Solid Works Tutorial 1


1. File Management

2. Open SolidWorks from the Desktop or the Start Menu

3. Begin a New Part File

4. Edit Part File Settings


SolidWorks, and other parametric modeling programs are very powerful tools that can make the work of a drafter/designer much more intuitive and error free when a few key guidelines are followed.

1. Create the base part first.

2. Create the parts with manufacturing methods in mind

3. Create all subsequent part, assembly, and drawing files from the base part file.

4. Make sure all part, assembly, and drawing files are saved to the same folder.

I. File Management

Importance of File Management-Brief Explaination.

1. File navigation is essential for your SOLIDWorks files to work correctly! Solid works is a Parametric Modeling program. What this means is that your part files, assembly files, and drawing files affect one another. The good news: Any changes you make in the drawing (example: change a hole size) is automatically updated in the drawing and an assembly. Likewise, any change you make in the part is automatically updated in the drawing and assembly files and any change you make in the assembly file is changed in the part and drawing files. The bad news: If you break associativity (ie. All files connected as described above) you have to change everything in each file!

1. Open Class folder (Drafting or Engineering) inside home directory, documents

2. Create a new folder and rename to “Solidworks Drawings”

3. Create a new folder for each drawing problem and rename to “Book Initials_chapter #-Problem #_page #”. Example: Exploring Drafting chapter 9 problem 1 page 212= “ED_9-1_pg212”.


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I. Opening SolidWorks

1. From the Desktop click on the red SolidWorks shortcut


Click on the Windows start menu, All Programs, SolidWorks (version name may be different) folder then SolidWorks icon

2. Wait for the SolidWorks Splash screen to appear (image may be different)

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II. Beginning a New Part File

When SolidWorks opens your screen will look like the picture to the right.

A. Start a new Part File

1. Click on the new file icon


the arrow to the right of the SolidWorks logo, File, New


Shortcut key Ctrl+N

2. Select Part. (double click part icon or click and select ok)

Wait for a new

file to be opened.

When the new file opens it should look like the picture below:

3. Save the new part file as “Book Initials_chapter #-Problem #_page #”. Example: Exploring Drafting chapter 9 problem 1 page 212=


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III. Edit Part File Settings

1. Select Options from the title bar right of the stop light


under the Tools menu when you hover the mouse over the right arrow next to the SolidWorks logo.

2. Select the Document Properties Tab

3. Double check that Overall Drafting Standard is set to ANSI (American National Standards Institute)

4. In the left menu select Units from the list

5. Check that Unit System is set to IPS (inch,

pound, second)

6. Change to:

7. Accept changes by selecting the OK button.

8. Save File

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