of the proceedings of the Finance and General Purposes Committee at a Meeting held at the Board's Offices, 47 Norfolk Street, Boston on Tuesday 20 January 2015.
Present:- / J. E. Grant (Chairman)Messrs: / J. A. Allen
B. Bowles
Mrs J Harrison / C. Hardy
A.Harrison / P. Richardson
Agenda item No.1
Apologies for non-attendance were received from:-
Messrs: / R.F. LeggottT. Roberts /
K. Smith
/ J WardMrs M Wright
Agenda item No. 2
Agenda item No.3
- 2015/16 ESTIMATES
The Chief Executive presented his 9 page memorandum to the Committee, which covered the forecast for the current year, a rate history and the estimate for 2015/16 showing a suggested rate increase of 1.48%
2.2 Revised Estimate forthe Year 2014/2015
This was forecast to show a small surplus of £30k but there are still 2 months until the end of the year.
There was no significant pumping expected before the end of January and normal rainfall to the end of the financial year would produce the expected surplus.
2.3 General Reserves
This reserve was expected to be over the stated policy level of 20% of annual expenditure and was forecast to remain around this level in 2015/16. The Board had no concerns over the level of this reserve.
2.4 Other Reserves
The Board had agreed to spend money on improving the resilience of theCoastal Pumping Stations, the previous year:
Board Meeting 12 February 2014:
“The Chairman highlighted the Pumping Station Renewal Fund which would have £355,000 in it by the end of the year. The Chief Executive and Engineering Manager were concerned that, following the tidal surge on 5/6 December 2013 the coastal pumping stations had been very close to flooding which would have caused them to be out of action. In common with the neighbouring IDB’s, the resilience of the pumping stations needed to be improved as the Board were not able to rely on the Environment Agencybuilding up the sea defences in the following few years.
The Engineering Manager had estimated that lifting up the pump motors and renewing the control panels higher up within the pumping stations would cost between £150,000 and £200,000. Grant in Aid was not available for the coastal stations as the area of benefit was not sufficient to support a grant claim. At Hobhole pumping station, property level flood resilience was needed to prevent water entering the pumping station through doors and windows.
The Committee were asked to support these works using the Pumping Station Fund, to avoid a significant increase in the drainage rate.”
Agenda item No.3
2. 2015/16ESTIMATES -Continued
2.4 Other Reserves - Continued
RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND / i)that the cost of Coastal Pumping Stations resilience work should be part of the 2015/16 Estimate as the works would take place during that financial year.ii)that there should be an adjustment in reserves to take this expenditure from the Pumping Station Renewals Fund in the 2015/16 accounting year.
2.5 2015/16 Estimate
The draft estimate indicated that the rate increase would need to be in the region of 1.5%, having already taken £237,000 from reserves, £200,000 of which was to deal with Pumping Station resilience works that would come from the Pumping Station Renewal Fund.
The estimate showed that expenditure on weed control and cleansing was£17,500 less than in 2014/15 and this was queried by the Board.
B.Bowles / - / asked about the maintenance regime on sewers as they were looking worse than he had seen them in many yearsThe Engineering Manager explained that 90% of sewers were maintained with a weedbasket each year but it was the loss of chemicals that had caused the majority of the growth issues. The Engineering Manager explained the possibility of retaining a digger to do extra weedcutting when it was due for replacement particularly as it has been fitted with a new engine under warranty.
The ChairmanP. Richardson
J. Allen
The Chairman / -
- / said that if this was the case then the Board would need an additional operative to ensure that other work did not fall behind.
suggested that overtime be utilised to create additional capacity to keep on top of growth in sewers.
said that this issue needed addressing now as budgets are being prepared. He said the Engineering Manager had reported 2 years ago that we needed to do more following the loss of chemicals and the Board failed to react adequately.
said that water was not moving quickly enough in Old Leake due to the same problem,
said the Board had a duty to prioritise our works according to the risks identified in the system. The Board needed to strike a balance and ultimately be fair to everyone
The Engineering Manager explained that 2014 was in the top 15 wettest years on record and this had an impact on the district. He also reminded the Board that the number of operatives in the district was lower than anticipated owing to an employee with long term sickness.
He also advised the Members that the Board had been contacted by Boston Mayflower to perform maintenance work on their privately owned watercourses which would be costed and brought to the Board. This may necessitate the employment of another employee that would also benefit the Board.
Mrs J Harrison / - / said that the Board needed to prioritise the drains in a paper exercise to tackle those that presented the highest risk.The Chief Executive went through the rest of his report and the Chairman asked Members for comments:
The ChairmanMrs J Harrison / -
- / said the Board was being sensible which he hoped would find favour with the District and Borough Councils.
asked what percentage the Board were taking from reserves
The Chief Executive confirmed that £237,00 represented 7% of a potential uplift leaving just 1.48% to be passed on to the ratepayers/special levy payers
Mrs J Harrison- Harrison
C. Hardy
B. Bowles
Mrs J Harrison / -
- / felt that this was acceptable and as an ELDC Councillor she would support it, providing the Board continued to seek ways to trim costs.
agreed with this.
also agreed.
saidhe was happy but that the Board must not erode reserves too much.
was in agreement.
Said the Chief Executive will need to explain the increase to ELDC in terms of actual value as well as percentage.
Agenda item No.3
2. 2015/16ESTIMATES -Continued
2.5 2015/16 Estimate- Continued
P. RichardsonThe Chairman / -
- / said that timeliness was important and we needed to stay ahead of the game, such as the Chief Executive’s good work in securing significant funding for essential works.
that the Witham Fourth Board had a policy of keeping separate reserves for specific purposes unlike other Boards, and he wanted this to continue.
The Engineering Manager stated that the Board are purchasing a tractor with a different flail type which would be better and should improve output.
The Chief Executive said the Engineering Manager would also consider contractors for short term or one-off works so that the Board’s workforce could stay focused on essential watercourse maintenance.
iv) / the Chief Executive’s Estimates be adopted.
that the rate be levied in the Sub District 1 (the former Borough Area of Boston) to be one half of the full rate:
that the rate be levied in Sub District 2 (the remainder of the Internal District) be the full rate:
that the Special Levies on Local Charging Authorities be set as follows:
Boston Borough Council
East Lindsey District Council / £992,611.01
The Chief Executive agreed to present his memorandum at the Board Meeting of the 11 February 2015.
There was concern expressed about the introduction of Beavers into the wild in Scotland and the South West.