4004 Old Cherry Point Road

New Bern, NC 28560



Next Monthly Meeting 2008 Officers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 President Herb Hendrix

Ham’s Restaurant Vice President Norm Tharrington

New Bern, NC @ 7 pm Treasurer Lynell Verch
Secretary Susan Tripp

***Reminder: Annual membership dues are due. Please pay Lynell Verch. Annual membership dues are $25.00 per couple.***

Minutes – February 12, 2008 meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Herb Hendrix, President.

Invocation by Sid Purvis.

President Hendrix welcomed the club members and guests. There were 88 members and guests present. The president introduced and welcomed the guests. The President commented that it is good to see all the Corvettes in the parking lot. Thanks to Willard and Jean for reserving the front parking and marking off the parking spaces on our meeting night. The President commented that fellowship is a big part of our club’s personality. Herb thanked the 2007 officers for their service. The 2008 officers took office at the February meeting.


SECRETARY’S REPORT. The minutes of the January meeting were approved as published in the January newsletter. All present reported receiving a copy of the newsletter in the mail. Hard copies of the club by-laws, newsletter, and membership list were available. Short notice items and reminders go out by e-mail from the president or those heading up a particular activity so watch for e-mail with TRCC in the subject line. Please note - If you send an e-mail regarding club functions, please put TRCC in the subject line to provide a heads-up.


TREASURER’S REPORT. Lynell Verch, treasurer, reported a February starting balance for the month of $1919.68. Income

during the month was $724.00. (Decals -$1.00, 50/50 drawing proceeds of $98.00 and annual dues of $625.00). Expenses were

$61.97 for the club newsletter and $11.95 to Yahoo for the webiste. This leaves a month ending total of $2570.16 with $2370.16

in the club general fund and $200.00 in the national museum brick fund.



Norm Tharrington, Vice President and social director, gave a report on the club’s social activities. Several recent events were reviewed and several upcoming events were outlined. Following are highlights of the events covered:

January 19. Trip to Mike’s Farm in Beulaville coordinated by Mark & Susan Tripp. Even though the weather was cold and rainy, we still had over 50 participants in this event. We enjoyed a great meal and good fellowship. The Jacksonville club joined us for this event as well and they brought about 15 members from their club.

February 23. Raleigh, NC trip. Bill and Gail White are planning a trip to Raleigh and a tour of the State Capital, etc. Current plans are to depart the Bojangles in James City at 8:00 AM, stop in Clayton for a restroom/snack/lunch break, tour the State

Capital at 12:00 PM, tour the Governor’s Mansion at 1:00 PM, Legislative Building at 2:30 PM, tour the Museum of Natural Science, and have dinner at a quaint oyster bar in Raleigh at 5:00 PM. At the meeting, 51 members had signed up. Special requirements for touring the Governors Mansion: No bags/purses, must have a picture ID, and must go through a metal detector.

March 11. The regular monthly meeting at Hams at 7:00 PM. Usually members begin gathering around 6:00 PM.

March 15. Herb Hendrix is planning a Poker Run to begin mid-afternoon. The cost will be $5.00 per couple. Best hand wins all money. The closes time will get a free meal that night on the club.

March 16. St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New Bern. We will get in line near the New Bern Police Department at 1:00 PM. Al Kindler is coordinating this event and will have more information at the March meeting.

March 27-29. NASCAR theme trip. Mark and Susan Tripp have planned a trip to the Charlotte area. Susan gave an overview of the trip at the meeting. This will include a tour of the Lowes Motor Speedway (maybe pictures of our cars on the track), a visit to the Hendrick Motorsports Complex, a visit to Action Performance, a tour of JR Motorsports (Dale Earnhardt, Jr’s race shop), a meal at Lancaster’s BBQ in Mooresville, a meal at the Richard Childress Winery, and maybe some shopping at Concord Mills. A schedule with hotel arrangements was handed out at the January meeting and included in the January newsletter. The motel room reservation cutoff date is March 13. Very important, as announced at the February meeting, if you have not signed up with Susan Tripp for this event by February 15, 2008, you will not be able to attend. At the March meeting, you must bring $5.00 for the Lowe’s Motor Speedway tour and pay to Lynell Verch. A Final Itinerary will be provided the morning of the trip.

March 30. The Hooters drive-in starts back up. Join us at Hooters in Morehead City at 3:00 PM for a meal, good fellowship and look at some nice cars.

April 5 & 6. Ronnie Moore provided information about the “Maxton Mile” being held in Maxton, NC at the airfield. It is coordinated by the East Coast Timing Association. Contact Ronnie for more information (252) 259-7110.

April 19. The annual TRCC car display at Joe Alcoke Chevrolet in New Bern. Willard and Jean West are the event coordinators. Please begin collecting door prizes for the display and bring to the April meeting. As the club members voted last year for an annual donation, the club will present Craven Community College with a $500.00 scholarship. Joe Alcoke Chevrolet is our club sponsor and we need to have good participation.

