Syllabus - SLIS 5410: Adult Materials and Reading Interests
Instructor: Frances A. May
Textbook (Required): Saricks, Joyce. The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction. Second Edition, 2009. ALA Editions. ISBN : 978-0838909898
Course Goals:
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize the major genres of popular fiction and films, and be able to advise patrons on their reading needs
- Use the reference tools pertaining to popular fiction, both paper and electronic
- Reflect on and understand their own reading tastes and needs
- Plan and assess programs for adults and other patron groups
- Order materials according to the demographic needs of the library community
- Weekly:
- Read the lesson on the weekly topic and the chapter in the textbook pertaining to the topic. Occasional other articles or chapters from online books where needed
- Read and report on an example of popular fiction; comment on the reports of at least 3-4 other students (within a group); answer other students’ questions regarding their report.
- Papers (2-3 pages long, single spaced):
- description and analysis of a visit to a library or bookstore
- design and describe a program for a library, either a day-long program or a program series spread out over weeks or months.
- Final Project (5-7 pages long, single spaced):
- There are several suggestions made for the students. Students may also propose their own program to the teacher, who will give permission or discuss it with them
Usual Sequence of topics:
- Introductory lesson
- Lesson 1: Mystery
- Lesson 2: Western
- Lesson 3: Inspirational Fiction
- Lesson 4: Thriller
- Lesson 5: Programming
- Lesson 6: Romance
- Lesson 7: Multicultural (American Ethnic) Fiction
- Lesson 8: Graphic Novels
- Lesson 9: Historical Fiction
- Lesson 10: Choosing Films
- Lesson 11: Horror
- Lesson 12: Science Fiction
- Lesson 13: Fantasy
- Lesson14: Nonfiction (no book report)
There may be some changes in the sequence but it will be detailed in the calendar.
Academic Misconduct Policies:
Introduction : The first instance of plagiarism or other forms of cheating may result in the reduction of the FINAL grade by one grade level, and the incident will be reported to the dean of SLIS. The second instance will result in an F for the course. The dean of SLIS will be notified, as will the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities, which may impose additional sanctions, up to and including suspension. Copies of documents relating to the situation will be placed in the student's academic file. It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the policies regarding academic misconduct. Below is information taken from the University and SLIS policy on academic misconduct. For further information see the websites.
Additional information : Cheating and disciplinary action for cheating is defined by the UNT Policy Manual Code of Student Conduct and Discipline ( Cheating is an act of academic dishonesty. It is defined and is to be handled as follows: “Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes, or otherwise securing help in a test; copying tests, assignments, reports or term papers; representing the work of another as one’s own, collaborating, without authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.” “Academic dishonesty matters may first be considered by the faculty member who may assign penalties such as failing, reduction or changing of a grade in a test, course, assignment, or other academic work, denial of a degree and/or performing additional academic work not required of other students in the course. If the student does not accept the decision of the faculty member, he/she may have his/her case heard by the academic department chairperson or head for review of his/her case. If the student does not accept the decision of the academic department chairperson, he/she may then follow the normal appeal procedures listed in Disciplinary Procedures.”