Yr Gp R 1 2 3 4 Half-term 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subject: Bedford History World War II
Context Lesson 9 in a series of 10 Children’s Pastimes
Learning Objectives (N.C. statement)

Children should learn

§  to find out about the experiences of women and children and the jobs they did during WW2
§  to find information from a wide range of sources
National Curriculum Level 2, 3 and 4
Organisation Interactive whiteboard. Whole class, group, paired and individual work
Learning styles (VAK)
Visual IWB screens
Auditory Sound bites and peer presentation in plenary
Outline of Lesson
Introduction: Class presentation offline
Ask children to brainstorm in groups what games, activities and entertainment they enjoy nowadays. Make a list of these as a class and consider which ones wouldn’t have been around in WW2. Consider if there were any alternatives. Recall from Lesson 9 the fact that children also spent their time on jobs to help the war effort.
Class presentation online (IWB)
Children listen to the wartime memories and look at the photos on the IWB and discuss the nature of the games and entertainment available to children during the war. Point out how the war affected pastimes, eg activities related to specifically to the war, blackout, gas precautions, reliance on bicycles.
Main Thrust: Children’s Activity offline
Children write a letter to a relative detailing their activities during a half-term holiday, drawing on ideas from the audio accounts and photos as well as ideas from the Jobs lesson. They may choose to be evacuees or not. Use the downloadable Children’s Pastimes key words sheet as required.
Extension activity to be started in this lesson and continued:
Children create a board game based on both good (move forward) and bad (penalty) wartime experiences, drawing on all that they have learnt over the weeks.


Children read out some of their letters to the class.
Key questions
What games and entertainment did children enjoy during the war? How were they affected by the war?
Subject Specific vocabulary
The Pictures
Resources Photos and audio in Lesson 9 Bedford in Wartime
Cross Curricular links Literacy, Citizenship, ICT, Speaking & Listening
I.C.T. Use of IWB

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