing? All are merely groping and whatever the road or method, people think of achieving something; morality, spirituality, psychic powers, modulation etc., as a sign that they have achieved something.
In such cases no progress is possible, because the vision is faulty, the means adopted are faulty and the road or method will lead nowhere.
So it is clear, we all have a celestial Home, we i.e. Youand I (but without coverings), (otherwise we can have a rented or ownership apartment) from where in dim past we have wandered away on a voyage, an unending voyage. But fortunately there is no binding on voyage of us to keep wandering thus. We have to, each one of us, to decide to go back to Home, to ourcelestial Home.
It is our free will and free choice to go back Home, as in the dim past we of our own free choice decided to enter Exile. But whenever we will decide to go back Home, the question arising before us will be, “where is our Home and in which direction is our Home? Unfortunately, so totally lost we are today!
I) But (C) Nature, Divine Wholeness is a state that is eternal, everlasting, needs nothing external to Itself, like body, brain, senses, mind, intelligence, food, air, awareness, life, light, sound, energies, day, night, philosophy, religion science, etc.
II) So likewise (D), Divine Fragment (the billions and billions of fragments i.e. you and I without outer coverings) are also eternal, everlasting and need nothing external to our selves, as body, brain, senses, mind, intelligence, food, air, awareness, life, light, sound, energies, day, night, philosophy, religion, science, etc. etc,
Such each Divine Fragment is known by many names, Soul, Spirit, Atman, Ishvara. Geeta calls it Spirit,Sage Patanjali calls it Ishvara, and we call it, Divine Fragment.
In the Geeta, Lord Krishna describes Divine Fragment i.e. (D) in poetical language, “It is imperishable, and nothing can destroy the Spirit. The material bodies which this Eternal indestructible spirit inhabits are all finite. Weapons cleave it not, fire burns it not, waterdrenchesit not, and wind dries it not.”
In our earlier understanding we have understood this spirit (D) Divine Fragment as the Self and the material body i.e. outer coverings as the not self. And we remember also that there is a Self and there is a not self and the relation between the two.
So each of these Divine Fragments (d) i.e. you and I without external coverings have Divine Wholeness (C) as their celestial Home.Understanding (C) Divine Wholeness and (D) Divine Fragments as stated in I & II above is not possible and so would mean a celestial Home we cannot visualize or describe except as the Zen masters describes. We can therefore experience our Home only as Void.
Divine Wholeness is the ocean of cosmic consciousness and so each Divine Fragment is also Cosmic consciousness and so has all the wisdom and perception that all the worldly knowledge cannot give; is all powerful and everlasting i.e. immortal. Even now and would you like to achieve something you and I who are in fact the Divine Fragments? Thoughtoday we are or may be, miserable because of our outer coverings and dependent on many external things.
You and I, the Divine Fragments, what can we achieve? What can we practice? Only let go of all the external accumulations of body, brain and senses, with so called knowledge of science and religion, philosophy and Christian science, T.M. and yoga etc, etc. Can all these teach anything to the allwise and knowing Divine Fragments?Wake up dear friends from your slumber.
Shall we not say again and again, “Bhiksu empty the boat”? Remember Divine Wholeness and so each Divine Fragment is Reality, the Truth, all else is untruth. If you want to know the Naked Truth, rather if you want to be the Naked Truth, (which you and I are) we must become void again of all our accumulations and outer coverings. Is this now clear?
Do not go on adding to your store of knowledge. It will only mean greater accumulation of untruth around yourself; you who are in fact the Truth, the Reality. It issuch accumulation of untruth around us that has created all the confusion we to-day find ourselves into.
Do you remember the incident of Kartik and Ganesha? Kartik decided to go deep into the universe to know. Ganesha wentround his parents (i.e. mythological way of expressing or pointing to a source of the Truth and Reality viz. Divine Wholeness to receive wisdom)
Kartik and Ganesha stand for Divine Fragment, the former (Kartik) is the outer covering of body/brain system and later (Ganasha) without outer coverings. We i.e. you and I, are all seeking knowledge like Kartik with outer coverings have rushed deep into the universe to know, not realizing that we are i.e. you and I, each one of us is (D) the Divine Fragment the Reality, the Truth, and the universe with their outer covering, and all that they contain with their outer coverings, know nothing worthwhile and cannot enlighten us, because they like our body/brain and senses are false, and in fact untruth, and cannot make us wiser, nor show us the way! Have you friends now understood?
Whenever we shall know this and be convinced of this fact, we shall retrace our steps back to our celestial Home, knowing we have entered deep into the universe with our outer coverings and that we are in Exile and far away from the Home. Now, even with the speed of light, it will take some time to reach Home. So do not despair at your slow progress towards Home.
It is also true that whenever we decided to know i.e. to enter deep within the universe, we need a set comprising of body, brain and senses of appropriate material.
(a)There is the gross, cellular, physical universe, Bhuh.
(b)There is the subtle, molecular, astral universe Bhuvah; and
(c)There is the more subtle, electronic, mental universe, Svaha and such whenever you and I i.e. as Divine Fragments with outer coverings would wishes to go deep in to anyone of these universes, you and I will need an appropriate set of body, brain and senses of appropriate material for the relevant universe.
