The White Ribbon Campaign
Men Working To End Men's Violence Against Women

Frequently Asked Questions

about the White Ribbon Campaign.

What is the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC)?

The WRC is the largest effort in the world of men working to end men's violence against women. A registered charity in Canada, since 1994, it relies on volunteer support and financial contributions from individuals and organizations.


How did the WRC get started?
Near the end of 1991, a handful of men in Ontario and Quebec decided we had a responsibility to urge men to speak out against violence against women. Crimes committed by other men should not only be of concern to women.
We decided that a white ribbon--worn during the week leading up to the second anniversary of the massacre of 14 women at the Université de Montreal engineering school--would be a symbol of men's opposition to men's violence against women.
After only six weeks preparation, without any organizational structure, perhaps as many as one hundred thousand men across Canada wore a white ribbon. Men, along with many women supporters, distributed white ribbons in schools and universities, in offices and on shop floors, in government departments and churches, from Victoria to Goose Bay to Inuvik.
Beyond those who wore a ribbon, hundreds of thousands of men were drawn into discussion and debate on the issue of men's violence.

Goals and Focus:

What does it mean to wear a white ribbon?
Wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge never to commit, condone nor remain silent about violence against women.
What are the goals of the WRC?
We encourage reflection and discussion that leads to personal and collective action among men. We urge men to take responsibility to work with women to end men's violence.
How do our volunteers accomplish these objectives?
  • Through educational work in schools, workplaces and communities.
  • By supporting local women's groups, including fund-raising.
  • By raising money for the national educational efforts of the WRC.
What happens during White Ribbon Week?
We urge men and boys to wear a ribbon, including one on their coat so the ribbon will be visible while they're outdoors. (In Nova Scotia we encourage men to support the purple ribbon campaign.) We encourage men to talk in schools, workplaces, and places of worship about the problem of violence.
What happens on December 6?
December 6, the anniversary of the Montreal massacre, is Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.
We encourage men to wear a white ribbon and to participate in commemorative events open to men. But the WRC does not organize events on December 6, nor do we make public statements unless requested by women's groups. Why? Because we think it should be a day for men to step back and listen to the voices of women.
Does the White Ribbon Campaign exist only for one week a year?
Just as men's violence against women is a year-round problem, our work requires a year-round effort.We distribute to schools educational kits that can be used throughout the year.
Some local groups organize events around Father's Day to talk about positive roles for men, about the importance of men being care givers and nurturers.
Some groups organize Valentine's Day dances to spread a message about building healthy relationships.
Are you taking attention away from women's groups?
In our first year the WRC got huge media attention--in fact, way out of proportion to what we were actually doing compared to women's groups. That initial flurry quickly died down.
It remains important for local WRC groups to work with the media. The reason is simple: to contribute to the end of violence against women, we must reach men. The media is one way to do so.
We also encourage journalists to report on women's programs. In our own outreach and education work we talk about the work of women on these issues.

Basic Philosophy:

Is our only concern men's violence against women?
We are concerned about all forms of violence.
Our central focus is on men's violence against women. We recognize that most violence among adults is committed by men (including 98% of sexual assaults and 90% of spousal assaults.)
We are deeply concerned about violence against children, which is committed by both women and men (although men commit most acts of sexual violence against children.) We are concerned about the many forms of men's violence against other men, whether it's in a bar, on a playground, or in a sports arena, and whether it's because of someone's skin colour, sexual orientation, culture, or simply because they looked the wrong way. And we are concerned by any acts of violence by women against men, although these are comparatively rare.
Does this mean you think that men are bad? Are you male bashers?
We don't think that men are naturally violent and we don't think that men are bad. The majority of men are not violent. Researchers have discovered many past cultures with little or no violence.
At the same time we do think that many men have learned to express their anger or insecurity through violence. Many men have come to believe that violence against a woman, child or another man is an acceptable way to control another person.
The problem does not stop with physical violence. There are forms of emotional violence--from sexist joking, to sexual harassment at work, to other domineering forms of behaviour. By remaining silent about these things, we allow other men to poison our working and learning environments.
The good news is that more and more men want to make a difference. Caring men are tired of the sexism that hurts the women around them.
We're not male bashers because we're men, working with men, who care about what happens in the lives of men.
Do you have opinions on other issues of the day?
Our goal is for all men to get involved in a campaign devoted to ending violence against women. Within such a campaign there is a great diversity of opinion on many important issues, including issues relating to equality or to the moral perspectives of women and men. While these issues are of great importance, we don't want them preventing men from working together to end violence against women. And so, on many things, we agree to hold diverse opinions.

