*contact Kelly Diouf (APAC) or Wayne Britz (APAC) for more information on this session

What did you like?

  1. The fact that this event took place
  2. Good networking opportunities
  3. Meeting of the minds
  4. Great networking, great camaraderie
  5. Friends, unity, helping us to feel at ease
  6. Camaraderie
  7. The chance to meet people from other states
  8. The mix of people from different states & areas of expertise
  9. All the different people getting together
  10. Good attendance by many states
  11. The variety of states & organizations, # of people
  12. Well attended
  13. Informative, thought-provoking
  14. Each program left me with a thought to take home – Excellent!
  15. Very action-oriented, empowering sessions
  16. Loved brainstorming, very effective
  17. The information & learning tools that were available
  18. I liked all the information provided
  19. I like the good ideas people have
  20. Fabulous MHOAA – AI after Meredith
  21. Kudos to APAC hosts!
  22. APAC very friendly & helpful
  23. Quality of staff
  24. Admirable techniques for participation
  25. Good innovation
  26. Superb organization & delivery
  27. Very well organized
  28. Good organization
  29. Facilitation – breadth of information
  30. MHOAAs input, APAC, ROC; all great!
  31. Paul Bradley
  32. Paul Bradley
  33. Loved the lunch speakers
  34. Excellent speakers & attorney reps & NH contingent
  35. Sal
  36. Powerful leaders, powerful vision
  37. Provocative, competent presenters
  38. Boat ride great
  39. River cruise
  40. River cruise
  41. It was interesting & I really enjoyed the food & snacks

What would you have changed?

  1. Better food
  2. Less sugary breakfast on Friday
  3. All went well
  4. Over all nothing
  5. Nothing, well done!
  6. I thought the format was excellent & doesn’t need to get changed
  7. Finish either Saturday or Monday
  8. Schedule more interactions
  9. More small group work
  10. Keeping on time; breaks are important
  11. Free time for people from out state to visit highlights
  12. More state HOAs represented
  13. Lectures
  14. More practitioners
  15. More focused conversation on logistics of running a smooth ROC
  16. CFED & “MAC” should have been here
  17. State on name tags

What is a question you still need answered?

  1. Why don’t the “higher-ups” listen to the residents more?
  2. How do we (HOAs) get more say in setting the agenda nationally; i.e. with funders
  3. The full focus of MHOAA at the federal level (missed opportunities?)
  4. Funding
  5. Our biggest problem: expense for traveling, etc., for chapter members
  6. $$ - Where to get GAP funds (not loans!)
  7. What funding exists to promote national level work
  8. More strategic to convincing park owners to sell to ROCs
  9. Building the “Base” steps
  10. Can’t think of any. You did well.
  11. Where is it going to be next year?
  12. Networking
  13. Individual work session – create plan/strategies

What resources would you like to receive?

  1. Funding info
  2. List of funders
  3. Resource lists for TA & financing
  4. Financial resources
  5. Grant writing
  6. Helpful hints
  7. How to books
  8. Fact sheets
  9. DVD of film that was shot
  10. Access to all handouts in digital form
  11. It should be advantageous for more hard copies of data
  12. MHOAA convention notes, materials, contact lists, etc.
  13. List of attendees with contact information
  14. Contact sheet
  15. Contact info on each participant
  16. List of people, addresses, & states that attended
  17. Contacts from people after MHOAA is over
  18. List of participants with their email addresses
  19. Follow up from meeting would be appreciated, sessions I couldn’t attend
  20. Reports of all break-out sessions
  21. Newsletter
  22. List of which states of newsletters
  23. Examples of media coverage from other states with park prejudice

What should we do next year?

  1. More attendance (not your fault)
  2. Increase the amount of attendees
  3. Advanced notice of when it will be
  4. Build in time for announcing victories, celebrating
  5. More direct training like lunch speaker
  6. Great speaker (Sal) – invite him back
  7. Invite HUD & AARP
  8. Let APAC sponsor it again. Bev was a good coordinator.
  9. Better organized
  10. Meet regionally
  11. Hold meetings on borders between some states for easier access peripherally
  12. Invite the media
  13. Build on strategic thinking from this year & move forward with goals
  14. Not as much focus on ROC USA; there are other preservation models that need to be addressed
  15. Up to MHOAA
  16. Organize
  17. Get lemon law

How will you build the national mobile justice movement in the upcoming year?

  1. Give a copy of American Dream to other residents
  2. I will do leadership & organizing training for leaders in other states
  3. Have a place in regional association including: WA, OR, MT, ID
  4. Start a state HOA & join MHOAA
  5. Communication
  6. Be in contact with state HOAs that attended and those that didn’t
  7. Network with other states
  8. Coordinate with regional resident organizations & associations
  9. Regional meetings
  10. Break down park prejudice through language
  11. Increase awareness
  12. More public awareness, education, & outreach
  13. Invite the media to change
  14. More positive media coverage
  15. More awareness through media coverage
  16. Mass media
  17. Find a grant to hire an organizer
  18. Change policies
  19. Continuity
  20. We’re going to expand an existing listserve for attorneys working on MH issues so that it includes more attorneys working on park/ROC issues – as a way to share ideas & help each other
  21. Follow through on suggestions brought forth with discussions
  22. Take back info to my state