One such set of body, brain and senses needed for (C) Svaha universe is known as Dharmakaya, one such a set of body, brain and senses needed for (b) Bhuvah is known as Sambhogkaya and one such set of body, brain and senses needed for (a) Bhuh universe is known as Nirman kaya. Thus guided us the great Buddha.
The idea of all these being that each Divine Fragment i.e. You and I without outer coverings, being Reality, Truth, more than mere gods the Shastras, have the liberty if we so desire to experience any of the three universes, but whenever experiencing thus, even the most subtle, must clothe ourselves in an appropriate set of body, brain and senses; and know and be convinced that we are in Exile and far away from our celestial Home.
Instead of experiencing such total freedom at will and at all time, clothing with either a Dharmakaya, Sambhogkaya a or a Nirmankaya, we live like puny, miserable, helpless creature that crawl on this Earth and live in this tiny solar system and are hardly aware of our significant galaxy; because like some birds, we have to lose the ability to fly or like some mammals we have lost to remain in water.
It is no sin to be in Exile, but to be in Exile and consider it as our Home is indeed great ignorance of facts. Rama was in Exile, but e knew he was in Exile and why he was in Exile, Rama, the Divine Fragment, the Reality, theTruth was in Exile willingly, because he had a binding cause to be in Exile; but for us it is well to know that we are in Exile and then find out the binding cause (if any) and then remove it or pay for it (please remember, karma is not the binding cause, and suffering is not the way out as payment). But let us not accept in our ignorance (of body,brain and senses) this Exile and call it our Home and cry and be afraid when we are about to die, because we know not that to die is a supreme opportunity; only if we know how to Die consciously.
We as Divine Fragment (i.e. I and You) at any time can go back to our celestial Home and whenever we shall decide to do so, we have to discard willingly and consciously the outer coverings of body, brain and senses.
The truth is that we have forgotten that we are the Divine Fragments (i.e. you and I) but have called ourselves, sinners, slaves, servants of God (an imaginary god). What a misunderstanding! We who are in fact the Reality, the Truth and so in our ignorance, are not able to consciously and willingly, to give up this body, brain and senses. We are even afraid to die, because we know not where we may go after death and ensure about rites and ceremonies after death? What a pity!
This in our language amounts to being able to die consciously whenever we decide and to be able to take a conscious birth whenever we so decide. If we can sleep consciously and if during our waking state we can maintain within our outer covering the state of pure awareness at all times, instead of dropping to the state of passive and low awareness, (when the five functions whichare hindrances are need to help us) one would soon be able to reach the state as shown in diagram IIIB and then reach the state shown in diagram IIIC. But all such talk is meant for the outer coverings.
For this, the three sets each comprising of body, brain and senses, are given to us by God and Nature i.e. Divine Wholeness. But these sets are to-day over eternities of use are in such poor states as to be useless for to move at will in any one of them in the appropriate universe. To make them whole again i.e. after mending them and for this are needed the various practices and methods so that we may consciously be able to roam and like Rama realize our purpose in the binding cause in Exile. Rama destroyed his outer coverings as Ravana, that was his purpose and that is also our purpose and then enjoys yet greater freedom which awaits us at our celestial Home.
But to-day our understanding of our journey back home is theoretical, i.e. in theory, even this awareness is lacking in almost all and so it is difficult to make any progress.
Divine Wholeness had created a substance especially for use for the three universes and all that they contain. This substance is known variously as CHITTIE, Infinity Mind, Universal Divine Mind as the basic substance from which at first all the three sets for all the Divine Fragments of body, brain and senses so that Divine Fragments be at absolute liberty to experience any one of them at any time.
Chittie, Infinite Mind, Universal Divine Mind, though very impressive and capable is but untruth and mortal from the point of Divine Wholeness and Divine Fragments. It has ‘no entry’ into Divine Wholeness for it is not needed there and that is why at the end of cosmic day the universes are destroyed and with all that they contain, having outer coverings, for anything created later is all untruth and hence arouse the concept of maya and so the universes with all their contents were treated as domain of mind (Chittie) and were considered as maya, illusory, transient, mortal and only Divine Wholeness with Divine Fragments and (A) and (B) that are above and beyond as Truth and Reality.
All else that exists and has qualities as is therefore untruth. All philosophy, religions, in short all our knowledge whether scientific or spiritual is untruth for knowledge of untruth can nothing be but untruth. Whatever you and I have heard, read or experienced with our body, brain and senses, is all untruth and that is why we must get free from all our accumulations and in this are also our external possession together with our external coverings i.e. possessions of gold and silver, land and buildings, sons and daughters, wives and husbands etc, etc. Only when we shall understand the Truth, the Reality we can then possess al and everything (but temporarily) without the feeling of possession and be ever ready to give up gladly at a moment’s notice. Would you now dare?
Realize your true self now, and act!
But now that we know that we are Divine Fragments but with our outer coverings and that the outer coverings are really in bad shape, the first thing we have to do is to put them in proper shape. In most cases they are too bad and beyond repair and in each such cases it is best to discard them and in the next life to begin from the beginning!
1) As long as we live with our outer coverings; ‘Chittie’ or Infinite Mind or Universal DivineMind or cosmic energy of pure awareness will be our goal. This goal is for the outer coverings. So our practices and methods are only to achieve this goal. Till the outer coverings are not put back into proper shape, it is not possible to enter or discard at will the outer coverings i.e. take a consciousbirth or die a conscious death! This is the minimum one should be able to do, for this is a must for total freedom.