IDEA Charter School Governing Council

Minutes – May 14, 2012

Present: Kristine Weirauch, Shannon Young, Jacques DuVair, John Vanderwyst, Matt Yde, Lyman Cline, Steve Pophal (non-voting), Tricia Smith, Vicki Oboikovitz, Sue Thompson, Lyman Cline, Laura Fitzsimmons, James Lewicki (visitor), Joe Wilhelm (visitor).

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by chair Kris Weirauch.

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action taken/Needed
I. Minute approval / Motion made by Sue to approve, seconded by Kris. All in favor. Motion carries.
II. Strategic Planning presentation James Lewicki / James was here to discuss how he would approach strategic planning with our board. Because we are so early in the development stage, our planning will initially need to be strategic actions, as opposed to creating a 3-5 year plan. We simply are not at the point of being ready for that. The components would be mission, vision, belief statements, pedagogy/evidence of achievement, and how all of working centers of gravity working together (Governing council, faculty, etc.)
II. Budget and Expenditure Report / Steve presented the budget documents and discussed details in them. The majority of the funds have been spent for the year. The decision will need to be made on where to pay for strategic planning from. Some decisions made tonight will impact the budget.
Motion by Jacques, second by Tricia to approve the financial documents as presented. All in favor.
2012-13 budget from District – report and approval / Jacques presented the budget. At 83 students/$250 per student this equals $20,750. Rosetta stone will be paid for from the charter grant next year allowing the shifting of those funds to field trips for the coming year. This will be the last grant year so after this year all the things Ellen has been doing need to be transferred to the school administrative help. Discussed getting on the district’s rotation, and bring your own device policies.
Motion made to remove Rosetta Stone and transfer that amount to field trips in the amount of $4150 and to approve the budget with that change made by Shannon. Second by Sue. All in favor. Motion carries.
2011-12 End of Year report / The end of year report was submitted and discussed by staff. The governance board thanks the staff for their time and attention to compiling this report.
2012-13 Calendar approval / The calendar was presented and reflects a dynamic shift in terms of the school switching to seven 5 week blocks as opposed to the standard quarter schedule. This will allow the students to have the perspective of earning one credit in every block. At the end of every 5 weeks there will be one home study day. Other holidays will follow the district calendar. Motion to approve by Tricia, second by Vicki, all in favor, motion carries.
2012-13 Student registration fee allocation – overview and approval / Student allocation will be charged again this year at the rate of $20. The fee would be allocated to student travel. 10th and 11th graders will have a portion of their fee go to ID’s for different events. Motion to approve the collection of this fee made by Shannon, seconded by Tricia. All in favor, motion carries.
Implementation Grant – report from advisors and approval of submission / Grant was submitted between the two board meetings. Grant was finished April 5, due April 15th. Final formatting and signatures were obtained, thereby not leaving enough time for review by the board. Goals in the last grant were reviewed and re-vamped based on Rigor, Relevance and Relationships to develop measurable goals. Those goals will need to be reviewed each month and we will need to be very familiar with the goals and progress toward them. Need to post minutes and notes online regularly. Motion made to ratify the grant by Lyman, second by Vicki. All in favor, motion carries.
New advisor hiring process and timeline / The position is posted and will close on the 25th. Decision made to have the interview committee be comprised of 4 advisors, Steve and two governing board members. The two board members will be Shannon and Kris. Interviews will likely be held the first week of June. Steve will send out possible dates to the interview team.
Nominating Committee Report / Four board members are leaving- Lyman, Tricia, Vicki and Carrie. Other contacts have been made. Two parents are interested. The committee will finalize details at a separate meeting. We will also need a Vice President, Treasurer and possibly Secretary.
VI. Old business / Parent Group Update- Family Social will be this Thursday from 6-8 p.m. This will be a potluck and there will be a scavenger hunt as well. The parent group will also use this as an opportunity to gather information from parents on needs.
Outdoor clean-up – things look good outside! Discussed having families “adopt” portions of the grounds for upkeep over the summer.
VII. New Business / Advisors requested for the transfer of $5,549.50 to Instructional/computer from equipment purchase for Rosetta Stone. Also want to transfer $3,619 from equipment to marketing for Strategic Planning. The remaining $2995.77 will be used towards the purchase of workstations for existing advisories. Each advisory will then have 18 workstations. Motion made by Sue that we make the above stated changes, seconded by Tricia. All in favor, motion carries.
It was decide that we need to do some reference checks on James Lewicki.
Next board meeting will be held June 14th, not June 11th.
Project Palooza is on May 31st. All board members are encouraged to attend. / Shannon will talk to WEGLA staff for reference check and call Kris. Jacques will contact Valley New for a reference check.
VIII. Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 8:24 p.m.

IDEA Charter School Governing Board Minutes May 14, 2012. Next meeting: June 14th at 6:30 p.m.