TUESDAY 22nd May 2012 AT 8PM


There were 42 members in attendance

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from:

Tom Park, Tony Mulholland, Les Jones, Peter Hughes, Paddy Farnan and Mark Hodge.

2. Matters arising from the previous AGM minutes

There were no matters arising regarding the minutes from the previous Annual General Meeting.

3. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting

The minutes from the 2011, Annual General Meeting were agreed and approved as an accurate record. Proposed: Terry Hurst, seconded by Alan Hollingsworth

4. Fixtures Secretary Report

In the absence of the Fixtures Secretary, Steve Fox gave a brief report.

There was not a lot to report because the Leagues were not yet sorted out.

Windermere and Hawcoat Park will have to play in Cumbria.

The 2nds, 3rds and Vets have teams in their Leagues which are based in Cumbria.

Anyone interested, can see the new NW Leagues, and the Salford University Leagues on the internet.

A short discussion followed about the League structures.

5. Playing Committee Report

Steve Fox gave his last report as Chairman of playing and thanked all players and officials who had helped him over the years.

The Club Chairman thanked Steve for the many years of work done on the committee.

Steve received a very loud round of applause.

Steve Tyrrell gave a report on the Youth Academy teams.

It was said that we have a good junior set-up, with good squads of players.

The problem at Sefton was handed well.

We narrowly lost to a good Preston Grasshoppers team.

Steve Tyrrell said that he was very happy with his Junior squads.

He also said that the Community Coach was working well.

6. Treasurer’s Report

See 2012 Accounts sent separately.

Ian White gave his last report on the presented accounts.

The Chairman thanked him for 20 years as Treasurer.

Overall, the accounts show a loss of almost £6000.

Steve Tyrrell stressed the need to keep pushing the use of the club.

Jon Maslen said that things do need looking at.

Steve Tyrrell said that we cannot survive solely on rugby, and that Broughton Park employ a Facilities Manager.

Steve Fox said that not all players were paying subscriptions and if they did it would raise another £1400.

He also stressed that if another 100 joined the 200 Club, it would raise an extra £4000.

Steve Ingham asked if we could get Wi-Fi.

7. Election of Team Captains

Steve Fox said that for the first time all Captains are to stay the same.

8. Election of Officials and Committee Members

Paul Walsh was thanked by Roly Heptonstall for two very successful years as president of the Club.

The Committee will be made up as follows:

Position / Nominee / Proposed / Seconded
President / Tony Mulholland / Committee / Committee
Senior V.P.
Secretary / Mel Garner / Steve Fox / Ross Cooper
Treasurer / Ross Cooper / Brian Smith / Terry Hurst
Committee Members / Mike Royston / Jack Taylor / Mark Hodge
Damian Hall / Mark Hodge / Ian MacCorquodale
Roly Heptonstall / Terry Hurst / Mark Hodge
Steve Tyrrell / Ian MacCorquodale / Roly Heptonstall
Mark Hodge / Ross Cooper / Steve Fox
Liz Hall / Jack Taylor / Ross Cooper
Steve Ingham / Steve Fox / Les Jones
Jon Maslen / Steve Ingham / Roly Heptonstall

9. Membership Subscriptions

It was said that the subscriptions should be £10 per month all year.

Steve Fox proposed that they stay the same as last year. Those who had not paid, could not play next year until previous year paid in full.

Steve Tyrrell said that we have to be careful because the RFU look on us as a model club.

Decision to be made after the first committee meeting in June.

Ian MacCorquodale said that the team captains should be invited to the first committee meeting.

10. Any Other Business

Roly Heptonstall asked where we are with the change to limited company status. Ian White said that all was in place, but we need to move assets to Ltd Co. A problem is that the brewery have a legal charge on the club.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 22.15