9th Grade World History 2nd / 4th Quarter Study Guide Regular / Honors
Chapter 5
1. Identify the following terms and describe their significance: divine right, the Glorious Revolution, constitutional monarchy, English Bill of Rights.
Chapter 10
1. How did the Reform Bill and the Chartist Movement affect British democracy?
2. What happened to the power of the monarch during Queen Victoria’s reign?
3. What was the first country to allow women the right to vote?
4. Who founded the WSPU and what methods did the WSPU use to accomplish its goals?
5. How and why did Britain establish penal colonies? Which country was used as a penal colony?
6. What were the causes and results of the Great Famine? What country did most Irish emigrants go to during the Great Famine?
7. Who opposed Home Rule in Ireland? Why?
8. What were the results of the Mexican-American war?
9. What were the causes of the American Civil War?
10. Why did southern states secede from the Union?
11. What were the effects of the Civil War on the American economy?
12. How did Henry Ford and Thomas Edison influence industrialization?
13. Identify the following (who, what, when, where, why, how, and significance):
Alfred Dreyfus
The Maori
Manifest Destiny
Gadsden Purchase
Indian Removal Act
Trail of Tears
Emancipation Proclamation
13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Guglielmo Marconi
Captain Cook
Theory of Evolution
Texas Revolution
Chapter 11
1. Identify imperialism
2. Identify Menelik II and explain how his actions differentiated him from other African leaders
3. How did Menelik II maintain power in Ethiopia
4. What was the main purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
5. What were the causes and outcomes of the Sepoy Mutiny?
6. What territories did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish American War?
7. Identify Queen Liliuokalani and explain why she was removed from power.
8. Why was Hawaii of such high interest to U. S businessmen?
Chapter 13
1. Explain A) Triple Alliance; B) Triple Entente, C) Central Powers, D) Allies
(Give the who, what, when, where & why of each)
2. In the years right before WWI, which area of Europe was considered a “powder keg” because of the political situation there?
3. What event started WWI? Where & when did it occur?
4. Why did this one isolated event (see # 3) cause Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia? Explain.
5. How did each of the following play a part in causing WWI? A) nationalism, B) militarism, C) imperialism, D) the complex system of alliances among European nations.
6. By 1915, there was a new system of alliances. What was each side called and which countries were in each?
7. Why did Italy withdraw from the Triple Alliance?
8. What was the Schlieffen Plan? Which major battle caused the Schlieffen Plan to fail? What happened?
9. After the Schlieffen Plan failed, WWI was fought in trenches. Answer these questions about trench warfare. A) What was the purpose of the trenches? B) What was life like in the trenches? C) What did they call the area between one side’s trench and the other side’s trench? D) What did it mean to “go over the top”?
10. What was the purpose of the Battle of Gallipoli? How did it turn out?
11. As relates to WWI, what does “unrestricted submarine warfare” mean? Why it used and what were the results?
12. The United States stayed out of WWI until 1917. The last straw that brought the U.S.A. in was the so-called “Zimmermann Note.” Explain: A) what country did it come from B) what country was to receive it C) what did it say, D) how did the U.S.A find out about it.
13. What events in Russia led them to leave WWI in 1917?
14. What was the name of the treaty Russia signed to get out of WWI? Who did they sign the treaty with? How did it affect the country?
15. During WWI, what did the women who were left at home do (did they go on with their normal life or what did they do differently)?
16. Explain the term “total war.”
17. What is an armistice? When was the armistice signed in WWI?
18. U.S. president Woodrow Wilson wanted a fair and lasting peace for the world after WWI. What did he call his plan for peace?
19. What was the purpose of the League of Nations? Did the U.S. join? Why or why not?
20. The Treaty of Versailles officially ended WWI. How did it affect Germany?
21. How were the economies of the European countries affected by World War I?
22. Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles was insisted on by the victorious allies. What did it make Germany do? What other name was it known by?