Membership & leadership:

Who can be a member of the WRC?
Participation in White Ribbon committees is open to any man who is opposed to violence against women, who is committed to equality between women and men, and who is committed to examining and challenging violence in his own life. Men who engage in violence against women are not welcome. We warmly welcome men from all walks of life, religions, and political affiliations regardless of age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic group, or physical ability.
What about the participation of a man who was violent in the past?
We believe that violent men can change--otherwise we might as well pack up our bags and forget the whole thing. If a violent man has taken responsibility for his past actions, if he has paid society's price or made amends, has sought treatment, if he doesn't hide the fact that he was once violent, then, normally, we welcome his participation. At the same time, the campaign will not be a smoke-screen for any violent man pretending innocence.
Can women be members? Wear a ribbon? Help in the campaign?
The WRC is a campaign of men, aimed at men. Wearing a ribbon is a statement of men's opposition to violence against women. We haven't encouraged it, but in some schools and communities women also have decided to wear white ribbons.
In some communities and schools, women have played a key role in getting a white ribbon effort off the ground. Many women have chosen to financially support our work because they believe we are tackling violence at its roots. We acknowledge and greatly appreciate their support while believing that men must take on the task of building the campaign.
What are your relations with women's groups?
We acknowledge the expertise and central role of women in challenging violence against women. We encourage our local groups to have an ongoing dialogue with women's groups in their community.
We have worked closely with rape crisis centres, womens' shelters, and many other groups on a variety of issues.
When we first started, some women's groups had questions about the role and intentions of the WRC. There were concerns (which we shared) about the disproportionate media attention in our first year.

Who runs the White Ribbon Campaign?

We have an elected (and volunteer) Board of Directors with representatives from across Canada. It is elected once a year by an annual general meeting that includes a phone link-up to allow broad participation.
Day-to-day leadership is provided by an Executive Committee and other volunteer committees that deal with finances, fund raising, publicity, outreach, and policy.
We have a small number of paid staff--at the time of writing, two full-time staff members. Paid employees are not permitted to be members of the Board. They are accountable to the Board.
Ultimately, you and other volunteers lead the White Ribbon Campaign. The heart and soul of the organization are concerned men across Canada and, increasingly, in other countries.

So what type of organization is it?

Perhaps it's an organization like no other. Not only does it include men from varying social and political perspectives, but it is an organization that has avoided becoming steeply hierarchical or bureaucratic. There are no kingpins, although there are some men who currently know more about these issues than others, who put in more time, or have particular areas of expertise. We want to keep our emphasis on the community, on the schools and workplaces where the White Ribbon campaign will be built.
Our future depends entirely on men such as yourself.

Money Matters:

How do you raise money?

Not a penny of our budget has come from government funding. Although we may apply for funds for particular educational projects, we will not receive any basic operating funds from any level of government.
Our funding comes primarily from contributions from supporters like yourself. It also comes from trade unions, corporations, religious institutions, and charitable foundations.
Local groups have activities (walk-a-thons, dances, auctions, picnics, benefit concerts) to raise money for White Ribbon.

Does this take money away from women's groups?

The WRC tries to make sure we are of real financial benefit to shelters for abused women, rape crisis centres, and women's advocacy programs. We explicitly encourage men to give generously to these groups. On White Ribbon Day, local committees raise money for women's programs.
We also believe that by reaching men and contributing to the reduction of violence against women, we are making a contribution to the overstretched resources of women's support services.

What happens with the money you raise?

We don't ever want to have a large bureaucracy, but things cost money. Our office space is donated as is most of our office equipment. Most important, almost everyone working on the campaign is a volunteer. For a cross-Canada organization, our budget is very small.
With your support, we look forward to hiring people to focus on outreach to schools, work with unions and companies, responding to the issues of the day, and work with differerent communities to develop materials in their languages.


What backup will I get from the central office?

We'll continue preparing training materials and resources for education and outreach.
  • We publish an occasional newsletter. (Please make copies for local distribution, and submit short articles and information. Also please send us the names and addresses of people to mail it to.)
  • We publish an occasional organizers' bulletin that is sent to committees across the country.
  • We make statements to the national media on behalf of the WRC.
  • We send local organizers the names of White Ribbon supporters in your area.
  • We maintain a web site on the Internet.
  • Working with you, we will develop plans for the future.

The White Ribbon Campaign
Men Working To End Men's Violence Against Women
365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1600, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3L4
Phone: (416) 920-6684or1-800-328-2228
FAX: (416) 920-1678E-Mail: