Eureka Public Library District

Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

On June 26, 2017

CALL TO ORDER: Determination of Quorum

The regular meeting of the Eureka Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 pm in the meeting room. Presiding was Don Whitman.


Members Present:

Jane Burke

Marjorie Crowe

Matthew Stoller

Robin Robinson

Don Whitman

Members Absent:

Timothy Martin

Sandra Sylvester


Ann Reeves


It was moved by Trustee Burke and seconded by Trustee Robinson to approve items on the consent agenda. IT WAS RESOLVED, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 22, 2017 MEETING BE ACCEPTED AND THAT IT WAS RESOLVED, THAT EXPENSES OF MAY, 2017 IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,341.77 BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT.

The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.



o  Finance

·  Approval sought to move $50 from “petty cash” into Director’s account. This was approved.

·  Closing of the Elevate Reading Savings account was suggested by auditor. This was approved.

·  Changes in the reports from bookkeeping now that we are moving to the Quickbooks Online were explained.

o  Personnel

·  No report.

o  Library Services

·  Calendar for June was handed out to Board.

·  Director sought approval of an early closure of library on Thursday, July 20th so that the staff can participate in the End of Summer Reading party. Trustee Burke moved to grant this approval and Trustee Robinson seconded. This motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

·  The Reading party location has now changed to the Lake Pavilion.

·  Director Reeves explained a possible Intergovernmental agreement that would allow students in our school district to have a library card without paying a fee. The Board asked the Director to discuss options with School District 140.

o  Building No report


o  Summer Reading program numbers have exceeded past years for numbers enrolled. Ann was delighted to report that lots of children, mothers and strollers have gathered for Story time each week.

o  Middle School programs have been a success and will continue during the school year.

o  Board was apprised of the possible effects our library district could feel if El Paso Library District expands its service area through annexation.

o  Memorials and donations were noted.

o  Both Joan Herron and Ann Reeves attended ALA exhibits recently

o  The Calendar for 2017-2018 meeting dates was presented. Board will meet on 4th Monday of each month except for May which will be on the 3rd Monday and December when there is no meeting scheduled.



o  Trustee Burke moved and Trustee Robinson seconded that we accept the FY 2017-2018 Salary Schedule and Working Budget discussed in Finance meeting. This passed by unanimous voice vote.

o  Trustee Stoller moved and Trustee Burke seconded that a Non-resident fee of $240 be adopted for the 2017-2018 year. This passed by voice vote.

o  Board recognized that no closed meetings were held during the 2016/17-board year.

o  Trustee Burke and Trustee Stoller moved for the adoption of Prevailing Wage ordinance. This was passed.

o  A motion to approve disposal of excess (discarded, unused) materials was made by Trustee Robinson and seconded by Trustee Burke. Motion carried.


ANNOUNCEMENTS The two new members of board need to complete OMA training by end of July.


There being no further business, Trustee Robinson moved and Trustee Stoller seconded that they meeting be adjourned.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm


Don Whitman, President Marjorie Crowe, Secretary ProTem