Chapter 9 Review and Discussion Questions

1.  Describe the leading characteristics of charismatic leaders?
The leading characteristics of a charismatic leader are energy and determination which means they need the drive and energy in order to get things done, vision or need to see things, challenge and encouragement which means they need encouragement in order to complete challenges and last they need to have risk take or the willing to take a chance.

2.  Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, Nelson Mandela, David Koresh, Herb Kelleher, and Richard Branson are/were charismatic leaders. Can you associate with each name a characteristic (See Exhibit 9-3) of charisma you think best describes the individual? Note: If you are not familiar with these individuals, do internet research on them before attempting an answer.

Martin Luther King, Jr- High risk orientation


John F. Kennedy-Vision

Adolph Hitler-Superb communication skills

Nelson Mandela-Self-confidence and moral conviction

David Koresh-self-confidence and moral conviction

Herb Kelleher-ability to empower others

Richard Branson-Self-promoting personality

3.  Why is the theory of charisma describe as a double edged sword?

It is described as a double edged sword because it can produce both positive and negative outcomes. It can be good because following these leaders can lead you down the right path, but they can also lead you down a bad path as well.

4.  Describe the various sources from which one can draw his or her personal meaning.

You can draw your personal meaning from self-belief, legacy, selflessness, cultural heritage and traditions, activist mind-set, faith and spirituality, personal interests and values.

5.  One of the four behavioral variables of charisma is vision articulation and role-modeling behavior of the leader. Describe the four recommended steps to effective vision articulation mentioned in the text.

The first one is discrepancy between status quo and future vision which means the more discrepant the future goal is from the status quo the better, the second one is vision articulation and role modeling behavior which means charismatic leaders are able to formulate and articulate an inspirational vision, the third one is charisma and unconventional behavior which means they don’t lie and are original/new and the last one is charisma and resource needs and assessment which means they understand the need to perform realistic assessment of environmental resources.

6.  Citing specific examples, explain how charismatic leaders of the past used vision and superb communication skills to make their case.

Martin Luther King, Jr. used these two things in order to see his vision, civil rights and then had superb communication skills by talking to people and getting people to believe him. Also, Hitler has this as well because he believed that Jews weren’t equal and got people to believe that and kill them.

7.  Describe the limitations of charismatic leadership theory.

Some limitations are that it is not found directly in the leader, and it isn’t totally situationally determined.

8.  Describe five key behaviors characteristic of transformational leaders.
The five key behavioral characteristics are creation and articulation, role modeling, high performance expectations, personalized leader-member exchange and empowerment.

9.  Describe some key attributes of transformational leaders.

Some key attributes of a transformational leader are offer support in getting things done, encourage creativity and challenges followers to rethink old ways.

10.  What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is leadership that transcends self-interest to serve the needs of others, by helping them grow professionally and personally.