7pm Library

Present: K. Boyington, J. Giorshev, Cay Mills, D. Barakauskas

Regrets: Y. Stahlmann

1.0 Call to Order (1 min)

2.0 Welcome & Introductions (1 min)

3.0 School Council Issues

3.1 Review / Adoption of Minutes from last meeting – Ms. Giorshev moved to adopt the minutes from November 2016 and Mr. Boyington seconded this motion.

3.2 Pro Grant – next workshops (March 31- Homework Wars – 7 pm; April 28 – Youth, Mental Health & Addictions – 7pm)

3.3 Parent Involvement Funding ($500)-

-Ken Boyington motioned to use the funding for fridge magnets and Joanne Giorshev seconded this motion.

3.4 Positive School climate survey

It was reported that school climate survey will be administered by the school to students and staff.

The board will be responsible for soliciting input from parents. The information from the board includes:The School Climate Survey will be live on Monday, Feb. 22. A list of the Board actions was reviewed which included:

- send an email to secondary school parent/guardian email addresses we have in PowerSchool with the information and a link to the survey

-post an article on secondary school websites (that we have access to) and an image rotator

- send out a news release to media

-post an image rotator on the board’s site add a page to the parent section of the board site to be the home of all parent surveys going forward post on social media, and pay to boost a facebook post to target the demographic we want to reach


4.1 Fundraising Plans- any additional

Two plans were review for Girls’ Basketball and Girls volleyball were presented and approved.

4.2 School Calendar & Newsletter

Newsletter with the upcoming dates for the semester was distributed. Also updated parent council with respect to the regional progrant which will occur at Barrie Central on March 22 at 7pm.

4.3 Grade 8 Visits – February 16, 2016

All ten feeder schools were brought in; half in the morning and half in the afternoon; feedback from an elementary school was read; a suggestion would be to have a box for next year for students could comment on the school –so that students could give their feedback on their school continuously;

4.4 Grade Eight Night – February 17, 2016

It was reported that the evening was well attended, parking was an issue but the school was full. There was a general presentation on the school itself and then repeat presentations on pathways if parents wished to attend. The pathway presentation has been posted to the school website so parents and student can access this at any time.

4.5 Renovation – information sheet

Information sheet which had the architecture renderings of the building was distributed. The principal indicated that the same sheet is located on the school’s website. The principal reported that the project manager indicated that tender closes on March 10. He implied that mobilization may be possible during the March break.

5.0 New Business

Progrant applications for 2016-2017 – put together a list of potential topics for the 2016-2017 year for the next school council meeting in April 14, 2016. Dana will do a synervoice to families asking if there are any topics of interest they would like to see for the 2016-2017 school year.

-additional funding through PIC memo to investigated to support the March 22 event at Central.


Nil Report


Cay mills spoke to school council about the Barrie central – Barrie North transition and the committee that is working to help this transition in a positive way. A meeting was held last week – 12 members attended. Tomorrow the committee is having a presentation from Barrie Central staff about the transition and the results of their student voice survey. Staff at Barrie North are looking forward to welcoming the Barrie Central students.

Meeting Adjourned: J. Giorshev motioned to adjourn and K. Boyington seconded.

Date of Next Meeting: April 14, 2016

Items for next meeting: construction update, transition planning update, school council from Barrie Central Collegiate,

I am successful for ever

We can let the school council now about the 29th too after elections or done thanks for your help in organizing the evening thanks Ken

Tue 16/09
