THE PAPER: Procedures and Requirements

Students should be aware of the following information about completing their Graduation Project Paper. English IV teachers will provide students with additional information, procedures, and requirements for their particular class. The paper will be completed during the students’ English IV class. AP English IV classes will be assigned to a particular semester for completing the Graduation Project Paper.

Topic of the Paper:

  • Must be approved by the English IV teacher (The PRODUCT must show evidence of knowledge gained in completion of the

research PAPER.)

  • Must be a stretch – not something you already know very well
  • Must have a connection to your Approved Graduation Project Proposal
  • Must be specific and carefully chosen


  • Timetable for all components of the research process to be provided during 1st week of English IV class
  • Meeting deadlines is crucial
  • Refer to research process guidelines provided by the English IV teacher

Format of the Paper:

  • Minimum of 6typed pages
  • MLA or APA style
  • All other formatting requirements will be provided by the English IV teacher

Possible Sources:

  • Interviews
  • Internet sources
  • Print sources---magazines, newspapers, books, etc.
  • All requirements for the research sources will be provided by the English IV teacher


  • Prewriting (note cards, outline, rough draft, etc.) will be graded by English IV teacher according to his/her policies
  • Rough Drafts & Final Drafts will be graded by English IV teacher
  • English IV teacher will determine the grading weight of the Final Draft for the English class
  • Final Draft MUST receive a minimum score of 51 for a passing grade on the Graduation Project Paper Rubric

Students who choose to complete the PAPER prior to entering English IV will be required to complete a research paper to meet the requirements of the English IV curriculum and the English IV teacher as well as the Graduation Project Paper requirements.