From the Office of the Bishop of Broome
12 November 2007
Moves afoot for Mirrilingki Spirituality Centre
The Kimberley retreat centre, Mirrilingki, is set for a change of management. The Sisters of St Joseph, who have been managing the Centre since 1986, are stepping out, at least for the time being, from the East Kimberley facility and the Diocese of Broome is looking for a manager to oversee the ongoing operations of what is arguably Australia’s most remote spirituality and retreat haven.
Located in the range country between Halls Creek and Kununurra the Centre boasts accommodation for 38 visitors together with a large conference area and a chapel. Mirrilingki offers opportunities for directed and self directed retreats for groups and individuals. It also supplies a venue for non-church groups to meet as well as church groups and runs an alcohol rehabilitation program for Kimberley people three times a year.
Situated not far from Warmun Aboriginal Community, home of the now world famous Warmun (Turkey Creek) Aboriginal Artists, the Centre encourages close liaison with members of the community in an effort to support reconciliation and justice for Indigenous people.
The Bishop of Broome, Christopher Saunders, is looking for a single person or a couple who are committed to the faith and are capable of managing the needs of visitors and a team of volunteer staff as well as co-ordinating the services of visiting retreat leaders and course directors.
“The facility has undertaken some marvellous works over the years”, the Bishop said “and the gift of significant service to the local people and the wider community under the leadership of the Sisters of St Joseph has been exemplary. We are all very grateful for their hard work and generosity. Adult education courses given by guest lecturers and retreats by Sisters and others has provided a rich encouragement in the spiritual growth of many people including the local clergy, Aboriginal Teaching Assistants and Catholic Education personnel. We hope to continue this valued tradition of service in 2008 and beyond.”
For further information regarding the Centre and the stipend and conditions offered contact Bishop Christopher Saunders, or his secretary Janice Grimson, on (08) 91921060, Fax (08) 9192 2136 or