GOTTESMAN COMPANY & Cooperating Intermediaries Seller Profile

United States, Canada & Europe Since 1985

America’s International Network of M&A Business Brokers

Acquisition Opportunity


Business Description:Founded in 2010 this company provides full service/comprehensive hazardous and non -hazardous solid waste removal/disposal (drilling mud, cuttings (rock and sediment), contaminated soil, TENORM

waste, trash, etc) and related services and related equipment rental. The company is able to provide customers one stop shopping (one invoice for all services whichcustomers prefer) for comprehensive waste management services and does not need tosubcontract ancillary services to third parties as do many of its smaller, less capitalized and lesscapable competitors.

Distribution:Oil/gas (70%) and other (30%) companies in the Utica and Marcellus Shales in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. Largest customer is only 13% of revenue. Customer base of 140 serves about 80 customers each year. Over 80 MSAs in place. Company has multiple facilities with equipment and rolling stock repair and maintenance facilities.

Operational Strengths:Revenue is 75% recurring from regular waste transportation disposal. Demand currently exceeds supply of trucking. Hazardous & non-hazardous licenses are significant barrier to entry. Management team has 100+ years’ experience. A+ safety rating provides certification of disposal for customers.

The Transaction:The owner is looking to retire for personal reasons and is confident that the company could quickly be grown to $10 mm in revenue with an investment in some additional equipment (has equipment to

get to approximately $7 mm rev) and qualified trucking personnel, based on the amount and types of

work the owner is currently turning down (recurring and non-recurring, oilfield and non-oilfield).

Financial Summary($000s)
2017 Est by Seller / 2016 / 2015 / 2014
Revenue / 3,108 / 2,503 / 4,462 / 5,285
Adjusted EBITDA / 1,618 / 1,234 / 1,155 / 1,846
Other Highlights
Location / Financials / Management Team in Place / Years in Business / SIC Classification
Pa., W.Va., Ohio / Internal / Yes / 7 / 1382, 1389, 3533

Direct All Inquiries to:

Gottesman Company

Refer to: S-2432-21 DBN

Tel: 212-330-8010 Fax: 646-434-4557



Gottesman Company – 200 East 71st Street – New York, NY 10021

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