College of Education
Faculty Assembly Minutes

April 28, 2015

Catalyst, BH 016

Dr. Kimberly Staples called meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Welcome to Mike Dibbini, our first Women’s Soccer Coach, who is also a former middle school science teacher, and Gabe Romo, Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach.

Special recognition and congratulations to our retirees: Susan Dillinger, Melisa Hancock, Leslie Rader, Dr. Gail Shroyer, and Dr. Trudy Salsberry

Dr. Charles Rankin moved to approve minutes from March 24, 2015 meeting, seconded by Dr. Ken Hughey, and motion passes.

Standing Committee Reports

A.  Academic Affairs – Dr. Brad Burenheide

·  The first change is EDCI 715 course update. Dr. Ann Knackendoffel moved approval, Trina Harlow seconded, and motion passes.

·  The second package of changes is for 3 new courses for the Art Education Curriculum. Trina Harlow moved approval, Cyndi Danner-Kuhn seconded, and motion passes.

·  The third bundle is from the Curriculum and Instruction Department, updating the TELRN program by assigning permanent numbers for all the content methods courses. Dr. Rankin moved approval, seconded by Dr. Salsberry, and motion passes.

·  There are 3 curriculum changes as a result of the previous changes just made within the Art Education Curriculum, Dr. Amanda Morales moved for approval, Dr. Knackendoffel seconded, and motion passes.

·  Undergraduate curriculum change for the Art for Elementary Schools, Dr. Knackendoffel moved approval, seconded by Dr. Laurie Curtis, and motion passes.

·  The graduate curriculum change for Curriculum and Instruction regarding the TELRN program, moved by Trina Harlow, seconded by Dr. Knackendoffel, and motion passes.

B.  Faculty Affairs – Dr. Jessica Lane

Please don’t forget to administer TEVALs before the end of the semester.

C.  Student Affairs – No report (by Dr. Lotta Larson)

D.  Diversity for Community – Dr. Morales

Topeka high school students visited and it was a successful event that will hopefully be replicated in the future.

E. Technology – Dr. Knackendoffel

Dr. Larson talked to the committee for the last meeting. Open source textbook grant proposals were due Friday.

Other Reports

A.  Faculty Senate – Dr. Knackendoffel

Report was sent electronically. Dr. Jackie Spears will be taking over next year. Please read the report carefully for upcoming changes.

B.  Graduate Council – Dr. Royce Anne Collins

The nomination process for research faculty will proceed the same as tenure track faculty nominations. The language has been changed to reflect this in the Graduate Handbook.

C.  EGSO – Erin Meyer

Officer transitions to Lisa Tabor, Joe Dunlap, Reina Cruz, and Erin Meyer, there will be a transition meeting for officers this June.

This Friday there will be a social at Colbert Hills from 4:30-6:00. We are currently updating the graduate student listserv.

D.  Continuing Education – Rosemary Boggs

Attended 3 regional NCADA conferences recently. There are two people in KC who work for Global Campus, visiting businesses and exhibiting at job fairs and education fairs. They are assisting Dr. Collins in distributing information about the new certificate in the Adult Learning and Continuing Education Program. The recruiters also distribute information to the school districts when the Courses for Educators brochure comes out for all three terms. In conversation with the university attorney’s office regarding having release forms for any students videotaped in a class that will be used in the future. There are seven new programs in Global Campus, 476 distance students graduated, over 9,000 distance students in KS, 2,000 outside of KS.

E.  Education Council – Trina Harlow

Open House was a big success, thank you everyone for your contributions.

F.  Center for Student and Professional Services – Dr. David Griffin

Recognized Kelly Briggs for receiving the Kathryn A. Holen Excellence In Academic Advising Award. Sandra Avalos recently received the 2015 NCADA Academic Advisor Award.

G.  Library – Laura Bonella

There is a newly renamed Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship. Please remember that as finals come up the Library will be open 24 hours.


Tara Coleman – KSBN chair, shared information on the chosen book, The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore.

Rusty Earl – Launching a new web series, Education Today, which will air this summer.

Dean’s Report

·  Congratulations on a very successful Open House!

·  At AERA there was a joint reception between KU and KSU, it was a very dynamic event.

·  Drs. Jessica Holloway Libell and Tiana Pearce will be joining us a faculty members.

·  Regarding the initiative of the Coalition of the Innovative School Districts, the issue was pulled from the agenda. This conversation is not going away, but there is a more measured dialogue underway.

·  Budget wise, the tuition freeze has major implications and much deeper cuts than were originally anticipated. However, there are at least no further base cuts.

·  We are very excited about the new web series. If you have a topic of interest please see Rusty Earl or Patrice Scott.

·  Dr. David Thompson had open-heart surgery and is recovering very well.

·  Congratulations to those retiring, thank you for helping shape our college.

Thank you Dean Mercer for your great leadership.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.