23. What actions led to the formation of new nations out of the Central Powers after WWI?
Chapter 14
1. Who were the Bolsheviks? 2) What is a totalitarian state?
2. What was a pogrom and why was it used?
3. What is a command economy?
4. What was the Great Purge? Why was it used?
Chapter 15
1. What was the post-WWI government of Germany called? How did Germans feel about this government?
2. What was the economy of Germany like in the years following WWI? Why? What did the Dawes Plan provide?
3. What were the problems that flawed the U.S. economy in the 1920s?
4. What event began the Great Depression? When did it occur? How did it affect other countries?
5. During the Great Depression in the U.S.A, how were the following affected? A) Bank closings, B) prices, C)
unemployment, D) business failures.
6. What was the New Deal? How did it encourage economic prosperity and fight depression in the United States?
7. Who was the President elected during the Great Depression?
8. Define fascism. Who was the fascist leader of Italy? What did his people call him? What fear did the people have
about Soviet Union?
9. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party/Third Reich? What were the goals of the Nazi Party?
10. What was the title of Hitler’s book, and what did it mean in English?
11. Who did Hitler consider was the master race?
12. What is lebensraum, and what was Hitler’s plan for achieving it?
13. What were some of the problems created by the Treaty of Versailles?
14. Define isolationism and appeasement. Which countries/leaders followed these policies?
15. Which countries/areas were invaded by Italy, Germany and Japan?
16. How is fascism and communism similar and different?
17. What two countries sign the non-aggression pact in 1939? What effect did it have on the balance of power in
18. What was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market?
19. What was the weakness of the Weimar Republic? Why did the people turn against the leader of the Weimar
20. Why was the Munich Conference held?
21. What countries made up the Axis and Allies powers during WWII?
22. What caused Germans to take Hitler’s message seriously?
23. What role did Winston Churchill play during the Munich Conference?
24. In what way was Japan government different from the allies’ powers during WWII?
Chapter 16
1. What was the effect of the nonaggression pact between Nazis and the Soviets?
2. Why were the people of Germany unhappy with the Weimer Republic?
3. What ideology created a fear in Nazis Germany which they adamantly opposed?
4. Define appeasement.
5. How did appeasement affect politics prior to World War II?
6. Identify Winston Churchill
7. Identify blitzkrieg. When and how was this technique used?
8. Identify Charles De Gaulle
9. What act by Nazi Germany prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?
10. Differentiate between the political positions of Japan and the other Axis Powers.
11. What was the significance of the Atlantic Charter?
12. Define isolationism.
13. Define the Lend- Lease Act of 1941.
14. Define internment camps and their purpose.
15. What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?
16. What event occurred on December 7, 1941?
17. Identify Isoroku Yamamoto.
18. Define the strategy of “Island Hoping”
19. What were Japan’s reasons for entering World War II?
20. Identify the Battle of Britain and its importance to World War II.
21. What advantages did the British have over the Germans in the Battle of Britain?
22. Identify Douglas Macarthur.
23. Identify the Bataan Death March and its participants.
24. What was the U.S. response to Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia in 1941?
25. Identify General Bernard Montgomery
26. Which country paid the highest price in number of lives in World War II?
27. What did Stalin due to relieve pressure on Soviet armies?
28. Identify D-Day.
29. Identify General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
30. Who was tried at the Nuremberg Trials
31. Identify the Battle of Stalingrad and its outcome.
32. Identify kamikazes.
33. Identify anti-Semitism.
34. Identify Aryans
35. Why were the Jews targeted in the persecution by the Nazis?
36. Identify Hitler’s Final Solution.
37. Identify the Holocaust.
38. Identify Auschwitz
39. Identify the Battle of the Bulge and explain its significance.
40. Identify Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
41. What was Truman’s motivating factor in making the decision to using nuclear bomb?
42. What was the importance of the Yalta Conference?
43. Why were so many people displaced after World War II?