Your Name:

NCLC 203: Inquiry to Action

Group Peer Evaluation, Spring 2011

50 points of your final grade for this project are based upon your participation in and contribution to your groups. To help us assign these points, we ask that you evaluate the performance of your group members and yourself. Keep in mind that the information you provide here is confidential and that only unit faculty will see this evaluation. Please think about what you have learned about working effectively in groups.

We have generated several criteria to consider as you rate yourself and your group members (see table below). First, we ask that you indicate whether or not the person you are rating was part of a research, writing, presentation, or other small group in which you also worked. Note: you may rate all of your group members, only those in small groups in which you worked, or any number in-between, but we are especially interested in those with whom you worked more closely. Then, using each of the criteria and the rating scale below, provide a rating for yourself and each of your group members. In the last column we ask that you recommend a grade, for example, A, B-, C+, D, F, etc.

GROUP MEMBERS / Check this column if person was part of a small group with you (research, writing, presentation, etc.) / RATING SCALE
(poor) (average) (good) (excellent)
Criticism / Recognized
Views / Worked to
find Common
Ground / Dependable;
Work done
on time / Showed
Leadership / Inclusive in
Making / Gave Encouragement,
Support / Total Points
Batista, Bryan
Bolt, Elizabeth
Crespo, Gladys
Dilday, Samantha
Doran, Deonna
Elson, Gregory
Everett, Clara
Jagadish, Saranya
Marshall, Amy
McDonald, Stuart
Motley, Tyler
Norris, Rebecca
Rash, Lauren
Rosenberg, Michael
Santos, Vanessa
Slade, Cailey
Smith, Jasmine
Taylor, Claudette
Van Vierssen, Tyler
Walter, Evan
White, Ashley

In addition, use this page to provide specific information, positive and negative, that will provide evidence for and support your ratings. We are especially interested in individuals who stood out, either for positive reasons (e.g., the group would not have made it without this individual) or for negative reasons (e.g., this person rarely contributed to the group process and we could not count on him/her to do the work).