April 30- May 4. Bowling Green, KY trip. Norm and Martha Tharrington are planning and coordinating a trip to the Corvette factory and the Corvette museum located near Bowling Green, KY. Phyllis Casey is also assisting with this trip. Several members have expressed an interest in this trip. Norm covered the current trip plans and indicated several exciting functions were being planned including a special VIP Corvette factory tour, group car pictures with logo at the museum, a brick ceremony, and private dinning arranged by the museum. Those going will be able to view the club bricks in the museum walkway. If enough interest is shown, this outing may include an add-on trip through the NC/TN mountains with a run on the back roads and possibly the Cherohala Parkway and back through Murphy on scenic Hwy 64. Very important – at the March meeting, you must bring $41.00 and pay to Lynell. This $41.00 (per person) covers each person’s VIP tour of the museum ($8.00), picture ($10.00), dinner ($18.00) and plant tour ($5.00). Please make checks payable to TRCC. You also need to make your hotel reservations, if you have not already done so. If you have any questions, contact Norm.

May 24-25. Maggie Valley-Vettes in the Valley Corvette Show. Herb Hendrix has done a great job in planning this trip in previous years. Those that have attended before enjoyed the event. For the past three years the club has attended. Marion Hamel, President of Smokey Events, has encouraged the club to again take part in this event. Last year there were over 300 Corvettes from 16 different states attending. Additional activities are being planned for this year by the Smokey Events organization. Marion’s e-mail is 828-926-0201. You can find all the details on their web site. A poll of interest will be taken at upcoming meetings.

June 6-7. Myrtle Beach All Corvette Car Show. Brochure and registration forms were available at the meeting. This club has brought a large number of cars to our past displays and also provided outstanding support for our December Toy Run. We need to reciprocate and support their event. For the last several years we have had some to depart on Friday afternoon and some on Saturday morning. Brochures and registration forms will be available along with more details at upcoming meetings.

August 23. Corvettes at Carlyle and possible trip through the NC Mountains. More on this event at upcoming meetings.

August 28. NASCAR Driving Experience at Lowes Motor Speedway. Sid discussed this event that provides an opportunity to make some solo laps with a NASCAR race car. Some members did this activity last year and highly recommend it. If you do not want to drive you can make some laps with an instructor driving. More on this at upcoming meetings.

October. Shatley Springs Fall Mountain Cruise. This is our traditional fall mountain trip and will be planned by Sid & Helen Purvis.

December-6. The Mike Casey Memorial Christmas Toy Run.

Norm asked for those with ideas or wishing to plan an event to contact him to get it on the schedule. Norm requested that members brainstorm about some weekend afternoon events (not overnight).



Phyllis brought in the beautiful trophy that she has to deliver to the Myrtle Beach Corvette Club since they brought the most Corvettes to last year’s Mike Casey Memorial Toy Run. Hopefully, we can bring more Corvettes to this event this December and get the trophy back.

Bill White mentioned that Dick Peck is still working on the specialized NC Corvette license plates. We need 300 people to prepay and indicate that they would like one of these specialized license plates if they become available. Please contact Dick Peck for more information.



Three attendees were recommended for membership. Jim Scalion, Tony Mallard and James Braddock had attended the required two events and were voted in as new members. The president extended a welcome. We look forward to having them at future events and getting to know them better.

Herb announced that he will be meeting with other area Corvette Club presidents in early March.



Several members gave a report of current personal activities:

Willard West announced that Joe Alcoke has a new 2008 Black Corvette Coupe, new 2008 Jetstream Blue Convertible, new 2008 Victory Red Coupe and a used 2007 LeMans Blue Coupe. If interested, contact Dave Land at (252) 638-6161.

It was also announced that Lee Chevrolet in Washington, NC has several used Corvettes on the lot.

Herb Hendrix announced that his 1981 yellow Corvette is back on the road.

Bob Cherry’s Corvette was repaired by Parker in Morehead City. Bob also has a set of C5 Z06 tires for sale.

Jim Boyd announced that his Z06 Convertible conversion is in its final stages and will make is maiden voyage on the February 23 Raleigh trip. Jim also announced that he is selling a C5 under-battery mat which will help protect against battery leakage. Also, Jim announced that he is seeking people interested in a C5 battery cover as he needs to know how many people may be interested before he can place an order with the manufacturer. Contact Jim Boyd if interested. Jim has a set of C5 Z06 wheels and tires for sale.

Ricky Green has a nice 1992 coupe for sale. The car is in excellent shape. Call Ricky if interested. 252-249-0067.

Bill Hay won the 50/50 drawing with $90.00 going to Bill and $90.00 going to the club.

No further business was presented and the meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.


Club business size cards are available. They are nice to hand out to prospective members or Corvette contacts.

Club windshield decals are available. Each new member gets a free decal. Additional ones are $1.00.

New club members desiring club attire: D & S Embroidery in Newport does our club logo work. They will do their hats or shirts or put the logo and name on items that you provide. They are also working on a large logo for coats. If any member needs club attire contact DS&S Embroidery and Screen-printing, 9l6 Roberts Rd. Newport, N. C. The telephone number is 252-223-2667 and e-mail is; . Directions to their location: turn right at the traffic light in Newport on Hwy 70 at the

Wilco station, go one to two miles on right and you will see their building. The turn around time is about 5 to l0 days. The

manager’s name is Ed Hojilla. We are also trying to find a New Bern vendor, if anyone has a recommendation, let me know.

For a club name badge, place the order with Phyllis Casey. For a club car flag see Gail White.