Evergreen Valley College
Language Arts Division


1. Student Support Partnership Integrating Resources and Educational Grant – Rachel Cohen

Phuong Bahn and Rachel have been meeting weekly to write a grant that could mean $300,000.00 for Learning Communities and Student Support Services over a three-year period. They are developing a partnership with Special Programs and Instructional Support Centers and hope to provide a number of services and extended hours for students at the 322/330 levels. The grant is aimed at low income, 1st generation, minority, 16-24 year old and second language learner students.

2. Presentations – EOP&S – Deborah Morillo

EOP&S provides support services that help students stay in school. The program primarily focuses on students at remedial levels, Math 310 and English 330/322, and provides assistance beginning with the initial paperwork required for college admission. Some of the services provided include:

o  $100.00 book vouchers

o  Tutorial services

o  Employment

o  Financial Aid

o  Transfer guidance

o  Counseling services

The program networks with other programs on campus, Calworks, Care, and the Tutoring Center.

Library Liaison – Shelly Blackman

Shelly Blackman comes to EVC with a wide range of experience. She has worked at the L.A. Public Library, Santa Clara University, and a law firm. She is excited about working with our division and will provide a customized library orientation that includes instruction on research strategies. Orientations can take place between 8:00 A.M and 7:00 P.M. In addition, she will work with faculty members to update the MLA Handbook.

3. Enrollment Statistics

The enrollment statistics have changed since the division meeting. Head count is down 8% at EVC, and seat count is down 1%. San Jose City College is up in both areas, so as a district we are doing reasonably well. State funding is based on seat count.

4. PRC – Debbie De La Rosa

Sabbatical requests must be received, reviewed and signed by November 1st. Be sure to keep a log of activities and hours. Most units count as long as the course relates to the job assignment. Sixty hours equate to 1 unit. Three quarter CSU post-graduate units can be obtained for attending the ECCYTC conference. A unit can be earned for each 10 students who complete the Service Learning component in a class and for participating in a learning community. This is a great option because the units are earned and there are no out of pocket costs.

Division meeting minutes 9_19_05.doc